
First Battle of Svartalfheim

Looking at the nine realms in alignment Omari searched for the world of Dark Elves. It was going to be the focus of this battle as far as he could remember. Although Earth is the focal point of all major events and a great potential source of gaining new powers, after so many years there was not one place that he had not visited. It was time to explore the universe.

After a few moments, he could see a vague outline of a very dark planet with some dark silhouettes standing in battle formation, that must be Svartalfheim. Although he could not see their faces, they did seem to be wearing those ugly masks he had seen them wearing in the movies. He focused his powers on that location when he felt that portal generation was possible he immediately started trying to establish a connection.

A purple circular portal or 2-meter radius expanded slowly in front of the three of them.

"Master are sure that you want to participate in this 'galactic war' as you call it?" Sadiki said with a concerned expression. Asim mirrored her concern.

"Yes" Omari simply replied while his eyes were closed in concentration.

Asim and Sadiki helplessly looked at each other. Their master was so reckless!

Although they were used to his antics, this was a war we are talking about! War! Not like those weak mindless beasts that they have seen their master crush casually...

"But...but...do you even know what those creatures are master? they don't look like humans?" Sadiki said with hesitation while looking at the dark silhouettes in the rings in the sky.


"What is the war about? Also, why do you want to join it, master?" Asim asked while adjusting the spear in his hand in nervousness.


Sweating with helplessness, they joined their hands in prayer for the gods to protect their young master.

After 3 minutes of hard work and concentration, Omari was successfully able to open a portal to Svartalfheim.

With firm steps, he started entering the portal followed by his guardians.

[Malekith POV]

Malekith was the cruel and warmongering leader of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim. Malekith was revered by his people, who expressed blind devotion to him, treating him almost as a god who would lead them back to the state of total power they had enjoined prior to the creation of the current universe.

He had intended to use the Aether to revert the entire universe to a state of primordial darkness. To attain this end, Malekith sought to use the Reality Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, which he augmented, turning it into a superweapon called the "Aether". The Aether had the potential to convert any matter into dark matter.

Under the command of King Bor, the Asgardian Einherjar army invaded Svartalfheim, leading to the Battle of Svartalfheim starting. There were casualties on both sides. The dark elves fought desperately and sacrificed themselves to buy more time for Malekith.

Holding the Aether in his hands he raised it to unleash its power during the convergence. Slowly he noticed a purple cloud growing over the aether. Thinking that the aether was starting to unleash a grin of victory appeared on his face.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished!" proclaimed Malekith.

"No!!!!!" roared Bor and lunged towards the aether.

Just then the cloud disappeared and out came tumbling three humans. Omari coincidently fell on top of the Aether causing it to be inserted into himself. Asim and Sadiki fell on top of him stacking on him.

At that time a peculiar scene could be seen. While a battle with clashing weapons was going on all around there was a strange silence in the middle where the three humans had fallen. Malekith was frozen by this absurd turn of events and Bor was finally claimed by gravity and fell with wide eyes, skidding to a halt.

[Omari POV]

Omari and the other two quickly got up to be surprised to see the ugly mug of a very very surprised elf turning into one of extreme anger and an old buff man looking at them with surprise and wariness. A quick look around showed them a battle going on with full force.

"What...the battle had not started when I opened the portal...wait? could there be a time difference? Damn...what the fuck!" Omari exclaimed fully going into full alert and looking all around to decipher the current situation. His plan was to spawn at the back of the army and sneak around and claim an ark ship for himself first of all and then come out to check out the battle while eating popcorn...

"Dayum I only wanted a cool spaceship!" He exclaimed again and then focused back on the two elephants in the room who were just about getting out of shock.

"What creatures are these?.... Asgardian? no doesn't look like them...Creature! it would be best if you hand over the aether and be gracious to die in silence!" Malekith said while using his powers to try to pull out the aether from Omari.

"What the....wait Aether? The reality stone?" Wide-eyed Omari searched for the reality stone while his powers coincidently automatically copied whatever power Malekith was using to control the Aether. Using this power in a hurry he found the aether hidden in him which was about to start integrating with him. Hurriedly he pulled it out and held it in his hands.

"Uhh you mean this?" Omari held it in his hands and just said something to stop Malekith. Using the focus change of Malekith to the Aether he used his powers to pull Asim and Sadiki behind him.

"Yes now hand it over creature!" Malekith said reaching for the aether. Only to be knocked away by Bor. As Malekith went tumbling away Bor turned to Omari and said, "We will have a discussion on how come you are here mortal. I sense that you don't hold malicious intentions for us so I ask you to take care of the Aether for a while."

Nodding to the old man Omari stepped backwards while Bor went towards Malekith.

"Hmm, I suppose the war will end as it would have normally if I leave it alone...If I hadn't intervened then Bor would have been able to snatch away the Aether anyways...but I don't believe all dark elves are bad. I also need some crew...alright, I have decided. I will intervene and change history again I guess." Omari said while controlling the aether to improve his matter manipulation abilities. A few seconds of experiments later his matter manipulation ability upgraded to reality manipulation. He had basically copied the stone's powers. Now even if he used the stone or didn't he would be able to manipulate reality as he wished.

"Welp...who would believe it that I could gain one of the stone's powers so easily and by such coincidence..." Omari exclaimed with befuddlement. This must be a joke right?.....right?




A/N: Phew~ I was seriously considering not letting MC gain this OP power so early but I just said fuck it! I won't stop MC from being OP when he could and should be able to monopolise such opportunities. If this is not your cup of tea I suggest you to not read further. In this book, I won't be coming in between MC and him gaining powers. It's also not as broken as others think. In the movies, the reality manipulation wasn't anything too exaggerated either. Again this is MCU MARVEL, not comics so don't use the comic knowledge to say "Oh but now he controls ALL of reality of ALL of the universe" No he doesn't xD it's a limited area of influence. But in that area he does have full control of reality so I hope you find it cool :P

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nyxiocreators' thoughts