
Conquest of Ascendance

In a fantastical world where the line between hero and villain is blurred, Karma, emerges as a mysterious figure shrouded in enigma. He awakens with no memories, thrust into a infinite world gripped by turmoil. The world is divided, and the flames of power, prejudice and hatred burn bright. Karma's journey becomes a testament to the stark dichotomies that define existence, as he navigates the perilous paths of Abandoning humanity vs becoming human, Effort vs Talent, Hate vs Hate, and many other complexities. -The "Conquest of Ascendence" is an epic saga of grand proportions, where as Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. His quest to recover his lost memories, define his moral compass, uncover a meaningful goal or dream, and understand his own intrinsic value becomes a driving force that fuels the flames of destiny in a world dominated by chaos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The narrative delves deeper, exploring profound themes that resonate with the human experience. It unearths the turbulent waters of Hate versus Hate, as hatred breeds hatred in a world where differences are exploited and divisions run deep. The dichotomy of wanting to rid the unknown versus exploring the unknown becomes a central dilemma as Karma's quest takes him deeper into the heart of darkness. As Karma grapples with Accepting Your Flaws versus Rejecting Your Flaws, Racism and Identity play a pivotal role in a society torn apart by prejudice. His journey is a reflection of the internal struggle between Kindness and Self-Love, exemplified by a compassionate act that defies conventional wisdom. The tale ventures into the realm of Revenge versus Forgiveness, Dreams versus Reality, and Isolation, as Karma faces the consequences of his choices and battles his own inner demons. Fear and despair walk hand in hand in this gripping narrative, showcasing the profound struggle between Protection and Free Will. Karma's actions blur the lines between Grace and Justice, Truth and the Fall from Grace, and Innocence and Experience. Amidst the chaos, The Ascendant Conqueror explores the clash between Family and Coming of Age, Pride and Loyalty, Winners and Losers, Intent, and the perpetual tug-of-war between Fear and Despair. In a world where protection often battles with free will, the narrative unravels a tapestry of complexities that mirrors the human condition. As Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.

MeSoPyro · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 - Initiation

As the startling revelation unfolded in the presence of Urem, a whirlwind of astonishment swept through the very fabric of his understanding. His eyes widened, and he stood there, caught in the maelstrom of disbelief. With a wry grin tugging at his lips, he couldn't help but comment on the intriguing turn of events.

"Well, well," Urem quipped, his tone coloured with amusement, "No wonder Myron would open the gates for you, Karma. You, my friend, are the very embodiment of fortunate misfortune." His words danced in the air, part jest, part acknowledgment, as he regarded Karma's sudden ascension to the Umpire.

In the face of such an unexpected twist, Urem couldn't help but marvel at the capricious nature of fate. Karma, in all his perplexing luck and turmoil, had now ventured into the heart of the enigmatic Umpire, and Urem's reaction was a testament to the bewildering mysteries that life continually unveiled.

Alrickz, although agreeing with Urems statements, talks about how now karma would be a big target in the cruel world, and how there are countless tales of special constitutions being experimented on or just plain killed to prevent future troubles, the basics. He says this with slight battle lust and a wolfish grin.

Amidst the murmurs of agreement and jests, Alrickz interjected with a sense of battle-lust flickering in his eyes. His tone was tinged with a wolfish grin, an undercurrent of anticipation for the challenges ahead as he addressed the newly revealed twist in Karma's fate.

"Aye, Karma," Alrickz began, his voice edged with a hint of concern buried beneath his excitement. "You've just painted a bright target on your back, lad. The world out there can be as cruel as it is captivating. Countless tales have been spun of individuals bearing unique gifts, their very existence deemed a threat to the powers that be."

He continued, his words taking on a gritty edge, "Some were silenced through experimentation, others vanished into the shadows without a trace. It's a ruthless dance we're all part of, one where the gifted are both prize and prey. But, it's the thrill of that very dance that keeps us moving forward, isn't it?" Alrickz's wolfish grin grew, reflecting the paradox of danger and exhilaration that coloured the world they ventured into.

Amidst the bickering and contrasting emotions swirling within the group, Hisataria, bearing the weight of her inherited wisdom, broke through the commotion. Looking karma in the eyes, "For your memories I think you should look for the Nyxian vortex. Even if you don't care you can think of it as a sort of goal" Her suggestion echoed like a sacred whisper, drawing the attention of all. With an air of both enlightenment and determination, she spoke a path to unlocking Karma's shrouded past—a Nyxian Vortex.

The utterance of these words seized Myron's focus entirely, his gaze locking onto Hisataria. He nodded with grave understanding, realising the depth of her insight. "The Nyxian Vortex", he explained to the baffled assembly," is a mystical gateway concealed deep within the enigmatic Twilight Nexus."

He elucidated further, each word tinged with a hint of interest, "The Nyxian Vortex is no mere portal; it is the gateway to the realm of dreams, a metaphysical place where the lines between mind and reality blur. Within its boundless confines lies the rare opportunity to commune with the very essence of one's soul, I suppose you could plumb the depths of the subconscious for lost fragments of the past."

The concept hung in the air like a luminous mist, an ethereal bridge to the elusive memories that had eluded Karma for so long. The assembly, once bewildered, now found themselves captivated by the notion, drawn into the promise of the Twilight Nexus and the Nyxian Vortex that could hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of Karma's enigmatic existence.

Still In the wake of Myron's revelation, a storm brewed within Zhanli's heart, its intensity only matched by the clenching of his fist. He had dedicated himself to a philosophy that revolved around the unyielding concept of strength protecting the weak, and to witness Karma gaining entry into the Umpire without enduring the rigorous tests ignited a smouldering ember of dissatisfaction.

Zhanli's sharp eyes darted between Karma and Myron, the gears of his mind turning furiously. As the realisation of Karma's sudden leap to the Umpire began to settle in, a churning sea of mixed emotions left him feeling slightly dissatisfied, almost cheated. To him, strength was the only currency worthy of such a privilege, and Karma's unorthodox ascension seemed to undermine the very foundation of his belief.

The swell of jealousy, subtle yet undeniable, clawed at the corners of his consciousness. His thoughts weaved through a tapestry of frustration, as he couldn't reconcile the fact that Karma had sidestepped the tests that had been the crucible for his own growth. This discordant melody played within his soul as he grappled with the idea that perhaps Karma hadn't been fully qualified, that the foundation of strength hadn't been laid in his case.

I've always held dear the age-old principles of meritocracy—the belief that one's strength is forged through struggle and sacrifice. I've dedicated my life to the idea that only those who've truly conquered adversity should bear the mantle of guardianship.

Yet, here stood Karma, an enigma that defied the rules, an individual whose gifts appeared bestowed rather than earned. The scales of fairness seemed skewed in this particular instance.

Jealousy welled within me, undeniable and powerful. I questioned the equilibrium of the world, the blurred boundaries of toil and talent. Was Karma's unfathomable potential a testament to the unwavering march of unmentioned work, or was it an anomaly that threatened the balance of my beliefs?

I found myself torn between admiration and scepticism, my soul a battleground for conflicting thoughts. Only time would unfold the intricate tapestry of destiny, and I, with a heart heavy and contemplative, continued my silent introspection.

My life up to this point although a good amount gained through my own efforts is built upon a massive and solid foundation of inheritance, be that wealth, influence, power or even treatment. I know the way this world and those in similar situations as me, those with power treat those without. This set my indignance alight, the thought that he might end up the same, a golden spoon lifted to the mouth of corruption.

With a heavy sigh and a lingering furrow in his brow, Zhanli couldn't help but question the integrity of the Umpire's selection process. To him, it was a harsh reminder that the world they inhabited was not always just, and Karma's inexplicable ascent now hung like an enigmatic question mark in the tapestry of their destinies.

"Hey! Can we stop with the jokes! They're quite insulting!" Deciding to speak out or at the very least question the decision made Zhangli bellowed his way into the conversing figures, making his striking presence known, though from the people prescient he seemed normal.

His not so sudden outburst seemingly didn't catch anyone off guard, apparently most of them could sense his growing tension from the beginning. This included Karma who with one hand in his pocket and the other by his side black sword still in hand turned his gaze over to him.

The overall act of interaction and conversing still being a new act to him let alone the idea of ideal conflict, he just stood there blankly staring back. Having an inkling to what the one in the black could've taken issue with was completely separate to the issue of him deciding if he should care or not. 

This prioritising of himself over others made sense to him but simultaneously made him internally itch, it pissed him off a feeling he couldn't quite comprehend. The others not looking on at the exchange, deeming it pointless as well as slightly agreeing with the rudeness and strangeness of the overall situation surrounding the new arrival named Karma.

His silent musings and lack of a reaction seemed to only fuel the complaints of the other party, "Don't tell me you actually think you can just show up and join the Umpire, like its some after school club or something. Not after I and everybody else that aspires to join the Umpire has to go through so much. Don't make me laugh!" his robes swaying at his passionate gestures mid speech, Zhangli locked eyes with Karmas unchanged ones like he didn't even hear him, making his eye twitch.

Before karma could speak if he even was going to he spoke up again, "You speak as if you don't know what the Umpire is, pair that with your abnormal affinities and situation is a cause for concern!, and you're actually letting him just join like that. Someone of such a lax character as he shows is not material for the Umpire" apparently not satisfied with the lack of a reaction or justification from the subject he turned his questioning gaze to Myron who was now floating in the air in a laid back position waiting to move on.

However the one to react was somewhat out of his expectations of those present. "Don't be so rude! He has gotten here so like us he is technically qualified to join, aware of it or not." the timid Thalassa exclaimed, gaining courage witnessing Karma's lack of response. As she saw the way he just let Zhangli speak to him like that she couldn't help but see herself in him, in a sort of way she saw it as standing up for a her that wasn't her. But like the reality of what she said just dawned on her she quickly regained her timidity. 

Just as Zhangli opened his mouth to respond to the sudden rebuttal from the green girl another voice from the blonde Sadene, "yeah, she is right you know. I don't mean any disrespect to your family… but remember Myron said his memories are gone, try putting yourself in his shoes. You'd probably be confused."

Hearing the former half of his argument Zhangli felt a large amount of his previous fire be replaced with a sense of bitterness and discomfort. He did not know the background of Sadene but he always felt frustrated when others would show the image of his family or any authority blind reverence. 

However, almost like a last attempt even to drill the gravity of the consequences made by this decision he prevaded, looking to his uncertainties and insecurities about Karma's disposition, "lost your memories! Yet you are so calm. Please, stop pretending. Either you are lying about yourself or you truly are insane. Have-

A calm and elegant voice holding the highest assurance cut through the noise like a cold blade, "As one of the legacies not consumed by arrogance you should have the appropriate amount of respect for others as you have for yourself. Stop shouting so we can figure this out." Hisataria spoke up, deciding she had enough of listening to empty dialogue.

As the enigmatic gazes of Hisataria and Zhangli collided, a subtle but unmistakable tension sparked between them. Their eyes, like charged particles in the vast cosmic expanse, held a clash of sovereign legacies. Hisataria, with the grace of the Lightbearer, and Zhangli, bearing the weight of the Zhìxiān, found themselves in an unspoken contest, each representing a different facet of the intricate balance within the sovereign branches.

In that fleeting moment, the air hummed with the unspoken rivalry, a clash of philosophies echoing in the silent exchange. Zhangli, the stoic guardian of strength and protection, emitted a frustrated snort as his eyes met Hisataria's, a subtle admission of the undeniable conflict beneath their veneers. Hisataria, in response, held her ground with serene composure, a flicker of challenge hidden behind her cool exterior.

The turning away of Zhangli's head was a silent acknowledgment, a veiled retreat from a confrontation that lingered beneath the surface. The tension, though subdued, lingered like a distant thunder, promising the potential for stormy clashes ahead in the intricate dance of sovereign legacies.

"This Umpire. why would I join? and why would I join?" Karma asked out loud to no one in particular.

Satisfied with the way everything went Hisataria turned to karma, "because it's a good, if not not one of the best places you could start" she said in a clear tone. Karma jerked his head up in thought asking "start what?"

Expecting this she said "hm… i guess you could call it a new life" this caused Karma's eyes to gain some curiosity, nodding at the gained attention she continued, "This could be beneficial to you. The umpire and the gained status can help in your answering of your questions, fitting in back to life and finding the Nixian vortex. All this if you help them back of course, in this world no free lunch is available".

Nodding at the explanation, Karma fell into contemplation. 

The intricacies of lost recollections held little sway over Karma's musings. His focus, akin to a sculptor chiselling a masterpiece from raw stone, fixated on shaping existence into a narrative that resonated with personal enjoyment. The allure of memory retrieval paled in comparison to the prospect of crafting a reality that harmonised with his unique inclinations.

As he navigated the enigmatic terrain of the Empire's offer, the nebulous terms and unseen obligations became variables in his intricate equation of existence. The prospect of assimilation into a society held merit not in the reconstruction of forgotten fragments but in the potential to forge a path toward self-actualization. Karma, driven by a pragmatic pursuit of joy, considered the invitation as a brushstroke in the canvas of personal evolution.

For him, the journey ahead was not a quest for a bygone past; it was a journey to weave the threads of the unknown into a page of unparalleled fulfilment. In the subtle dance between forgotten memories and the promise of an uncharted future, Karma sought not the echoes of yesteryears but the symphony of self-discovery, where every note resonated with the harmonies of a life designed for enjoyment and evolution.

Letting out a contemplative humm Karma turned to Myron, "Okay… first tell what the Umpire even is, I guess the word is not used in its normal meaning, right?" To which Myron smiled and then shouted pointing out "okay quick test! Thalassa! Explain!".

"Wha-what! You want me to… okay I-I'll do it…" breathing in deeply, Thalassa composed herself and started to speak in a neutral tone as her eyes looked distant as if she was recalling something.

 "The Umpire is a formidable organisation of countless experts, all specialising in various matters that allow it to run. It is dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of the world, fostering order, and creating and safeguarding human societies. Also, Conquerors, the elite force of the Umpire, deeply enjoy immunity from crimes that propel progress within the Umpire's domain, along with exclusive access to resources and facilities."

The others looked at her in slight surprise at her due to the amount of depth she went in, unsure of why she was being so meticulous and almost critical. Karma however appreciated this as it allowed him to gain a clearer picture of what the Umpire was.

Thalassa, unaware of everyones thoughts continued. "Operating as both government and religion, the Umpire holds sway over select human territories, challenging opposing factions, races and familiars alike. Rooted in ideals of protecting humanity, seeking power and knowledge, and unwavering loyalty to the Umpire, its followers stand against opposition, as they are seen as 'the flashlights of humanity'."

Like she was tone with an exerting task she took a breath out, exhaling all the pressure that had been on her shoulders previously. "Well was that a good explanation" she said looking between both Karma and Myron who was looking at her with a smile.

Looking at her for a while in confusion then karma nodded satisfied, "yeah appreciate it… now i have an idea of what you guys are actually doing here"

Myron righted himself to his feet "Nice Thalassa! A satisfactory explanation right there! So… so any questions?"

"Um.. so i think i know what the Umpire is and what you want me to do. Be a conqueror, right. But if i had any other questions…" Karma turned to Urem then Zhangli and Hisataria. "I also was told about the families and stuff… any other governing bodies i should know about"

To this myron shrugged "Yes, but too many to tell you really… so I say we make our move outta here, what do ya say."

Karma raised an eyebrow "oh yeah i guess ill be with you guys from now… where are we going". To this myron cleared his throat, gaining the attention of all the others ready to explain the direction for the recruitment to the Umpire.