
Corroded Crown

The world at war once again The Unity an army consisting of the giants, dwarves and Humans are facing the forces of the Highkin, after seventeen years the war has come at a sudden end, exactly when the unity were beginning to push back the highkin forces. What caused this sudden end to the war? What are the highkin? why did this war start? What will happen now that the war is over? War, corruption, power, money, and blood. The world is a place of chaos. Someone always tries to reach the top. This story takes you on an adventure to discover the mystery of the world.

Boltkai · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Metaforger Family

Loyalty, Wealth, influence

As Sam and Samantha head off to their Family estate

The Metaforger estate surrounded by a lake twelve feet deep home to thousands exotic fishes, a massive bridge takes you to there to the twelve million acres estate, trees standing at nine hundred feet high line the path to the main home, there own personal farm and training facilities. A mansion of five million Square feet, carrying four massive pillars at each end, where soldiers keep a twenty four hour security watch detail and a private army of over seven thousand men.

They're greeted by Sasha standing at five eleven, wearing a long red slim fitted silk dress, she has a green emerald necklace, with three blue sapphire rings, one on her right pinky and the other two on her thumbs, long flowing brown hair up to her hips, with bright brown eyes, and small wrinkles at the corner of her mouth

"Welcome home you two, how was the battlefield" she asked while chuckled

"Real funny, you fucking husk" Samantha replied

"Both of you stop this, it is were back and we all should just be happy" Sam said exhausted

"Well hello, my dear brother and sister," said Spencer returning on horse back

"Where the did you come from" Sasha asked

"Just back from doing some training" he replied "I couldn't miss my siblings return"

"Anyway forget that idiot, mother is waiting inside, I don't see Simon with you is he okay,

"yes he decided to stay back at the outposts, to help with the prisoners release" Sam replied

"Oh, I see, let's head inside"

"Mother, we're back"

"OK," she responded

Alana Metaforger

She is a perfectionist, expecting her children to exceed her own high standards, but rarely offering praise or acknowledgement when they do. Looking exactly like her first daughter Sasha, but even longer hair.

"Oh, Samantha you look horrible, someone please prepare a bath immediately, you should at least look decent," Alana spoke while knitting

"PLEASE STOP!!!" Samantha shouted

"Your not even looking at us"

"What you want a medal because you survived,"

"No, but at least stand an greet us"

"Hahahaha, it looks like you got a sense of humor during the four years"

"Haah, Sam exhales "I'm heading in, I don't have time for this"

"You should prepare yourself Sam, your father wishes for you to become, a usefull son now that you're back"

"Of course, because fighting in an entire war wasn't good enough, as always greet to see you too mother"

Bing, bong, Bing, bong

Silence in the Metaforger household as everyone was shocked, While Alana had a smirk on her face

(Pov Sam)

" Oh no Arthur" he spoke as the bell stops

(In Sam's room four minutes after)

Sam walks out to find Spencer sitting on his bed

"Come on Sam, after four years surrounded by men we should go out, what you say" Spencer asked

"No thanks, I should be heading to the palace,"

"Really suit yourself, I won't force anyone, but you should've at got married before you, left we're young, we should be enjoying the freedom we have"

"I'm good"

"Well, I'm off, Spencer got off his bed and headed for the door, "oh I heard father and mother speaker about, get you together, with on for the princess of the Gofindal kingdom, they have been getting stronger and stronger, as a vassal state, and their youngest just turned sixteen"

"WHAT" Sam responded shocked "when is this happening"

"At the wedding ceremony a week from now" Spencer responded

"but with the death of the empress, wouldn't the wedding be pushed back, for the seven day of mourning" Sam asked

"Father, said no matter what happens, that wedding date won't change, and the empress ceremony will be three days the most"

"Wait, that would mean breaking tradition, an why does it sound like father knew the empress would die" Sam asked with worry in his eyes

"Your Royalty, you should know what not to ask about" Spencer responded as he exits the room.

"Oh fuck" Sam spoke as he Drops to the floor

(The Trident)

"Sebastian, your son has returned are you not going to greet him," asked Gordon

"There is much more important things to be done, the Gofindal kingdom is asking of an increase in armor, which right now we don't have, The Flower kingdom is looking for medical supplies in turn for poultry and grain which we are in desperate need of at the moment" Sebastian replied

"Jack, any good news" Gordon asked

"The Brass food company, has slow down drastically since Most of their farmers got drafted to the war" Jack replied

"An who's bright idea was that Mr lord of production" Gordon said angered

"They were beginning to sell straight to other kingdoms within the empire, started exporting with their own ships and even were sitting up thier own outposts, they were making thousands everyday, while the empire made only a few hundred from taxes each week, the only way to make sure the empire would gain, was to take control over them, and keep them in check, an last time I remember we all voted on this matter" Jack explained "Anyways, not only is food production down but also the dwarves are looking for and increase in the monthly payments for not only ore but also the blacksmiths currently in the empire, there will be a influx of men and women from the army returning In the coming days, we also need to supply them with food and other stuff

Don't forget the wedding and the empress ceremony will be held within the week"

"We also can forget our enemies to the south, Rumors of a tamer and Saint being born are also of concern" Gordon said

"We need to stay focused these next few months, tomorrow we will start the ceremony and everything will move forward, let us begin" Johnathan spoke in a commanding voice.