
Conquest of Ascendance

In a fantastical world where the line between hero and villain is blurred, Karma, emerges as a mysterious figure shrouded in enigma. He awakens with no memories, thrust into a infinite world gripped by turmoil. The world is divided, and the flames of power, prejudice and hatred burn bright. Karma's journey becomes a testament to the stark dichotomies that define existence, as he navigates the perilous paths of Abandoning humanity vs becoming human, Effort vs Talent, Hate vs Hate, and many other complexities. -The "Conquest of Ascendence" is an epic saga of grand proportions, where as Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. His quest to recover his lost memories, define his moral compass, uncover a meaningful goal or dream, and understand his own intrinsic value becomes a driving force that fuels the flames of destiny in a world dominated by chaos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The narrative delves deeper, exploring profound themes that resonate with the human experience. It unearths the turbulent waters of Hate versus Hate, as hatred breeds hatred in a world where differences are exploited and divisions run deep. The dichotomy of wanting to rid the unknown versus exploring the unknown becomes a central dilemma as Karma's quest takes him deeper into the heart of darkness. As Karma grapples with Accepting Your Flaws versus Rejecting Your Flaws, Racism and Identity play a pivotal role in a society torn apart by prejudice. His journey is a reflection of the internal struggle between Kindness and Self-Love, exemplified by a compassionate act that defies conventional wisdom. The tale ventures into the realm of Revenge versus Forgiveness, Dreams versus Reality, and Isolation, as Karma faces the consequences of his choices and battles his own inner demons. Fear and despair walk hand in hand in this gripping narrative, showcasing the profound struggle between Protection and Free Will. Karma's actions blur the lines between Grace and Justice, Truth and the Fall from Grace, and Innocence and Experience. Amidst the chaos, The Ascendant Conqueror explores the clash between Family and Coming of Age, Pride and Loyalty, Winners and Losers, Intent, and the perpetual tug-of-war between Fear and Despair. In a world where protection often battles with free will, the narrative unravels a tapestry of complexities that mirrors the human condition. As Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.

MeSoPyro · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7- Departure

Within the confines of the quaint, dusty structure resembling a church, the ambient mood underwent a spontaneous transformation. The brittle, timeworn wooden panels groaned beneath the weight of Myron's footsteps as he made his way toward the gracefully curved wooden door. The others in attendance turned their eyes toward him, mirroring their bodies in his direction.

Urem and Karma gradually approached Hisataria and Thalassa, who met their arrival with curious gazes. Thalassa, in particular, wore a slightly awkward expression as the two drew near.

Casually, Karma inquired of Thalassa, "So, are you guys conquerors or something?" Thalassa shook her head, her attention divided between Karma and Myron, who had just reached the door.

"Almost... not yet. We are technically on the way to making it official, right Myron?" she queried the azure-haired man, whose hand now rested on the rusted door handle. "Correct. Listen up, you guys. Here is what we are to do!" Myron's awaited announcement gathered the attention of all present.

"We're going to move out and travel to a town, the one that holds the closest headquarters for the Umpire to here. It's in a town called Endartis, and that's where we are heading!" Thalassa, evidently familiar with the town, nodded in agreement with a weird look. Karma, however, interjected with a question, "We're not going to use your carriage. Where even is it?"

Myron chuckled in response, "Nah, we're going to walk. Traversing through any dangers with your own ability, like a small test." Some reacted with deadpan expressions. "Alright! I've been itching to get out of this boring box of a building!" declared Alrickz, standing beside Sadene with an excited gleam in his eyes.

As Myron swung open the door with a resounding crash, the view revealed a lush, grassy mountain range bathed in the golden hues of a picturesque sunset. The sky above exhibited a transition from dark purple to a deep lava gradient. Myron proceeded to elaborate on their destination.

"Endartis is a larger town located a couple of days' run away, considering your estimated speed. It is under Umpire protection and dominion, primarily governed by humans. In the vicinity of the town, you'll find numerous settlements inhabited by various races, leading to deep-rooted conflicts throughout its history... so nothing unusual there." Myron's words hung in the air as the group exited the church, the mention of racial conflict prompting subtle shifts in the expressions of a few, unbeknownst to Karma, who observed with oblivious eyes.

"The Umpire, following a forceful siege on the previously existing corrupt settlements that used to control that section of land of Novaris, took over and reconstructed the town under its watchful eye of authority."

The fresh gust of wind that swept over them brushed into them new conversation, as the group under the lead of Myron headed in a north western direction. Although Myron mentioned how they would take a couple of days if they ran, nothing was said about a deadline so they all unanimously decided to walk for now. 

As the group of seven trod through the mountainside of Novaris, Sadene's casual curiosity surfaced. He turned to Alrickz with an easy nod, throwing out the question like a tossed pebble skipping over the surface of a conversational pond. "Hey, Alrickz, know where we actually are? I mean like on a bigger scale, got any insights?"

Alrickz, his demeanour embodying the untamed wilds, shot back a shrug. "No clue. Novaris, this area is also somewhere new to me, and I was just exploring the bits I stumbled upon."

Zhangli,cloaked in regal air, stepped into the exchange with an air of self-assured revelation. "Novaris lies within the category of areas we like to call Utter zones, though I'm sure you know" he said this as he turned to karma who was apparently paying attention as well. "They are categorised as such due to the on average low segnxi dwellers and overall concentration of power, It's like the forgotten cousin at the family reunion, nestled in a low segnxi zone where the tales of Novaris murmur rather than shout."

Perched on the edge of understanding, Sadene quirked an eyebrow. "Alright, Zhangli. How's this Utter Zone vibe different from the other more well-known or powerful places?"

Zhangli, his words a deliberate cadence in the modern rhythm of speech, wove the explanation. "In the Utter zones, Novaris is like an ordinary pebble on a planet. In the heart of Utter Zone, Segnxi takes a leisurely respite, orchestrating life into a laid-back rhythm. This isn't the bustling epicentre of the more powerful lands or worlds; it's a shadow in the corner where the urban clamour recedes, allowing the faint murmurs of the overlooked to surface. Though it isn't like it's always based on specific locations it's just that some areas have higher concentration than others, as in all directions spans infinite places to go."

Alricks taking an interest asked, "Really it doesnt feel that low around here? Is it that on a map would Novaris be like in the corner or something?

Replying back Zhangli state "It's not necessarily that the segnxi is low here, its just that on average other places have a concentration that isn't even comparable to the Utter Zone, I mean the Utter one of the may ways to describe such places means outer or even gutter… politics aside if you looked on a map where you could see Novaris it would be would probably be in a corner as increase in segnxi is gradual."

The group continued their journey through Novaris, threading the unexplored paths where familiarity was yet to take root. In the midst of strangers, their conversation unfolded like a map, charting the coordinates of Novaris' hidden corners and the nuanced symphony that echoed through Utter Zone, a chapter relegated to the margins of their shared adventure.


As the ensemble of wanderers traversed the undulating hillsides of Novaris, the landscape unfolded in a mesmerising symphony of fantastical wonders, seamlessly interwoven with the ethereal energies of Segnxi. The air, heavy with the fragrance of exotic blossoms and the invigorating scent of vibrant blue vegetation, caressed their senses, creating an olfactory kaleidoscope that danced with each gentle breeze.

The fauna, a diverse array of foreign creatures, frolicked in harmonious synchrony with the verdant tapestry. Luminescent insects, their wings aglow with Segnxi-infused hues, darted between the colossal leaves of towering, dark-barked trees that stood sturdy to the keen observers among the group. Each step conjured symphonies of rustling leaves and the subtle hum of Segnxi-imbued energies resonating through the very fabric of the land.

In the shadowy recesses beneath the towering giants, creatures previously unseen emerged. Wisps of Segnxi energy coalesced into playful spirits, their ephemeral forms flitting between the explorers, bestowing an otherworldly charm upon the journey. Fantastical beings with bodies of prismatic light observed from the periphery, their presence felt rather than seen, as if they were guardians of the untamed realm.

The sky above, bathed in the afterglow of a deep orange-red sunset, gradually metamorphosed into a canvas of vibrant purple-blue. Five colossal galaxies, each a tapestry of intertwining colours, painted the heavens with hues beyond mortal comprehension. Planets, distant and mysterious, hung like celestial lanterns, casting their gentle glow upon the adventurers below.

The transitioning sky mirrored the shifting energies of Segnxi in the surroundings. The group, bathed in the multi-hued glow, felt the pulse of Novaris, resonating with each beat of the landscape's heart. The air itself seemed to shimmer with latent possibilities, and the very ground beneath their feet thrummed with the essence of untold stories.

As the explorers treaded further into this living tapestry, the juxtaposition of Segnxi-infused wonders and the majesty of Novaris' natural beauty coalesced into a surreal spectacle. Their footsteps wove into the very fabric of the land, creating an unspoken harmony between the magical energies and the terrestrial wonders. The symphony of Novaris, a composition of Segnxi and nature, unfolded with every passing moment, inviting the wanderers into a realm where the boundaries between fantasy and reality blurred into a breathtaking mosaic of wonder and awe.

Amidst the kaleidoscopic wonders of Novaris, Karma's discerning gaze surveyed the fantastical panorama with an analytical curiosity that belied his usual inscrutable demeanour. The vibrant hues of the alien flora and the luminescent dance of Segnxi-imbued creatures provoked not a gasp of awe but rather a thoughtful narrowing of his intense lava-coloured eyes.

His caramel skin, kissed by the radiant glow of the surroundings, betrayed no overt signs of amazement. Instead, Karma absorbed the sensory symphony with an air of detached intrigue. As the perfume of exotic blossoms reached him, he inhaled deeply, not for the sake of appreciation but to decipher the intricate nuances of the scents that now clung to the fabric of his being.

His attention, ever keen, shifted to the diverse wildlife frolicking in the harmonious embrace of Segnxi. He observed their interactions, the subtle hierarchy of the ecosystem, and the dance of life unfolding before him. To Karma, Novaris was not just a canvas of beauty; it was a living experiment in which the threads of existence intertwined in a delicate ballet.

As the group marvelled at the fantasy creatures and the ethereal beings, Karma's gaze shifted to his companions. Hisataria's silver hair gleamed in the otherworldly glow, and Zhangli's stoic countenance seemed momentarily softened by the splendour surrounding them. Alrickz, usually exuberant, wore a glint of excitement in his eyes, while Sadene's laid-back demeanour hinted at a subtle appreciation.

Their reactions fuel my silent contemplation. How does the beauty of Novaris shape their perceptions? What was I thinking of earlier… Value… my value… IT DOESNT EXIST YET. The act of standing out does draw ones attention like the scenery… In all honesty the actual scenery, although eye catching, seems to be just that. It seems my view of value isnt of superficially standing out. How do their emotions intertwine with the Segnxi-infused wonders? I seek not the ephemeral thrill of amazement but the enduring wisdom derived from observing life's most fantastical expressions.

Analysing their reactions, Karma sought to understand the subjective experience of wonder. These were the questions that fueled Karma's internal dialogue, a silent contemplation that sought not the ephemeral thrill of amazement but the enduring wisdom derived from observing life in its most fantastical expressions.

In the midst of the surreal spectacle, Karma remained the observer, extracting knowledge from the reactions of his newfound companions. Novaris, to him, was not just a picturesque landscape but a canvas upon which the palette of life unfolded, each stroke a lesson, each hue a revelation. And as the symphony of Segnxi and nature played on, Karma, the silent conductor of his own understanding, continued to orchestrate the melodies of perception within the theatre of his analytical mind.

'Is the external spectacle a distraction, a beguiling illusion that veils the true depths of individual significance?' The question lingers, a challenge to the very foundations of my beliefs about self-worth.

The galaxies overhead, with their cosmic choreography, prompt a darker inquiry. 'Does value lie in alignment, in synchronicity with the person looking? CAN ONES WORTH BE MEASURED BY THE RESONANCE OF THEIR BEING WITH THEMSELF?' forcing myself to confront the possibility that, perhaps, true value is an intangible resonance, elusive and ever-changing.

Novaris, a canvas of fantastical wonders, becomes the battleground for this internal conflict. The alternate persona, like a shadowy mirror, reflects doubts and scepticism. 'Or, like the shifting hues of the sky, does the perception of worth change with the ever-evolving circumstances of life?' The question reverberates, challenging the stability of any defined sense of value.

Walking engrossed in his thoughts the idea of asking for anothers perspective on the matter came to mind. Perhaps getting a view from one who has years of experience on the topic of value would make his thoughts clearer. Looking over all present Karma decides to just ask the closest person to him, knowing that this topic probably has vastly varying answers based on the person asked.

Stepping up a pace on the deeply shaded blue grass that comes up to the knee within a slightly sticky mud that drags the shoe down slightly when lifting the foot out, Karma approached the oblivious Thalassa who seemed to be taken by her own thoughts given her dazed expression. 

"The name you go by is Thalassa isn't it? I have a question for you" the almost weird way of addressal caught the young woman off guard, it was almost like the person speaking to her has no experience or idea behind the nuances of conversation. Looking at who addressed her she realised why. For the one in front of her she felt admiration and pity, to act normally knowing nothing about yourself was certainly off-putting to her. People always seem to escape her own image of them.

"Um… yeah okay. Karma, right? If you think I can help… I wouldn't mind" She replied almost apprehensively. "It's about something that for some reason has been lingering in my mind. Value. What is it and what should or not be valued. It may be due to my memories but I'm not sure on what to prioritise or even think about in a view of being valued. Everything feels mostly the same." Karma told her hugely taking her by surprise before she fell into thought.

He wants to know about value? That's pretty vague isn't it? What would I want to know about value if I couldn't remember anything? "I mean instinctually people tend to value each other… or rather those close to each other, hm… I guess one's home… those that raised you to become who you are."

Karma looked at her before replying with a tone like he was pondering, "yeah, but I don't have any of those. Anything else, was that what the majority of people value?". Taking a somewhat guilty expression Thalassa apologised "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of something."

Looking at Thalassa, Karma replied, "why are you apologising… oh your words don't affect me." This made her expression turn strange before she took a thoughtful look. "I would say… people value what has impacted them, so usually close family and friends, home, maybe hobbies or even beliefs… above all things for me I value my home and family"

'So it's close to what I thought, it would make sense for most intelligent animals to see some sort of value in their own. I WONDER IF SHE WOULD PUT THEM OVER HERSELF?.' Surprising himself by the ideas he came up with he quickly asked Thalassa, "if you were stuck between losing your family and something you value just as high, say maybe yourself, what would you choose? Would you say there is a type of list for each person as they rank from most valued to least."

This instantly made whatever spell of peace the scenery had on Thalassa lose its effect as her face fell. Like he was unaware of her change in mood, Karma waited for her response. "...I don't know… I…This talk is rather bleak, isn't it… not many look at the things they care about like that."

Hearing this Karma raised a brow "is that so… why not? Would it be considered disrespectful to put things above other things? Does it differ for species?" Taking on a somewhat shocked face before replacing it with a odd face that made Karma do a double take upon feeling the weird feeling it gave him. 

"It's just that… in these types of topics people take into account the recipient's feelings, deeming it wrong to scale bonds, though that's my thoughts on it at least." she said looking off to the scenery.

Why is she talking about bonds? Karma thought slightly confused before realising she looked at his inquiries through the lens of sentimental bonds.

"As for if it differs through species… I hope not… but I guess it does, even on an individual basis it would differ. I'm sorry for not being able to provide any strong answers." Confused at why she was acting so melancholic at his basic questions Karma pondered on his brief investigation.

From what I've picked up, value seems tied to this instinctive attachment that develops over time. She mentioned family and home. Invested time, shared experiences, memories – that's the building block for value. But relationships, how are they forged? Is it merely time spent, or is there more to the equation?

Values are this ever-changing landscape. What holds significance today might not tomorrow. It's like chasing a moving target, and I'm feeling like I'm glimpsing only part of the whole picture.

And this concept of value evolving – adapt or risk irrelevance. To truly grasp the value I bring, do I need to evolve? It's a balancing act between authenticity and synchronisation with life's ever-evolving rhythm.

In this mesmerising realm, it's not just about absorbing the scenery; it's deciphering the intricate codes of morality, connections, the shifting values, and the ongoing dance of existence. Life here is a grand performance, and decoding its rhythm is the key to my own evolution. WHY ARE YOU SO HUNG UP IN THE FIRST PLACE? Even so would I fully grasp the value I can attain through myself if I learn to be valued… that's something.