
Corroded Crown

The world at war once again The Unity an army consisting of the giants, dwarves and Humans are facing the forces of the Highkin, after seventeen years the war has come at a sudden end, exactly when the unity were beginning to push back the highkin forces. What caused this sudden end to the war? What are the highkin? why did this war start? What will happen now that the war is over? War, corruption, power, money, and blood. The world is a place of chaos. Someone always tries to reach the top. This story takes you on an adventure to discover the mystery of the world.

Boltkai · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Royal Family

Power, Authority, Wealth, 

These are used to describe the Deialger royal family, who reign for over seven hundred years.

Arthur Pov

"Ah Robert, it's good to see you again,"

"Indeed, it's been a while, my prince. Please, this way, his majesty is waiting,"

As we enter the palace, Sam and Samantha head off in the opposite direction back to their family home

As Albert and I continue to the main hall to meet my father in the throne room

The Throne Room

Two large doors made of pure mattaxe are the first level of protection. As we enter, the swords of the former emperors are suspended in the air over the throne. The throne was created by the first Emperor from an indestructible ore, blacker, than anything ever seen. It is said that god gave the first it as a gift, while some say it was the devil.

The left room called the Trident. This room houses the members of the Senate, a group of the most powerful people of the kingdom. The Senate was created by my grandfather. As the Emperor, he thought that one being ruling everything was a mistake, so he created the senate. The Senate was to act as a voice of reason to the Emperor when he took it too far, or had difficulties making a decision, but as time went on, this changed they became almost like a separate body of the Emperor. If the Emperor decided to deploy the full force of the army, they would take a vote, and only if they have a majority, only then can he move forward.

I see this as a great show of how weak we have become it is especially showing because of the current Emperor. They now have even more power than ever before.

As we enter Trident, four guards open the door, revealing the rectangular shaped table surrounding it. The seven members of the Senate have gathered. With the Emperor sitting at one end.

Lord of Trade Sebastian Metaforger, Minister of Defense Antony Deialger, Book keeper Gordon Oscar, Lord of Medicine Fino Redwood, Lord of Relations Frieden Lilac Master of production Jack Corvus, commander of Waves Nowell Von Frentall

When we entered the room, all the members stood and bowed as Albert and I made our way to the head of the table to greet the Emperor.

"We greet the Emperor. We bow in your name." Albert and I said in unison

"That's enough," he responded, his commanding voice shaking the room . "You may stand now, son, welcome home," as he embraced me

Johnathan Corvus

five feet seven inches tall. A three hundred and fifty pound pig, his soft and rounded face, his skin clean and smooth, like that of a man who has not done any manual work in his life

"I heard of the exploits you and cousin made during the war, excellent work,"

"Thank you," we responded

As I looked around the table I can see their confidence just by looking at them but something caught the corner of my eye in the seat where the Lord of Relations usually sits that blonde hair, long protruding ears and fair-skin without a doubt in my mind he was a highkin.

As I stare at him, our eyes meet before any words can leave my mouth. The pig bastard spoke

"Oh him, no need to worry as part of the deal. He will act as a middleman between the unity alliance and highkin"

"I know you've heard your brother will be getting married soon to the princess of the Kauri kingdom, and also I know the fact that when I joined your family that your succession to the throne was cut off and given to my son, but Don't worry since you've achieved great feats during your time in the war, i have talked with your uncle and we decided it's time for you to get a major role in the empire for as a reward, so the Senate an myself have decided to appoint you as the new minister of defense"

A shock came through my body, my emotions shaking with excitement and anger. "Thank you," I responded

Clapping began as my uncle rose from his seat. "Congratulations, nephew," he spoke his face could tell everything that he was feeling, so i could tell he was voted out of instead willingly giving up his position

Johnathan raises his hand, and the Clapping stop instantly

"You are now in command of security and safety of the entire empire. There is no need to panic or anything. Your uncle will continue to advise you just in case, and I hope that once my son becomes Emperor, you two will have a closer relationship,"

"Of course," I spoke as I took a seat at the table.

Albert and Antony look at each other. His father smiles to see his son has returned while Albert's face is confused by the recent departure of his father from the senate.

"Anyways, Arthur, you have one week until guests from the Kauri kingdom come here for the wedding. I hope by that time you have rested because you will need to be in tip top shape to be to be able to command the entire security for this marriage."

Also, don't forget your wife. You haven't been able to spend a night with her since the marriage, my daughter misses you," spoke Gordon

Jason and Jack Corvus, unlike their brother, the Emperor, they used to be part of the king's guard, both of them has a fit body with chiseled facial features, but just as short, pale skin. Each brother possessed the same bald head with scruffy beards. Jack was  given the title of master of production.

An estate within the Royal Palace yard

Ah,ah,ah loud moans come from a room within the house, the massive bed shaking.

"Oh fuck, Fuck me harder yes yes right there right there" she moaned louder in a high pitch voice. Her long red hair scruffy, as she is bent over like a fucking dog, he grabs her hair with one hand an he uses the other to push two of his fingers in her mouth drooling and sucking on his fingers like she has been starving for years. Her eyes roll back in her head as he continues his rough trusts. "AHHHHH....As he is about to reach climax, he pulls out of her wet pussy, an sprays he seed all over her back "Oh fuck that was incredible," he spoke short on breath

"Ugh... she responded disappointed

He takes a sheet to wipe off her back

"That was incredible" he spoke exhausted, as he lay on his back

She stand and walks over to the mirror, her red hair pasting on her body covered in sweat, as she grabs her silk silver robe, she begins to comb her hair

"You better get going from what I heard Arthur has returned from the war and is currently at the palace"

"hmph, whatever that bastard won't even do anything anyway even if he caught us," he stands from the bed as he begins to clothed his self. He arms are now wrapped around her,

"Don't worry too much. My father told me that they are planning on giving him a seat at the senate table as a reward for his efforts during the war, but really, that just a way of further stopping his ascension, also in hopes of him not totally breaking down when he hears the news of the queen

"Shush, only a select few of high-ranking officials know of the queen's situation we don't won't that to leak," she whispered,

"We justed fucked an this is what your worrying about leaking"

"Rumors of officials being together are normal, that isn't"

"You should have been mine from the beginning, be it seems the title of Princess was more compelling,"

She smiles "indeed it was" as she stands to get ready, kisses him on his lips.

"JULIE GET IN HERE!!" She shouted as he began to leave

Knock, knock

"Get in here"

He walks past her running toward the princess,

"Wh-what can I do for you your highness"

"Can you make her look like she just didn't get absolutely railed," he spoke while laughing, closing the door

Spencer Metaforger

A massive build from training at home, a full black beard with brown eyes, even though he is so well trained, he has yet to enter any form of real battle.

"Julie, I can count on your silence once, more of course, princess Christina

Christina Oscar

Long red flowing hair, beautiful soft and fair skin, her slinder waist and beautiful blue eyes, and full breasts, her father wanted to train her to become the next book keeper, but she choose a simpler life.

"I will be seeing my husband after four years. Make me look even more beautiful, will you, not that it matters he could never resist me before,"

The Trident

Aurtur, Albert, and Antony left after the meeting came to an end


"Well, that was awkward, I must say. He didn take his eyes off me even for a second,"


"Hahaha, well, that's understandable he spent four years killing people who looked like you. It was a surprise. I wondered if that was the same gentle soul who fell for my daughter,"

"Indeed, he seemed to have changed," the Emperor spoke while having a worried look on his face.

"No need to worry, brother. Even though we heard of his feats during the war, I don't think he will do anything irrational, I believe this wedding will go smoothly," said Jason as he stands in full armor behind Johnathan

"Well, I believe he will be completely broken to follow us once he meets with the queen, and once he screws up, we can just hand the position back to Antony," Jack said while smirking


Everyone is smiling while Fino face carries a worried look

Main hall

Paintings of past emperors line the walls, the floors clean, and large windows to look into the garden

As we walked down the main hall, I got curious about this position they offered me

"Uncle, what's my Authority as minister of defense? I mean, I already know of what the position entails, but in terms of power, what do I have?"

"Well, you, my nephew, or should I call you commander now, hahaha" he chuckled."You possess the authority to command any soldier or guard in the empire walls, except for the obsidian knights who under the Emperor direct command,"

"Ah, brother, welcome home." I heard

As I look ahead to see my brother accompanied by an obsidian knight.

Harold Corvus

Five feet seven inches tall. A three hundred pound pig, his soft and rounded face, his skin covered in sweat probably because he was walking down the hall, like that of a man who has not done any manual work in his life, like father like son.

'Hahaha, welcome back. How was the battlefield," he asked cheerfully,

"Very hot, it seems you changed quite a lot, Harold,"

"Hahaha, indeed I can say the same for you. Four years really doesn't change what's inside, right.

"Yeah, right,"

"Anyways, are you heading to see Christina she got even more beautiful during the years you were gone. You are one lucky man,"

"Is that anyway for an engaged man to talk,"

"Still not accustomed hearing that,"

"We, if you excuse us, we will be heading to the master bedroom to see mother,"

"Oh really, if she feels okay, tell her that i will visit this afternoon,"

A confused look came to my face as we continued on to the bedroom

"I find it strange that my mother didn't come to greet me after all this time, uncle, and what did Harold mean by if she is feeling ok," I asked curiously

"What do you mean, Anthony spoke, did you not receive any of the letters your sister sent,"

"What letters," Arthur asked with a fury filling his eyes

"The queen has been sick for a while,

Arthur, we all assumed that you were too busy to respond back. "

Arthur takes off running, passing the knights guarding the doors

"MOTHER, MOTHER," he shouted as he entered the bedroom

The knights follow him

"STOP," Antony shouted, "That's the prince,"

"Mother!?" As I walk by to see healers around her

As Arthur stood over the bed, all he could say was

"Who is this," he asked in quietly

"WHERE IS MY MOTHER? he shouted

"Sir, that is the queen," one of the healers spoke


As he looked down to see his mother beautiful black hair and happy smile, what he saw was almost zero percent muscle mass. Her rib cage could be seen from just looking, like someone who hasn't eaten in a year, the once beautiful long slik black hair gone, only leaving behind a clean scalp with small bundles of short white hair, her bones only being covered with her skin, as she opens her mouth to reveal her red gums not a sight of white, she let out deep breaths followed by small moans of pain, like someone who wishes to die.

"Art, is that you?" she spoke, a soft, wheezing voice, "it's you, isn't it, I can tell you, come closer, let me touch you."

Arthur drops at the side of the bed, with a tear running from his right eye,

"Don't be sad, I'm happy that you returned safely,"

"What happened? Why are you like this,"

"I'm not too sure myself," cough cough. "It seems us Deialgers got too careless with our poison immunity, or I've been cursed."

"Stop speaking, please rest."

"Wa-wait, before you go, please look after your siblings. You are the oldest, so you need to start taking responsibility for them, especially Liam you know how weak he is to making tough decisions, please don't try to fight another war for the throne please live peacefully somewhere",

"Why are you telling me this? You will talk to him once you get better, and"

" My sweet art, I know you can already tell, I don't have much longer to live,"

"NO!!" he shouted."You will get better soon,  I've finally come home back to you mom, please don't leave us,"

"I'm happy to see all my children are safe and sound," she said as she kissed his forehead,"I can rest easy knowing that" her hands fall from his face, as she closes her eyes, the room went silent knowing the she  she was gone for this world

Arthur gets up and walks out of the room at the same time Christina is approaching.

"Welcome back, my love," he ignores her and continues to walk down the hallway

Exactly sixty-four seconds from the passing, the bell of the lost, this is only use for the deaths of the royal family, began to rang, it rang sixty-nine times to represent the amount of years that person walk this earth, as the bell rang those in the city are obligated to stop anything they are doing an bow till it stops from bakers, farmers, even prostitutes in the middle of their service bowed on the floor.

People began to call this the cursed generation. Both the Emperor and empress died, now ending the Deialger regime, with now Harold Corvus next in line, a new generation has begun in the empire.

Arthur, while walking down the hall with Albert

"Albert, you said you'd follow me no matter what during the war. Does that still apply here? " he said quietly

"Say no more. When are we starting?" he responded

"Immediately," Arthur responded, his eyes filled with anger