
Comprehensive Freedom

*THIS NOVEL IS COPY PASTE FROM MTL* ALL RIGHTS RESERVE FOR AUTHOR NAMED ➡️ ROAMER ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Do whatever you want, move what you want, live only for what you want, grab only for what you want, walk around the world as you like, unscrupulously plunder beautiful women from all sides, use the strongest strength, and live freely in the world .

Iring_na_itom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
281 Chs


"Xuecai, you're so calm!" Lan Yu glanced at her and looked after Xuecai, who was very calm in Xiaoxinsha. She didn't expect the other party to be so calm.

"Compared with this, Linsha, why is she so scared?" Xuecai asked doubtfully. Anyway, she saw it for the first time, and Xiaolinsha showed fear just now.

"Yeah, this is also the first time I saw that Lin Sha was so panic!" Xia Yin was also very puzzled, and she had never seen Xiao Linsha so panic.

"Since Linsha trusts you so much, I'll tell you!" Once through the ghost gate, she was involved in the train accident four years ago. At that time, it was thought that the train accident caused by the Demon Race would not regain consciousness in her life!"

"That's why Linsha is so kind to Mozu." Xuecai holds Xiaolinsha. She didn't expect that Xiaolinsha would go through such a thing.

"Ninsha, so pitiful" Hearing Lan Yu's shallow onion, Xia Yin held Xiaolinsha's small hand.

"Also, I'm sorry, it's because of me that I become like this!" Lan Yu Qian Chong said a little embarrassed. After all, the other party's goal was himself, and the three of them were just involved in it, saying that the white point was that they harmed them.

"Sister Onion, do you often encounter this kind of thing?" Seeing Lan Yu onion apologizing to himself and others, Xia Yin asked very puzzledly, and was also wondering if the other party often encountered such kidnapping incidents.

"Occasionally I will encounter such a situation, such as entrusting me to illegally invade and so on, but it was the first time I was invited by such a strong ying, but why?" Lan Yu said, helplessly, explaining to Xia Yin and Xuecai After all, she caused the two to roll up and have the obligation to explain to them.

It was at this time that the gate of the warehouse opened from the outside, and the light shone into the dark warehouse. The middle-aged uncle who kidnapped the four women walked in with a soldier.

"It seems that you haven't realized that you are a celebrity. You are among the technicians we hire, and you can be described as no one knows, no one knows!" Galdoxiu walked into the warehouse and took a thick copy The book was thrown in front of Lan Yu.

"Snix's manual?" Lan Yu Qingchun picked up the book. She didn't understand what the other party was doing with the book.

"I heard that it is the latest model of the same model as the supercomputer you are using. I hope you can use this to crack Narakvila's control commands!" Galdo repaired, his purpose of kidnapping this time.

"Ancient weapon, Narakvila?" Hearing the other party's purpose, Xuecai remembered to see the information of the ancient weapon Narakvila in the Lion King's institution, but she didn't think of the other party's purpose, it would be this unusable ancient weapon.

auzw.com "The person who sent me the boring puzzle yesterday was you!" Lan Yu Qingcong recalled that the puzzle I received last night was mentioned in it, Narak The name Vera, so she must have sent those boring puzzles to herself.

"We have sent the same content to more than 150 hackers so far, but only you can read it, the so-called boring puzzle, and it takes less than three hours!" said Galdo Xiu seriously. Even he himself couldn't believe it. The genius girl in front of him could not only interpret it but also used the shortest time to completely interpret the information.

"Unexpectedly, I was attracted to you when I was bored," Lan Yu said sullenly, thinking about when Noel would come back last night, and suddenly received the puzzle, and he used the fastest speed to get bored. It's cracked.

"To kill the first true ancestor, in order to fulfill this ambition, Narakvila's power is indispensable!" Gardoxus ignored it, and Lan Yu whispered softly that he wanted to kill the first true Zu's bold ideas.

"Are you planning to involve the whole world in a full-scale war?" Lan Yuqianli didn't expect that the other party would have such a crazy idea.

"I can't hope for it, although it may not be compatible with your values, so I believe you will help us!" Galdo Xiu smiled, but very much looking forward to launching a full-scale war, he can also say that he would like to start a full-scale war now.

"Huh? What the **** are you talking about?" Lan Yu lightly stunned for a moment, confused by what the other party said, and what would help him.

Seeing Lan Yu's shallow green onions, he didn't understand, and Gardoxiu took a tablet computer from the soldiers next to him. The computer screen showed a very old stone slab with serious damage.

"This is one of a total of 54 slabs, that is, the slab you interpreted. The starting language was written by Narak Vera's start command!" Gardo repaired with a smile, and explained with a shielded computer.

"What's the matter, if it's just starting and you can't control it" Lan Yuqian was halfway through, suddenly thinking of the other party's real purpose.

"Yes, we can only start Narakvila, no matter if it destroys the city or burns your friends!" Gardoxiu said with a smile, he also saw the electronic genius in front of him and guessed himself The purpose of others.

"It's so mean!" Lan Yu Qingchun frowned, just as he had just thought, wanting to threaten himself like this, to help them crack the rest of the slate, so that they would get Narakvila control.

It's just that the blue feathers on the conversation, as well as Galdosius and his soldiers, did not see behind Xiaolin Sha. Xuecai had dialed the phone on the Tomb of the Deep Ocean. The content of the conversation was just one word. Sha You, who was all answered, heard it.

In fact, when Xiao Linsha screamed in horror, Xuecai hid her mobile phone on her body, just to call for help from the sisters of the Tomb of the Deep Ocean when no one was watching them, but just dialed the phone. The repair came in, so I could only hide it carefully.
