
Condemed To War

Ares has finally had enough of the disrespect from the other gods and has decided that he deserves Hekate as his bride. Hekate disagrees, in order for Hekate to escape him she leaves her immortal body to find a human vessel. Kate loves her cafe, cares about her friends, and lets a goddess live inside of her. Hekate has been with Kate's family since she left her body taking over when necessary to fight against Ares minions. Everything was going well until the day one of Ares son's attacks her outside of her cafe and she discovers that someone has set Ares free.

Bianca_Schreiner · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Chapter Eighty-Nine

The second her necklace was ripped away from her Hekate was shoved back inside and Kate was thrust forward again. The only good thing that had come from Hekate taking over for the second was she was able to heal Kate's broken leg just enough to let her stand on it without being in excruciating pain. There was a blink just behind Ares and Eris was standing behind him, the necklace hanging from her hand. She dangled it in front of her smiling face before she dropped it into Ares's open palm.

The second the metal hit his palm Kate felt a cold chill crawl up her spine. He held up the trinket studying the stone set in it, his eyes filled with triumph and he closed his fist around it.

"That is not yours," Kate said her jaw clenched in fury. He looked down at her and with a sneer, his hand lashed out and struck her in the face. The blow wasn't so strong as to knock her to her knees but it made her ears ring and stars clouded the corners of her vision.