
Corroded Crown

The world at war once again The Unity an army consisting of the giants, dwarves and Humans are facing the forces of the Highkin, after seventeen years the war has come at a sudden end, exactly when the unity were beginning to push back the highkin forces. What caused this sudden end to the war? What are the highkin? why did this war start? What will happen now that the war is over? War, corruption, power, money, and blood. The world is a place of chaos. Someone always tries to reach the top. This story takes you on an adventure to discover the mystery of the world.

Boltkai · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Evil Of Humanity

Sam Pov

As I ran across the black muds of the battlefield, I looked upon Lieutenant commander Arthur, who used to be a  cheerful and kind man before coming here, holding the decapitated head of the enemy with not a single one of his past emotions showing, I asked myself if this feeling was pity or the sadness to see my friend like this.

Lieutenant barracks

Old bricks hold up the homes of the soldiers during the war.

As I lay sleeping, I am worried for my friend seeing him being given his name once again, which makes me happy and worried

The anxiety of being attacked has yet to leave me, but for the first time in years, as close my eyes I can dream.

(Dream sequence)

I feel like I'm falling. As I open my eyes, a feeling of ecstasy comes over me, a world with no ending. I hear sounds, yet it's dead silent, I see colors, yet it's plain white changing faster than I can blink. It feels cold and hot. What is this?

I sense a presence, but I can't reach it now, no matter how hard I try. What is that? Who are you? Where am I? He Shouted

"Ahhh, Sam, that is your name right, Sam. There is  no need to be so loud. I was just observing some pretty fun things that will happen soon, or I hope they will happen soon."

"Who are you? A God"

"Of course not. As I said, I was just observing, tell me something, Sam. I'm curious

What makes someone evil?"

"Wh-what the hell are you saying?"

"Where am I?"

"Who are you?"

Two eyes orange like the sun has set appear in front of me. My mind still has yet to make out its body. It asks me again, "What makes someone evil?"

As I stood there, the only thing I wanted was to be of use to it

"Well, I think someone is evil when they are doing things that hurt other people,"

"What a boring answer."

"You are a warrior, a soldier. Are you not. You kill others does that make you evil."

"Ahh, no, I meant"

"Do you know what I think when someone is evil

I believe that person is selfish when someone is selfish. It makes them unbound from rules. They do things whether someone likes it or not, but when someone is selfish, those people who live by those rules see this reject it, creating the concept of evil. Do you have any thoughts on my assessment?"


"Never mind, it looks like we're out of time. I can't wait to see the choices you make."

I awoke to see the sun has already risen,

The five Lt. commanders have gathered in the  main hall, talks of how we will dissolve the army have begun

"The Emperor has decided to leave up all the outposts," said Michael as he sipped his tea

"All of the prisoners will be released in the coming days, and all high-ranking officers will return home."

"Eh , this is anticlimactic. that's it," kai responded with his mouth filled with food.

"Goddammit, sallow before you speak," Malik shouted

"The Emperor sent a carrage for Arthur, Samantha, Sam, and Albert as soon as the agreement was met. From what I heard, it has been moving to get here without rest. It should be arriving soon. He wants you all back home as soon as possible."

"Well, that's nice," Arthur replied while smirking. I can't wait to be home again.

"Commander Sir," came rushing in a soldier saluting. "Sorry for disturbing the meeting, but the Emperor carriage just arrived."

"Well then, it's time for you to get going, Lt. commander, or should I say, be seeing you, my prince, "

The Emperor Carriage,

This carriage is made from pure mattaxe, also referred to as gold iron it is found in the mattaxe mountains harvested by the dwarves. It carries the properties of iron, with 1/4 of the weight, it carries a gold color that shimmers in the sunlight. It is pulled by nine rinefins,

Horses that were breeded by the lifim In the past, their skin thick as whales, four eyes on their head and ages like that of a highkin. Also accompanied by one hundred and fifty knights on horseback, one hundred Spearman, two hundred foot soldiers, with three caravans carrying food for the horse, and five caravans for the Knights and soldiers only men who are married or have a family of at least two generations are allowed to join this unit.

"My lord Arthur, My lord Albert, Sir Sam

I have come to take you home," spoke Sir  Jordan as he had one knee to the ground and his head bowed.

Samantha comes running over. "Sorry I'm late, it was a late night last night."

"Don't you and your unit need rest," Sam asked. "I heard you all came here straight from the kingdom without a slither of rest."

"Staying awake for thirty-seven hours is  hardly anything the be tired from my lord, plus the Emperor give explicit orders to have you all home as quickly as possible, you be not worried we still have the strength to repeal any force that tries to attack us."

"Speaking of which," Jordan turns to Arthur, "your mother, the queen, told us to give this to you, my prince."

Two other knights walk with a long red robe with the creast of the royal family embroid in it, with precious gems

"Please, my prince, allow the honor of granting you this robe."

As Arthur turns around and Jordan places the robe around him

The entire camp bows with both hands on the ground with only Sam, Samantha, Albert, Michael, the knights, and the Lt.commander's allowed to kneel on one leg on the ground.

"I am proud to announce the return of Prince Arthur Deialger, Son of the invincible Alfonso, and descendant of the great emancipatior we bow in your name."

As everyone begins the board, the carriage Albert turns to Linda standing behind Michael looks her in the eyes and leaves.

Her frightened face shows as she clenches her fist.

As Sam, who is sitting in the carriage, looks at him

(The Day before)

As Arthur rushes out from hearing the news of the marriage.

"I think I will be heading to my room. I'm tired, have Linda, bring me some tea, will you" said Albert

Lieutenant Barracks

Knock, knock

"Come in,"

"Good night, sir. I brought your tea"

"Ahh Linda,"

"Will that be all?"

"Where are you off to in such a rush?" Please have a seat

"Please, sir, I have to be off to Sir Michael"

"Oh no, no, please have a seat,"

"Please, sir, I have to be off,"

"DO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM" shouted Albert in anger


I'm so sorry sir please forgive me, as she runs over to the bed you could here of how frightened she was, her voice at a higher pitch than usually, as she sits on the bed

"There we go was that so hard," as Albert walks over an sits next to her. "You know, for a maid, you smell incredible. Michael really takes good care of his property, I assume you already know what I wish to do right, my beautiful Linda,"

"Pl-please, sir, don't do this, I have yet to lay with a man. It is a sin in my culture. "

"Oh my dear, I don't give a damn about your culture he said in a calmly voice as a moves her hair to behind her ear, Don't worry little one I'm a gentle lover."

Linda Pov

He takes my hand and places it in his pants upon his hard cock, as my body trembles as I know what is to come.

He stood up, removing my hand. "Turn around," he said

I turned my head away from him. I thought, I don't have to do this. I can run right now, but the thought of having nowhere to go weaken my body. But I didn't do anything. I pulled up my skirt.

"Pull down your panty hose and underwear."

A feeling of nausea struck my stomach.

Two fingers worked into me, as tears began to run from my eyes. He began a steady rhythm as his tongue, in my ass hole

He Drops his pants to reveal his massive cock

His tongue and finger continue to move as if they were one in the same.

The warm feeling of his saliva came running down from my ass to my vagina

As he removes his tongue and fingers an began to thrust his cock in my ass, i let out small a moan, which seem to only excit him more, as he cums in my ass only after five thrust, his large body falling on top of me he whisper in my ear

"see you can still lay with a man after this can you not, I hope your culture doesn't include the arse too" as he removes his cock from my ass his sperm began to run down to my vagina and leg

"You may leave now, my beautiful Linda, take the tray and pick up the broken cup too will you, I have to rest."

He fell down, and he was instantly asleep as I picked up the broken pieces. The tears have yet to stop running from my eyes. The thought came over me, looking at the man who just raped me defenseless so easily I could end him, but all I did was say

"I will take my leave now, sir,"

(Back to the present)


As Jordan begins to move to head back to the Deialger Empire

Inside the carriage

"Well, we're heading home, cousin," Albert said while speaking in his ears

Yes, I wish to see what has become of the empire. I was set to rule, and what the fat bastard has done with it, " the anger showing in his eyes

Thirty-seven hours later

Knock knock

My Prince, we are home 

Arthur Pov

I pull back the curtain of the carriage to see the mighty empire of Deialger. The beautiful winds from the sea, as I look upon the markets and farms, smoke rises from the many smithies, homes of the commonfolk stand tall being nothing less that two stories high, their iron stone and iron chimneys relase a constant white smoke even though winters are rare here, but something feels off as I see tents on the boarders of the main town as we enter deeper in the kingdom the gravel slowly begins to change into stone roads shops selling men and women clothing, cakes, sweets and perfumes as we head to the square a staute of the first Deialger Emperor standing at one hundred and eighty-five meters tall people call him the great emancipator, carrying two axes one in each hand know as the greatest fighter and human ever born, walls two hundred and fifty meters tall surrounds the royal palace, as the carriage passes the people bow in the streets to my arrival.

We enter the palace walls to see the garden filled with exotic plants and fish massive trees and stautes line the yard. As we finally arrived at the steps of the palace, I'm greeted by Robert Newgold

Robert Newgold

Butler to the royal family, serving for seventy-two years Slim yet strong, his grey beard is well kept and clean, his tight fitted suit, and black gloves on each hand and a former war veteran.

As I got out of the carriage

He immediately bows and greets me

"Welcome home, my prince,"

Next: The Royal Family