
Comprehensive Freedom

*THIS NOVEL IS COPY PASTE FROM MTL* ALL RIGHTS RESERVE FOR AUTHOR NAMED ➡️ ROAMER ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Do whatever you want, move what you want, live only for what you want, grab only for what you want, walk around the world as you like, unscrupulously plunder beautiful women from all sides, use the strongest strength, and live freely in the world .

Iring_na_itom · Fantasy
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281 Chs


At the Tomb of the Deep Ocean, when you answered the phone, Sha You originally wanted to ask who was calling, but when she heard the words on the phone, she immediately swallowed what she wanted to say to her belly while listening carefully. The message came while walking towards the place where Estes was.

After shifting with Dotya, I was planning to return to the room, and I saw Shayou who came hurriedly and anxiously. I just wanted to ask if there was anything important, but I saw Shayou's slender fingers. Put it on your lips, as if to signal that you should not make a sound.

Soon, Shayou came to Esdes and pressed the phone in her hand to let the dialogue sound inside the phone play out, so that Esdes could know the situation.

After listening to the words on the phone, Estes's face chilled. After taking the phone in his hand, she made a gesture to Shayou and asked her to go to the ship to call the beautiful army.

Shayou nodded and understood the meaning of Estes. After all, she followed to fight before, so she understood the meaning of these gestures.

"Swoosh!" Shayou quickly used it, and Noel gave her the ability to speed. The high speed flashed on the tomb of the deep ocean, and soon the message was told to everyone on this luxury ship.

The women who received the information frowned, quickly picked up their arms with cold faces, and ran towards the deck of the ship.

The Belle Legion also picked up. Dotya's marked weapon, which he had transformed three days ago, rushed to the deck of the Tomb of the Deep Ocean to await the arrival of Esdes and issued the next order to them.

After all, when Noel was absent, the command of the beautiful legion was taken over by Estes. If it was not both, it was Najeta's turn to take over.

Just when Esdes convened the team

In the dark warehouse, Galdorius had already said everything, and he planned to leave the dark warehouse.

"Miss Lan Yu, although I don't doubt your ability, but I still want to give you a piece of advice, as soon as possible!" Galdo Xiu turned his back on the three women in the warehouse, and left the dark warehouse after the speech. It was then locked up.

"He said that sn.ix is ​​inside, right?" Seeing the other person leaving, Lan Yuqin turned around and walked inside the warehouse, intending to find a new model of supercomputer, because the loud explosion outside made her quite uneasy. Friends who are worried about Xianshen Island suffer unexpectedly.

"Sister Onion, don't worry!" Xuecai whispered in a hurry, looked carefully to make sure that the man had left, pulled the blue feather onion to the corner, took out the phone from the gap between the boxes and shook it with a smile .

"In a call?!" Blue Yu lightly stunned for a moment when she saw the display on the phone. She really didn't find out when Xuecai took out her phone and dialed the phone number.

auzw.com "Hey, is anyone here?" Xuecai asked quietly with her mobile phone. After all, it would be bad to be discovered. She can't protect it, and she has no force at all. Female.

"Xuecai sauce, are you still safe?" Aides voice came from the phone, trying to make sure they were safe.

"Sister Estes, we are safe now, but I am not sure to take the three of them out safely!" After hearing the sound of Estes, Xuecai quickly reported the situation and wanted to leave if she was alone. It's very simple here, but now to protect the safety of the three, she has no way to launch an attack, let alone escape from here.

"It's okay! We'll be over soon, is the addition of an artificial island, right?" The phone came, and Esdes asked. After all, I heard the kidnappers and reported their location. Now I just want to make sure.

"Yes! I will use the new model of supercomputer to pass the road map to you!" Lan Yuqianqing recovered, said to Xuecai's mobile phone, there is a supercomputer here, and can also follow It was easy for her to communicate outside and find the map and location here.

"It's the newly added light green onion sauce, then please. I'll hang up the phone first, and wait for you to send the road map!" I heard a road map, Esdez smiled slightly, this can make you wait People quickly find them.

The phone was disconnected, and Xuecai and Lan Yuqianqin looked at each other, and after a few whispered discussions, they began to act separately.

Lan Yuqin went to the supercomputer, quickly searched for its location, and transmitted it to the Tomb of the Deep Ocean with the fastest speed, and also began to crack the remaining slabs to find a way to stop Narakvila.

And Xuecai and Xiayin, in the dark warehouse, carefully blocked the door to fight for some time for Esdes and others.

After stacking a lot of goods at the door, Xuecai began to tap lightly on the surrounding walls, trying to find a thinner wall. If those people broke through the blocked door, she could also immediately smash the wall and bring the three in the warehouse. The woman leaves here.

Xia Yin, who has nothing to do, is praying that Noel will come to save himself and others while taking care of Xiaolinsha, who is good for the sleepy state. After all, both of them have things to be busy, and only she can take care of Cong Xiaoling Sandy.

But the blue feathers on the super computer room are light green, and I don't know that the slate she cracked will be directly imported into Narakville. Every time she cracks a slate, the Narakvila placed in the large warehouse outside will be quickly received. all the information.

On the tomb of the deep ocean, Estes looked at the route map and found that the location was not far away from here. If it was rushed at full speed, it would not take long to arrive.

"You have found out where the enemy is, all the creatures or dead things that dare to block the rescuer, we will destroy them all!" Estes froze his face, a huge murderous spirit came out of his body, and looked coldly. Add artificial islands in the distance.

"Yes!" the women and the beautiful legion cried out in unison.
