
Contract Marriage: The Forgotten Promise

Vivian Reese was a renowned figure in the business world. A true example of beauty with brains who had everything a girl could ever desire in the palm of her hand. Zade Warner was a devil in disguise. A beautiful dream that women clung to fulfill and a nightmare that enemies wished they never had. The only emotion that connected them together was the legacy passed down to them from the generations of their rival families - Hatred. But fate played a cruel joke on them as Vivian and Zade were forced to be bound to each other by not just their hatred but by marriage too. To not lose their position in the company, they had to sign a deal. The two sworn enemies came to live under the same roof with sparks of hostility flying everywhere. But things changed one day as they came across a deception that had happened years ago and made them loathe each other - the death of their siblings who were precious to them more than anybody else. What was supposed to be a simple car accident turned out to be a lie shrouded in mystery. They found themselves in a web of deceit and betrayal. Will Vivian and Zade be able to let go of their hatred to bring out the truth? Will this temporary promise of marriage find its way to a love that would bind them in a sweet forever? ________ Excerpt: Vivian: "Even if I kill you infinite times, it won't quench my hatred." Zade: "Baby, infinity is still less. My hatred for you goes beyond that. That's my promise to you." Vivian: "Stop calling me baby. It sounds so disgusting coming from you." Zade: "Awww…. Are you getting goosebumps? Do I turn you on?"

Shiny_Star5683 · Urban
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7 Chs



"Viv, I will never leave you. I love you, baby."

"Viv, I am so proud of you."

"My baby is best. I love you."

Vivian clutched the bedsheets in her hands.

She kept gasping and shaking her head, her neck and forehead covered with beads of sweat.

Her lips kept moving but no sound came out.

"Vivian, I'm sorry. I will have to leave you."

The heart rate monitor began to alarm loudly. A group of doctors and nurses rushed inside.

"Immediately get me a sedative, the patient is having an anxiety attack. If we don't use it, she can go into a coma." The doctor ordered, observing the fluctuations in the heart rate monitor.

The nurses immediately handed the injection, the doctor took it while instructing, "Go and unfold her wrists, she is hurting herself."

Two nurses went to Vivian's bed and tried to open her closed fist as they could see the blood dropping due to her nails digging into her palms.

"Report to the patient's family that she will be awake in the next few hours." The doctor ordered the nurses when they were done with Vivian's hand.

"Also, one of you bandages her nail wounds."

"Yes, doctor." The nurse replied.

"Keep a look at the monitor. Also, immediately notify if something happens. We can't take chances with patients, especially this one." The doctor spoke out strictly before she took off.

The doctor went outside after she had taken one last glance at the stable heart rate on the monitor.

She saw Vivian's family enquiring about her.

"When will our daughter gain consciousness?"

"Why isn't she awake till now? What are you guys even doing!! It's already been over 10 hours." A man in his early 40s asked.

"Honey, why isn't my daughter waking up…" Vivian's mother broke out in sobs.

Her father wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her, "Love, I won't let anything happen to our daughter."

He was rewarded by getting hit on his chest by his wife.

His eyes didn't leave the poor nurse, who kept fidgeting.

'God, please save me. I'm still young. I don't want to die.'

The nurse prayed to every god he knew.

"Your daughter will wake up soon." The doctor uttered.

Instantly, the attention shifted to the doctor. If it was anyone else, they would have peed right there. Being the center of attention is no joke.

"But how long?" Her mother again asked, her eyes had turned red due to continuous crying. And they still continued to flow.

Vivian's father kept quiet yet he stared at the doctor with profoundness.

The doctor knew undoubtedly that even if he was mum, it didn't mean he was any less anxious.

The doctor could see the vulnerability in his eyes.

"At max, she would wake up in less than 5 hours. I had to give her a tranquilizer injection, if I hadn't she would have gone into a coma."

Vivian's parents became more tense.

"My…Viv…Vivian.." Her mother started to grieve for their daughter while her husband held her in his arms. His arms tightened around her body.

"Nate, I want my daughter back. Safe and sound. I don't care what you do but I want her back. I can't see her like this… Not again…Not…again…"

"Amelia, my dear, I promise you nothing will happen to our Vivian." Nathan, Vivian's father, tried his best to assure his wife.

"Please, I request you both to be strong, not for yourself but definitely for your daughter. She wouldn't like to see her parents crying. Furthermore, I can guarantee that she will awaken soon.

Now, I'm taking your leave. Please be strong."

The doctor walked away, "Let's go and check the other patient. His condition is pretty serious as well."

Nate's eyes turned bloodshot when he heard the doctor's words.


"What do you mean? Why hasn't he been awake yet? You said you took out the bullet and treated the wound! Then why isn't my son opening his eyes!!!"

A woman questioned. Her tone was laced with nervousness and outrage.

"Mrs. Warner, this is a hospital, please don't shout here. We have other patients too." The junior doctor along with the nurse made an effort to make her understand.

"I know damn well that this is a hospital and I also know the reason why I am shouting like this. So you better give me an answer to what I asked."

She said, no rather she demanded.

Both the junior doctor and nurse felt goosebumps, knowing the sobriety of the whole situation. They cursed themselves for being so unlucky that they had to go through this.

They wanted to console Mrs.Warner but couldn't say anything because of the fear of her wrath.

Right now, she appeared no less than a devil to them, who would kill if they said something that could upset her.

Moreover, they also felt uneasy due to the silence of the man standing beside her.

'At least, Mrs.Warner is expressing her rage, but her husband. God save me. Her husband's calm expression is terrifying me.'

The junior doctor earnestly prayed.

"Where is the head doctor?" The man asked, breaking off his quietness.

The junior doctor wanted to reply with I don't know but peeking at them again. He understood he shouldn't do that if he wants to be alive.

'What should I reply with? Why the hell am I the one suffering!!! I will kill that girl, Sophia. It was her shift and she should have been here.

However, at the last moment, she begged me to go for her because it was her first anniversary with her boyfriend today!!'

"Mr. and Mrs. Warner, I'm here."

The junior doctor came out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of her savior, their senior.

"Doctor, did something unusual happen to the patient? Anything?" The head doctor asked the junior.

"Nothing is happening, that's the issue! My son has been in the same condition for over 10 hours already. I want to know when he will wake up and your doctor isn't giving me an answer." Mrs. Warner indignantly spoke.

"Mrs.Warner, please calm down. I will go and check him up before I say anything."

The junior doctor and the nurse followed the head doctor.

Inside the VIP room, a gorgeous man although right now he was lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

"Was there any change in heart rate?" The head doctor asked the other two.

Whereas, the couple outside the room hugged and consoled each other.

"Kevin, our son, Zade would be fine right?"

Mrs. Warner asked her husband sobbingly.

"Shhh, Chloe, he is our son, Zade Warner.

He is a warrior. Nothing would happen to him.

I won't let anything happen to him."

Kevin patted the back of his wife as he held her in his arms.

A lone tear left his eyes but the frenzy didn't disappear from them.

'History won't repeat itself. I will make sure of that. Their enemies would be the ones to suffer.'

Here is the second up.

Also any guess about who will be wake up first?

Viv or Zee?

Thank you!!

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