
Contract Marriage: The Forgotten Promise

Vivian Reese was a renowned figure in the business world. A true example of beauty with brains who had everything a girl could ever desire in the palm of her hand. Zade Warner was a devil in disguise. A beautiful dream that women clung to fulfill and a nightmare that enemies wished they never had. The only emotion that connected them together was the legacy passed down to them from the generations of their rival families - Hatred. But fate played a cruel joke on them as Vivian and Zade were forced to be bound to each other by not just their hatred but by marriage too. To not lose their position in the company, they had to sign a deal. The two sworn enemies came to live under the same roof with sparks of hostility flying everywhere. But things changed one day as they came across a deception that had happened years ago and made them loathe each other - the death of their siblings who were precious to them more than anybody else. What was supposed to be a simple car accident turned out to be a lie shrouded in mystery. They found themselves in a web of deceit and betrayal. Will Vivian and Zade be able to let go of their hatred to bring out the truth? Will this temporary promise of marriage find its way to a love that would bind them in a sweet forever? ________ Excerpt: Vivian: "Even if I kill you infinite times, it won't quench my hatred." Zade: "Baby, infinity is still less. My hatred for you goes beyond that. That's my promise to you." Vivian: "Stop calling me baby. It sounds so disgusting coming from you." Zade: "Awww…. Are you getting goosebumps? Do I turn you on?"

Shiny_Star5683 · Urban
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7 Chs



Year 20XX, Saint Xaviers Middle High School

Saturday, 12 May

The school was silent. Not like the usual days. No students could be seen running in the corridors.

Silence engulfed every class. However, it wasn't unusual. Every student, the teacher, had been asked to come to the school auditorium.

Today the school organised an event to celebrate Mother's Day.

It was a full day event. The school invited the parents of every student.

The event began from 9 am to 5 pm. It consisted of casual games. Such as musical chairs, reverse race, and much more. All games were prepared for the mothers.

But before the games began, a small tribute to all the mothers by a group of selected students was done.

The once silent corridors weren't silent anymore.

"I am not going to perform with you."

A little girl declared with certainty. The girl wore a lavender coloured dhoti jumpsuit. Her hair was done in a simple double braid hair down.

Overall, she looked no less than a princess.

However, at this exact moment, she kept glaring at the guy in front of her.

"Stop staring at me, princess. I know I am handsome." The boy spoke while winking at her.

She scoffed, "It would be better if you come down from the pedestal, dear majesty."

"As you wish, princess." Another wink was tossed at her.

She gritted her teeth, "I am telling this for the final time, don't you dare call me princess. If you do it again. I'll make sure you can't speak for at least a week."

The boy walked closer to her, "Give it your best shot." He walked past her.

The girl let out a sigh of relief.

"And yeah, we are performing together today.


She quickly turned back and saw him walking away.

"Girls, get ready. Someone is going to regret crossing me." She asserted and strode in the opposite directions.

Her two best friends followed her.

Meanwhile, the guy along with his two guy best friends arrived at the auditorium. They went inside through the back door.

"Guys, look, our parents are sitting right there." One of the boys pointed to the first two rows.

"Dumbo, stop pointing your finger like that." A guy wearing a royal blue t-shirt argued.

The other guy who was called out didn't care and kept waving hands to his parents.

The parents also noticed their children peeking through the curtain.

He immediately smiled and waved his hand more vigorously which hit his friend.

"I'm so sorry Zee." He quickly apologised to his friend.

Zee, which was the nickname for their friend, stared at him with his deep ocean blue eyes.

"Kyle, why can't you control your excitement for a bit?"

"Rohan, you keep quiet. I'm not talking with you. You nerdy."

With this, Kyle and Rohan began to argue.

"Shut it! Would you both?" Zee spoke in an angry tone.

They sealed their lips instantly.

All three of them went back, "But guys? What about her?" Kyle asked.

Zee smirked as he remembered the warning thrown to him by her.

"Don't worry, I'll handle her. Instead, you both make sure, she and her little gang don't find out our plan." Zee instructed his two friends.

Nodding their head at him, they assured him, "Zee, everything is going according to our plan. We will take our revenge on them."

"Where are you lost?" Zee inquired when he caught the slight hesitation in Rohan's eyes.

Kyle veered around his head towards them.

Rohan pursed his lips before he sighed, "I feel like she would do something after you annoyed her, Zee."

Kyle cracked up as he heard Rohan. "So what? If she pranks him, we will prank her back in the worst way. Like we always do."

"Right, Zee?" Kyle spoke as he looked at Zee who also seemed to be occupied by his thoughts.

"Zee?" Rohan's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Let her do her best. I'll give her my worst."

Zee said seriously.

On the other side, the three girls also giggled.

"Girls, I'm so excited. They will be so shocked. I can't wait to see their reactions."

"Me too, Stella." The girl in a dark brown jumpsuit exclaimed.

They both held their hands and grinned together.

"Anaya, how will Rohan react? God, I just want the program to begin so that I can see his shocked expression." Stella giggled as she imagined the stunned look of Rohan.

Their chat got interrupted when they heard their teacher telling everyone about the commencement of the program.

"Viv, are you ready?" Stella asked her ever so silent friend.

"Never been more ready. Let's go girls." Viv said. Anaya and Stella gave her a thumbs up.

Stella wished her friends, "All the best to us!"

"Good morning and a very warm welcome to everyone present here.

Today our school has decided to celebrate one of the most special days, Mother's Day. A variety of games have been prepared for all the mothers.

However, before we go ahead, six of our talented students are here to pay tribute to all the lovely mothers.

The first group, I would like to call on stage. Stella and Rohan from grade 8.

Please, a big round of applause for our dear students."

Everyone clapped, and Stella along with Rohan rushed to the stage.

"Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers." Stella and Rohan congratulated them. They left the stage. Then came Anaya and Kyle.

"So we have our last group to perform. Then we will have a break of 15 minutes before we begin with the games.

I want another big round of applause for our last group. I won't announce their names."

The teacher who was hosting the program teased the audience.

"Viv, I know you're gonna kill it. Show him who is the winner here." Stella hugged her friend and then sent her to the stage.

Viv, she was none other than the girl in the lavender jumpsuit.

A pair of deep blue ocean eyes stared at her with mischief lurking in them.

She masked her annoyance at seeing a slight smirk on his face.

'Calm down Viv, his smirk won't last for long.' The irritation she felt disappeared as soon as she remembered her plan.

With glee, she passed him a full grin.

This earned her a raised eyebrow from him.

'What is the little medusa thinking now? Why is she grinning?'

He had to halt the train of his thoughts when he watched coming towards him.

They bowed down to the audience. Next Kyle and Stella gave them the microphone, then left the stage.

Viv took a deep breath and said, "Good…." The moment she heard the voice that echoed. A high-pitched noise rumbled. It occurred that someone had sucked onto helium.

While her eyes seemed like they would pop out anytime. They were wide as saucers.

She didn't have enough time to process anything. The audience was deadly silent but it didn't survive for long.

A cheering noise broke off the silence. Every human present in the audience knew who it was.

No one needed to figure it out.

Viv glared at Zee, the boy kept smiling.

He shook his head at her when he captured her fiery eyes throwing lethal stares at him.

"What happened, PRINCESS? Cat got your tongue? It's still no big deal, you can try your best to prank me but keep this in your mind.

I would always be the victor.


And he fainted.

"You lost and I won," Viv muttered.


Time skip to 7 years

"You have changed a lot? Don't you think so?" A soft yet stern voice resonated in the rundown factory.

There was barely a light inside the factory. Old and rusted machinery occupied all the space.

Currently, a scarcely lit area stood two people.

One girl and one guy.

Both had guns pointed at each other.

The guy let out a chuckle, "What did you expect?"

"Hmm…I did expect you to change but my expectations are too high and you can never achieve them." The girl replied.

They kept staring into each other's eyes. Their surroundings faded away.

"I will never stop hating you and your family." The girl spoke again. She loaded her revolver.

He claimed, "Trust me, feelings are mutual."

A clicking sound of the gun followed his confession.

The girl's eyes were red by now.

None of them even blinked once.

"You took away the person I loved the most. Killing you would never be enough to quench my thirst for revenge." She said while the tears streamed down her cheeks.

A tear rolled down his cheek too, "What about you? You took away the reason for my happiness! The person that I promised to kill for and die too."

"Zade Warner, I hate you with every fibre of my being. My promise."

"Vivian Reese, hate isn't enough to express what I feel for you. I promise you too."

The next moment, two gunshots went off.

Both of them fell down.

Scarlet red blood encircled their unconscious bodies.

Thank you

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