

He could still remember how sincere she had been when she had gotten down on her knees to propose to him. He had seen the sincerity in her eyes when she had professed her love for him and he could swear she had been genuinely happy when he had offered her the necklace.

Liam's eyelids fluttered open and he was greeted with the sight of the diamond ring on his finger. He brought his hand closer to his face, staring at the ring intently. Why waste so much money to get this expensive ring if she was just gonna throw him away? Or why go against her father just because she wanted to have some fun?

Lindsey must be wrong. She had to be.

Just then, Liam's phone began to vibrate and when he looked at the caller id on the phone screen, he gulped. Anastacia!

"Hey." He said immediately he placed the phone on his ear.

"Babe, where are you? I saw you at the company and I called out to you but you didn't respond,"