
Complicated Desire

Blurb In a household of affluence and rivalry, Alexander Lucas, the heir apparent to the Lucas Empire, never gets along with his brother Richard. The tension escalates when Richard returns from law school and falls in love with Alexander's arranged bride, Alicia Reynolds, just as Alexander starts to appreciate her qualities and selflessness. Alicia, having suffered great ordeals and humiliations from Alexander, leading to a diminished career and a long-lasting humiliation, finds solace in Richard's affection. Their love blossoms, resulting in a pregnancy that shifts the balance of power, causing Alexander to lose half of his inheritance to his brother, who now stands with child. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Alexander opts for a tit-for-tat controversy to reclaim Alicia, sparking a series of violent confrontations. As blood is shed and alliances are tested, the question remains. Who will ultimately win Alicia? Read on to find out!

Favour_Okwara_6023 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

 We arrived at the Lucas mansion quite late, as I was still sceptical about going. 

After my dad's pleas and lots of persuasion, I got dressed in a simple red dinner gown, brushed my hair and let it fall on my shoulders.

 I picked a pair of black heels to complement my black handbag. No makeup as usual, just lip gloss and mascara, and I was all set.

The mansion wasn't as crowded as I expected. They entertained a few family and friends.

A debtor like my dad being invited to this welcome party alongside me was still something I couldn't fathom.

 We got to the party just when they were all having dinner and were given seats at the big round dining table.

 I still found it weird and ridiculous. I learned that Richard, Alexander's brother who had just arrived, went upstairs to take a shower and would be back shortly.


 I raised my head to take a proper glance at everyone seated and caught a young lady with an excessive load of makeup glaring at me.

 I rolled my eyes, caring less about whatever grudge she might have against me. She must be the so-called Joan Mrs. Lucas had always wanted Alexander to marry.

 Little did she know, the fool is nothing but a pain in my ass, and I would do anything to get rid of him from my life. If only I could.

I saw Alexander focusing keenly on his meal without looking at anyone. His mood and expression were inexplicable. 

Mr Lucas came over to my dad, who sat beside me and whispered something in his ear.

 Just when I was about to start digging into my food, the most calm and magnetic voice I have ever heard echoed through the room, sending a shiver down my spine and sending signals to my whole body.

"Thank you all for coming. Leaving your busy schedules to welcome me in this grand manner means a lot to me, and I especially want to say thank you to everyone seated here. I appreciate you all."

I tried hard to compose myself because I had goosebumps all over. I looked up to see who spoke, and our eyes collided. 

Staring deep into each other's eyes, he was the most handsome gentleman I had ever seen, and for the first time in my life, I found myself drooling over a man.

 My dad broke the most interesting chemistry I have ever felt, whispering something in my ear just as this demigod batted his eyes and broke the stare, now concentrating on his food.

Feeling embarrassed to have been so lost in a stare, I swallowed hard and sat in a more composed manner. "I didn't get you, Dad. What did you say?" I asked.

He replied, "Mr. Lucas instructed we meet him in the garden after dinner."

"Alright," I said, feeling so shy that I couldn't raise my head from my meal until I was done.

Richard's Pov

It's so unusual for me to be enchanted by a girl, regardless of how beautiful she may be. But this feels different, and I couldn't help but keep stealing glances at her. 

She looked so heavenly, beautiful, and calm. My inner man couldn't resist those eyes of hers—no makeup and yet so beautiful. 

Dinner was rounded up, and it was time for the toast when she and an older man, who seemed to be her father, left, accompanied by my dad and my brother.

 What could be so important that they couldn't wait until after the toast? While she walked away, my eyes kept trailing behind her until she was out of sight.


I can't remember ever apologizing to anyone in my life. This bold step I'm about to take is making me feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself. On the other hand, Alicia looks so pretty and breathtaking tonight.

 For the first time in my life, I felt pity for her and sorry for everything I had made her go through. But on second thought, I wasn't going to relent on getting her out of my life for good.

Everyone took their seats in the garden, and my dad started with an apology. 

"I summoned this brief meeting tonight to sincerely apologize on behalf of my son Alexander, who was the perpetrator of the evil deed that has caused Alicia so much pain and humiliation. 

I plead that for my sake, you both forgive him."

"Now apologize to them," my dad said harshly, giving me the most deadly glare.

"I'm sorry, I hope you both forgive me," I said with a little bow.

How the mighty has fallen! The almighty Alexander just apologized to me. I felt so disgusted and furious at the sight of him.

"My daughter never deserved this, and an apology wouldn't fix the humiliation he has caused her," my dad stated bitterly.

"I know, Martins. That's why I have concluded that Alicia will come to live a comfortable life in my mansion, and she will be offered a job in one of my companies. That's my compensation to her."

"Live here?" I almost yelled. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't," I said plainly without thinking twice.

"I suggest you give her some time to think it through," my dad said.

But there was nothing to think through because I would never cope with this monster in human form.

"Alright. I give you a week to think it through. I hope that's enough time."