
Comprehensive Freedom

*THIS NOVEL IS COPY PASTE FROM MTL* ALL RIGHTS RESERVE FOR AUTHOR NAMED ➡️ ROAMER ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Do whatever you want, move what you want, live only for what you want, grab only for what you want, walk around the world as you like, unscrupulously plunder beautiful women from all sides, use the strongest strength, and live freely in the world .

Iring_na_itom · Fantasy
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281 Chs

Demi God

Estes led a group of people, and rushed to the artificial island with a murderous, flashing on the pavement using the high-speed shaving. The people who took refuge on the road seemed to be ghosts in the daytime.

On the tomb of the deep ocean, only Dotya and four maids are left, as well as some little loli and girls who have no combat power. After all, they always need to stay and watch, Noel and this very luxurious ship.

Also shortly after Estes led the women away, the huge black crystal in the laboratory began to appear a series of cracks, which were quickly covered with the whole black crystal.

"Click!" Arms with black and red lines emerged from the cracked black crystal.

Immediately afterwards, the entire black crystal began to collapse completely. Pieces of black fragments like glass gradually scattered on the ground and shattered into dark energy, surrounding the figure that gradually emerged from the black crystal.

"Hoo!" Noel, who came out of the black crystal, exhaled. The clothes on her body had disappeared without a trace. The original upper body, which had nothing, showed a black-red pattern.

Suddenly, Noel opened his eyes and sucked all the dark energy around him into his mouth, and lived for a long time without moving his body.

"Finally engulfed that trace of divinity and merged into the spiritual center!" Noel found a mirror inside the research room and looked at his changes.

But when he saw the black and red lines on his body, he let Noel froze for a moment. The lines on his body reminded him of the glittering gold. The lines were exactly the same, except that his own was black and red.

"System Jun, can you explain what happened to the tattoos on my body?" Noel was too lazy to think, and asked the system directly, after all, the results were obtained so quickly.

Since the host devoured the divinity and completely transformed it into its own divinity, those tattoo-like lines merged with the spiritual center and became a sacred mark to prove the divinity!

"That's what it is!" Noel nodded and then asked: "But why is it exactly the same as the holy mark that appears on the hero king Gilmes?"

Because of the situation of the host, there are some kinds of fate hero king Gilmesh, all belong to the existence of half man and half god!

Host, you only need to continue to nourish the divinity, and you can condense the very high divinity with two thirds of the gods and one third of the human beings. If you devour the gods, you can condense the advanced deity!

"Will it be possible to maintain the status of half-human and half-god, condensing a high-level divine personality?" Noel thought for a moment and thought that half-human and half-god are very good. At least there are human attributes in it. Identified them stepping on their feet, I think it makes people feel comfortable.

It is absolutely possible, only need to import the acquired divinity or divine power into the divine personality, then the divine personality will become more and more advanced, and the host can also maintain the state of half man and half god!

auzw.com Hearing the system's commentary, Noel has no other problems, just to be able to maintain this state. As for being completely God, he has no interest at all.

After all, Noel now has a system in hand. It can be said that he is completely separated from life and death. There is no need to become a so-called god. He feels that he is good as a human being, and it is too suffocating to become a **** without desire.

Just as Noel and the system understand the situation

The women led by Estes have already appeared on the periphery of the artificial island, but they were blocked by the SAR police team, which blocked the way forward.

"People in front, put down their weapons and leave here immediately, or we will attack!" The guards, through the radar connected to their helmets, saw a red dot that kept flashing, and they were heading towards this place at high speed, so they took Shouted from the loudspeaker.

The headed Estes did not stop because of the warning, but suddenly accelerated the speed of progress.

In a flash of effort, Estes appeared next to the guards and immediately waved the slender sword in his hand, cutting off several members in a row.

"Essence of Demons" In order to save time, Estes gave up the beheading, showed a ghostly smile, and supported the emperor with one hand on the ground: Demon God Appearance-Demon's Essence.

The sound of the words just fell, and the surrounding coldness rose straight up. In a flash, the personnel of the SAR Police Force and the armored vehicles parked in the road were all sealed with ice by Estes. Even the streets were covered. Smooth ice, a large area becomes a world of ice and snow.

"Go on!" When Najta saw Esdes and rushed forward, she stopped everyone beside her. After all, she didn't want to wait for others to enter Esdes' attack range. , Seeing that everything was cleaned up by the blocking staff, he signaled the women and beautiful legions around him to move on.

The legions of women and beauties quickly followed Esdes, who was rushing ahead, and quickly went to add an artificial island.

It's just that they didn't know that inside the frozen armored vehicle, there were still members of the SAR Police Force alive, and they passed the information of their intrusion to the only entrance in front of the additional artificial island, and mobilized a large number of SAR Police personnel. Hurry to intercept.

In the area covered by ice, Estes and others left for a moment, and an orange taxi stopped at the side of the road. Both the driver and the passenger in the car were completely stunned by the ice world in front of them. Living.

"Isn't that the woman who is here too?" The lost tree in the taxi, looking at the snowy world ahead, had the urge to turn around and walk, and he probably guessed who passed by.

"I also hope that she is not here." Xiao Gucheng twitched his mouth, and every time he recalled a woman with blue hair, doing various **** experiments, he began to sweat coldly from behind, even now exception.

The taxi driver, regardless of what the passengers say, has already started to turn the car and wants to leave this place immediately, which makes him feel very dangerous.
