
Conquest of Ascendance

In a fantastical world where the line between hero and villain is blurred, Karma, emerges as a mysterious figure shrouded in enigma. He awakens with no memories, thrust into a infinite world gripped by turmoil. The world is divided, and the flames of power, prejudice and hatred burn bright. Karma's journey becomes a testament to the stark dichotomies that define existence, as he navigates the perilous paths of Abandoning humanity vs becoming human, Effort vs Talent, Hate vs Hate, and many other complexities. -The "Conquest of Ascendence" is an epic saga of grand proportions, where as Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. His quest to recover his lost memories, define his moral compass, uncover a meaningful goal or dream, and understand his own intrinsic value becomes a driving force that fuels the flames of destiny in a world dominated by chaos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The narrative delves deeper, exploring profound themes that resonate with the human experience. It unearths the turbulent waters of Hate versus Hate, as hatred breeds hatred in a world where differences are exploited and divisions run deep. The dichotomy of wanting to rid the unknown versus exploring the unknown becomes a central dilemma as Karma's quest takes him deeper into the heart of darkness. As Karma grapples with Accepting Your Flaws versus Rejecting Your Flaws, Racism and Identity play a pivotal role in a society torn apart by prejudice. His journey is a reflection of the internal struggle between Kindness and Self-Love, exemplified by a compassionate act that defies conventional wisdom. The tale ventures into the realm of Revenge versus Forgiveness, Dreams versus Reality, and Isolation, as Karma faces the consequences of his choices and battles his own inner demons. Fear and despair walk hand in hand in this gripping narrative, showcasing the profound struggle between Protection and Free Will. Karma's actions blur the lines between Grace and Justice, Truth and the Fall from Grace, and Innocence and Experience. Amidst the chaos, The Ascendant Conqueror explores the clash between Family and Coming of Age, Pride and Loyalty, Winners and Losers, Intent, and the perpetual tug-of-war between Fear and Despair. In a world where protection often battles with free will, the narrative unravels a tapestry of complexities that mirrors the human condition. As Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.

MeSoPyro · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 - Refusal to Surrender to Sadness

And this concept of value evolving – adapt or risk irrelevance. To truly grasp the value I bring, do I need to evolve? It's a balancing act between authenticity and synchronisation with life's ever-evolving rhythm.

In this mesmerising realm, it's not just about absorbing the scenery; it's deciphering the intricate codes of morality, connections, the shifting values, and the ongoing dance of existence. Life here is a grand performance, and decoding its rhythm is the key to my own evolution. WHY ARE YOU SO HUNG UP IN THE FIRST PLACE? Even so would I fully grasp the value I can attain through myself if I learn to be valued… that's something.

Thinking of a way to prolong the conversation, an oddly foreign concept to him especially whilst walking and simultaneously sensing the diverse sensation of segnxi all around him, though he for some reason could tell the others were doing the same. Perhaps they were being weary of their surroundings for some reason? Its like their presence subtly expanded and coated the scenery… interesting

Could I do that?... according to them my control is abnormal due to it being subconscious to a degree… well if I consciously bring it forth like from when I attacked those guys in the forest… lets see.

Karma closed his eyes whilst walking, shutting out the canvas of the physical world. In that moment of darkness, he felt the subtle shift within, as if a dormant power stirred from its slumber. The transition from reliance on sight to the embrace of Segnxi was like stepping from a crowded street into a serene sanctuary.

His mind, like a seasoned navigator, set sail into the unseen currents. The forest, once perceived through the lens of light, now unfolded before him in a symphony of energies. Colours, indescribable by earthly hues, painted the landscape in vibrant strokes. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of the breeze, became notes in a silent melody that echoed in the chambers of his mind.

The trees, towering and ancient, emanated a steady hum of life. Their Segnxi signatures, like fingerprints on the tapestry of existence, revealed tales of seasons long past and the intricate dance of flora and fauna. Karma could almost feel the pulse of sap running through the veins of the arboreal giants.

As the group walked, their collective Segnxi resonance intertwined, creating a harmonious resonance. Each member, a distinct note in the cosmic melody, contributed to the unique composition of their shared journey. Karma discerned the ebb and flow of their energies, sensing the unspoken camaraderie woven into the fabric of their shared adventure.

The creatures of the forest, unseen by mortal eyes, left impressions in the Segnxi spectrum. Their movements, marked by patterns of energy, hinted at the diverse inhabitants that called this mystical woodland home. Karma marvelled at the interconnected web of life, a tapestry woven with threads of Segnxi.

In this moment of sensory immersion, Karma found himself not merely walking through a forest but traversing a realm of interconnected energies. The Segnxi senses, once a dormant gift, now unveiled the hidden poetry of the world around him, inviting him to dance to its rhythm.

Instantly when the others felt his pulse of segnxi they all turned back to see his closed eyes, all giving slightly startled faces. How could they not? Wasn't this the same guy with no memories, casually watching people use segnxi to watch for possible danger and just replicating it. What a joke.

Zhangli behind the right hand side of Myron who was leading the group not paying attention to the happenings behind him gave a twitch of his brow then a slight grimace at the sight before him, turning around with a thoughtful look.

Satisfied with his testing Karma opened his eyes wanting to continue his conversation with Thalssa. Upon seeing her shocked face he just ignored it not even considering anything was amiss.

"Earlier, you were talking about bonds. Well what's so cool about them? How do you even make them, do I just talk to others and a connection is made? How do I know if the others involved have approved of a bond?"

Spitting out questions like a gun, looking completely off for someone walking in a random mystical forest when night is approaching, Thalassa just now getting used to Karma's oddness gave a smile thought for a moment.

'Are we… becoming friends… it might be a bit selfish to take advantage of someone who might not know what the concept of friendship actually entails but… I mean I have never been talked to in such a way… this atmosphere is kind of nice… even if they are…' she looked at the group.

Making up her mind she turned to Karma.

"In my experience… Actually let me start with where I came from. Maybe if I tell you a little about myself it could answer some of your questions about the fundamentals of interaction and why people value them." looking off into the distance she began.

"Where I grew up was in one of the countless nations that is deep in conflict, it wasn't the strongest or wealthiest nation but definitely wasn't the worst off. However, at the time of me being a child I didn't know that, I never knew why the people around me wore such sad or distraught expressions all the time, be happy I thought. I never knew why kids my age would lose the smiles they had the days before, why are you so sad? I thought." coming up to here, she sighed.

"Well I found out later, at the age of five when my parents went out for… their work and did not come back. Later I was told by elders that they both died, both killed by attacking forces, and with that I had my answers, why those people wore those expressions and why those kids looked so sad. The reality that evaded me all that time somehow crashed into me… how cruel and ruthless the world could be. This might sound weird to you but once you lose a bond so strong it holds up part of your life its shattering when that bond is cut." the lights in her eyes from the scenery slightly dimmed and to karma's confusion her eyes looked like they were almost watering.

Hisataria who was off to the right of the group gave a glance before retracting her gaze, Sadene gave a look before returning with his talk with Alrickz who didn't seem to be bothered like the rest.

"By the time I was taken in by… family friends I was educated on the situation and reasons behind the suffering of those around me, they taught me on how if we were to lose the conflit everything I know would be wiped from the map… As time passed I started to miss the past, the time before I realised concepts like death, hunger or war even existed. Having to get rid of my dream of being a fashion designer for training my segnxi to harm or potentially kill others."

Small tears started to dribble down her cheeks before being wiped off.

"Reflecting back on my times when I was younger, I tried to rationalise that my parents would not want me to surrender to sadness. It was then when I picked up reading, reading of fantastical places from across the world, amazing figures who i started to look up to… but above all else i started to look forward to the future, when the conflict was all over, i would be able to see these things… and maybe even become a fashion designer… though i don't think i have it in me anymore…"

As if she realised she was venting her pent up feelings to him she gave a shocked expression before it was replaced with an embarrassed face, her cheeks turning red from shame.

"Uh-um… sorry about that, I don't know what quite got into me… I haven't really answered the rest of your questions''

"Why are you apologising? Also why were you sad, was it because your parents died or your country?" Karma asked with a raised eyebrow, causing the wry smile on Thalassa's face to cramp momentarily and some others to cough awkwardly. 

"Y-yeah… well… lets see… one way i tried to create value for myself was to make myself useful… in times of need, especially in conflict as you might see if you ever travell around people need help, so I sought to solve or help their problems. It could also help you understand others better, if anything the satisfaction of helping others could encourage you to continue…"

"Well I'm not sure why people want to connect with each other so much, though maybe I will… What will I seek next? Perhaps i can… i'll just observe and take it by eye, people learn that way usually "

"Sorry, I'm not the best with these things, though like you implied before that's just the value of bonds some people may find value in other things in life… like uh… adrenaline junkies"

? Karma stared at her, not understanding the term.

"Uh that was a joke"

"What… you were lying… oh you mean the thing about 'adrenaline junkies'... I see"