
Complicated Desire

Blurb In a household of affluence and rivalry, Alexander Lucas, the heir apparent to the Lucas Empire, never gets along with his brother Richard. The tension escalates when Richard returns from law school and falls in love with Alexander's arranged bride, Alicia Reynolds, just as Alexander starts to appreciate her qualities and selflessness. Alicia, having suffered great ordeals and humiliations from Alexander, leading to a diminished career and a long-lasting humiliation, finds solace in Richard's affection. Their love blossoms, resulting in a pregnancy that shifts the balance of power, causing Alexander to lose half of his inheritance to his brother, who now stands with child. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Alexander opts for a tit-for-tat controversy to reclaim Alicia, sparking a series of violent confrontations. As blood is shed and alliances are tested, the question remains. Who will ultimately win Alicia? Read on to find out!

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Chapter 4

The next morning, as we sat down for breakfast, my dad made an unexpected announcement. 

Geralt Lucas has invited us for dinner at his mansion. He said, looking at me intently. I had resigned from my job due to the shame Alexander had put me through with that scandal. A dinner...?

For what? I questioned, my voice trembling with disbelief. I can't stand the sight of those cruel people. 

I'm not going for any dinner. How do you expect me to cope, Dad? I yelled as the intensity of the whole scenario began playing in my head. Tears welled up in my eyes. 

 I did all that because of how much I love you, Dad. But at this point in my life, I can't risk my career, reputation, and image all because of your company, Dad.

 Whatever arranged marriage deal you had with billionaire Geralt Lucas has to be cancelled because I cannot deal with all this. 

I am trying to pick up the shattered pieces of my life, and you still expect me to step foot in that God-forsaken place again. I am mentally derailed, and it's really hard to deal with all this, I said, sobbing emotionally.

My dad stood up and came to hug me, kneeling right next to me. "I understand your plight, darling, and I will do anything I can to make you happy. 

 The only cruel person is Alexander, the mastermind of the whole incident. I've known Geralt for a couple of years, and all of his deals are straightforward. He is a just man. I feel he has gotten to the root of the matter and has called to make things right.

There are ways to go about things, darling. Let's just answer this call and get to know his reason for the meeting, my dad assured me, wiping my tears. I nodded in agreement, but the pain was still deeply felt.

 Alexander's POV

Why have you always been the black sheep of this family, Alexander? my dad asked, pacing about his study with clenched fists, visibly angry.

What do you mean, Dad? I questioned, acting confused while my heart pounded heavily in my chest in fear.

"You sit there asking me what I mean?" he yelled, making the study shudder. Dumbfounded and scared, I kept my mouth shut because I knew how dangerous my dad could be when angry.

With the speed of light, he went over to his desk, grabbed his phone, and shoved it in my face. Is there an explanation for this he said, a little more calmly this time.

I stared at the phone, and my face turned red with anger and fear. It was the IP address of my Samsung, which I had used to post the tape. Before I could utter a word, I got a surprising, resounding slap, which left me off balance. I can explain, I started, but a tear rolled down my cheek.

I'm a man of few words, as you know. And there is always a repercussion for whatever evil deed.

Alicia will begin living here henceforth, under close supervision. If I ever find out she is being maltreated in any way by you, I promise you, you will lose everything as the heir to my business. 

They will be here for dinner by 7 PM, and you are hereby mandated to kneel and apologize to her and her father for whatever damage and derailments you might have caused them.

Now leave my office this minute.

With seething anger, I stormed into my room and punched the wall furiously, making my fist bleed. 

I promise to make her life a living hell! I yelled, knocking the flower vase off my centre table. It crashed to the floor, and my mom came running into my room.

"You need to get a grip on yourself," Alexander! she scolded. "You shouldn't allow that girl to mess with your head.

 Strategize a different means and get her out of your life for good. Joan is best for you.

 She is elegant and beautiful and is from a wealthy background that complements your status.

I want her for you as a wife; she will make a good partner and help you build an empire greater than any ever heard."

 Mom! I'm not interested in Joan or any other girl you think is fit to be my wife. Alicia is better than the saucy, arrogant brat you call Joan.

But I wouldn't settle for either of them because I'm not ready to get married or spend my life with one woman."

 Will you shut up? My mom yelled. Do you want to continue living your promiscuous life at 27 years of age? For crying out loud, it's the right time for you to get married and settle down.

Your brother will be back from Austria today, and the rivalry between you both continues. 

Remember, he is your father's favorite, and you can't afford to lose all that rightfully belongs to you to him. you'd better wise up, get a grip on your emotions, and strategize properly.

 You will apologize to them today for what you did. And don't even think of doing anything stupid to incur the wrath of your father.

 I will call a maid to clean up this mess. Stay in your room until your brother arrives and the guests begin to arrive for dinner," she said, patting my back as she walked out of my room.

My mom has always been my backbone and support in every area of my life. And I think I will heed her advice, and improvise my plans so I wouldn't be at a loss of losing my inheritance all because of a girl that has come to make my life miserable.

I looked around my room, trying to calm my racing thoughts. The broken flower vase on the floor was a stark reminder of my outburst. 

I needed to control my anger and channel it into something productive. Mom's words echoed in my mind. "Strategize properly." I had to be smart about this.

I couldn't let Alicia or anyone else undermine my position.

Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

 I needed to clear my head and come up with a plan that would ensure my victory. I would apologize to Alicia and her father as my dad demanded, but it wouldn't end there. I would make her leave on her own.

As I lay back on my bed, I felt a mix of determination and exhaustion wash over me. The day had been long and filled with tension, and I knew the dinner tonight would be even more challenging. 

But I was ready. I had to be. For my future, for my place in the family, and my peace of mind.

Thinking about the events to come and the strategies I needed to put in place, I slowly drifted off to sleep. My dreams were filled with images of power, rivalry, and the relentless pursuit of my rightful place in the family.