
War God Omari and Convergence Begins...


More than five centuries had passed since the death of Sara and Omari had been travelling the world all this while...

There was news of Apocalypse's defeat and disappearance but it hardly mattered to Omari now. The life and death of this old enemy were almost inconsequential. Five centuries is a long time, he did have a smirk on his face for the smallest of moments when he heard this news though. He was at first planning to give him a visit to his tomb but he decided to ignore it because he can take care of him at any time he wants. He didn't care about changing the timeline and he had enough confidence in himself to be able to bear any consequences.

In any case, living in paranoia for someone of his ability would be the height of stupidity. In fact, he welcomed the appearance of cosmic beings so that he can get their powers.

Deviants ran wild in this ancient world and had been a constant bother all these centuries. Even if the Eternals were taking care of them they were too slow and couldn't cover the whole earth. During his travels he took care of any he came across. He didn't know but the legends of his adventures had been slowly and steadily spreading throughout the world.

Once his old followers were under threat of being wiped out by a beast tide of deviants and he had teleported with Asim and Sadiki and taken care of them by using size manipulation to grow to the size of a small hill and smashing them all to paste and using his telekineses powers to brings the remaining deviants and smashing them to paste.

His followers took this moment to announce to the public that he was their old wise Prince Omari who had become a god and had become their guardian god. Since then without Omari knowing he was revered as the War God Omari and had a religion formed dedicated to worshipping him.

Portraits of his fights began to spread throughout the world, the reason they spread so fast was that Omari had been seen defeating deviants in other parts of the world too. Curious and thankful people had been seeking to know who their saviour was so when they found out about him through the portraits spread by merchants coming from Egypt they also started praying to him.

This resulted in a curious phenomenon where in different parts of the world myths were written about the "God roaming among men". He was given different names and titles but most of the titles proclaimed him to be an immortal wandering God and many stories were written about him.

The fact that he never seemed to age firmed people's image of him being an immortal guardian and somehow the religion worshipping God Omari became the major and prevalent religion of the world. This was aided by the fact that in these desperate times when deviants were causing havoc everywhere, except the Eternals, there were no other gods to protect them, so they prayed for the only supreme power they saw who was actively defending them.

Omari also found out about his popularity and was helpless about it. He was just clearing up those ugly deviants that crossed his path and exploring his powers but it seems that he had become too popular. It's not like the modern world where information spread fast but still, his feats were too many to be hidden and localised so like any other humble man he accepted the reverence of millions of people. The fact that he had experience since his younger days of being in the attention of the world he was relatively unfazed by this. He did wonder though...what kind of effect would it have on the future?

In any case, Omari went on with life with his guardians and learnt new things, had some fun and learned new languages. The most interesting thing to him was the process of learning the language and reading its texts. At this time of the world, copyright wasn't a thing which made access to texts easier.

People were more willing to share their knowledge and experiences and this made him very gratified. This is exactly what he wanted in his past life. This kindness and openness made him like these ages.

All of humanity was more united which might also be because of the desperation of wanting to preserve their heritage in face of a common enemy "Deviants" but nonetheless, Omari enjoyed interacting with people here.

Of course, there was no lack of greedy and pompous controlling people but they would just mysteriously disappear when they did any such acts in front of Omari. Omari realised a disintegration blast was a nice and clean way to remove maggots among humanity cleanly and without fanfare.

This year his peaceful journey among people was interrupted when his senses alerted him of a disturbance in the universe. Although he wasn't able to see what was happening, probably because of his level of existence he was able to sense the oncoming of a war. He racked his brain to remember if anything major was to happen soon. His memories of his past life were already a little murky but he did know some things from the marvel timeline which he had made sure to remember.

It took him a few days to remember. While standing on top of one of the mountains in the Himalayas with Asim and Sadiki, he turned to the sky and proclaimed in a deep voice full of anticipation, "The Convergence of the nine realms begins..."

Yes, he might have grown a little bit addicted to fighting, fame and gaining new powers, but he won't admit it. Poor deviants who became his target dummies all these centuries...

Suddenly ripple appears in the sky and a hole appears through which images of the nine realms slowly aligning shows...




A/N: I am back! I had exams which finished yesterday so I will be posting more soon :) Happy reading! Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I will try to answer your questions without revealing too much but you know me...I reveal too much sometimes so don't you trick me (I see you sneaky people! ;-;) xD.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nyxiocreators' thoughts