
Complicated Desire

Blurb In a household of affluence and rivalry, Alexander Lucas, the heir apparent to the Lucas Empire, never gets along with his brother Richard. The tension escalates when Richard returns from law school and falls in love with Alexander's arranged bride, Alicia Reynolds, just as Alexander starts to appreciate her qualities and selflessness. Alicia, having suffered great ordeals and humiliations from Alexander, leading to a diminished career and a long-lasting humiliation, finds solace in Richard's affection. Their love blossoms, resulting in a pregnancy that shifts the balance of power, causing Alexander to lose half of his inheritance to his brother, who now stands with child. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Alexander opts for a tit-for-tat controversy to reclaim Alicia, sparking a series of violent confrontations. As blood is shed and alliances are tested, the question remains. Who will ultimately win Alicia? Read on to find out!

Favour_Okwara_6023 · Urban
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Chapter 3

~Geralt Lucas~

 After Alexander left my office, I needed to start my investigation immediately, so I called my software programmer, Gaius.

 And told him to take down the video from all servers and start conducting a trace to the first server that leaked the video. After the day's work, I headed home. 

The welcome greeting I got from my wife was her regular nagging. This time in a more heated manner.

Have you seen the reason I was totally against Alexander's marriage to this girl? She is not what you see her as.

 She is a loose woman, she doesn't deserve my son for any reason. My best friend's daughter Joan is well-raised, classy, and intelligent. 

She is the epitome of beauty and everything a man would want in a woman. Now, can you see the shame and disgrace this girl has brought upon our reputable family?

 She said, resisting me from taking further steps into the house.

Do you think your so-called Joan is better than Alicia, whom I single-handedly picked?

I have my reasons, and she's best for Alexander. And I hope your beloved son Alexander isn't behind that clip.

 Because I have started my investigation, and if it is traced to him, he will have me to contend with. Now leave my way and let me go in.

 I said, brushing past her as I could feel her glare behind me. 

 If Alexander was behind this, it would be a betrayal on multiple levels—not just to Alicia but to the entire family. I thought as I walked to my room.

 I needed to get to the bottom of this quickly. As much as I wanted to believe in my son, his recent behaviour had been unpredictable and reckless.

Just when I was about to shower, my phone rang. It was my software programmer. I quickly picked up the call. 

"Gaius, what have you got for me?

"Sir, I've managed to take down most of the videos from the major platforms, but tracking the source is proving to be more complex.

 Someone went to great lengths to cover their tracks. The video first appeared on a private server known for hosting anonymous content.

 But I've found a username linked to the server, and I've also identified the source. It was from a Samsung Galaxy Ultra from within the mansion.

You can now carry out your findings within your house. And apprehend whoever possesses a Samsung Galaxy Ultra in the mansion he said, and I wasn't so taken aback.

Thank you, Gaius,

 I will send you compensation shortly. I said and ended the call.

There wasn't any need for a further investigation because it was crystal clear Alexander was the perpetrator behind this evil deed. And he will surely pay for it.

This scandal had the potential to unravel everything I had worked so hard to build, and I wasn't going to let that happen. 

I immediately put a call across to Martin Reynolds. and he picked up after several rings.

"Hello Mr. Martins, I said warmly. How is Alicia? I hope there is progress in her recovery.

 I asked, but there was a dead silence at the other end of the line. I could sense shock. 

I am sorry about the damage that video might have done. I did my findings, and I'd like to send my sincerest apology. 

I promise to make up for everything. On this note, I'm inviting you and Alicia for dinner tomorrow by 7 pm, and I will send you a ride. I said and ended the call.


Alexander was in the club, partying with a flock of women when his phone rang. It was his father.

 He had to excuse himself from the busy space to take the call.

Hello Dad "where are you Alexander, I need you to report to my study first thing tomorrow. 

We have an important issue to discuss he said sternly. My heart leapt out of my chest. 

That tone isn't his regular tone and whenever I heard such, I knew he must be pissed about something.

And I hope you haven't forgotten Richard will be arriving from Austria tomorrow. after his completion of law school

 The whole family needs to be present to welcome him.

"Yes, Dad, I will cancel each of my appointments tomorrow and make sure to be present on his arrival". I said with a sigh and he ended the call almost immediately.

Richard is my immediate younger brother, whom I consider a rival. He always tries to do things so perfectly just to please my parents and everyone seems to like him because of his friendly and meek kind of nature, making him my father's favourite and me the black sheep of the family.

Not like I cared about their insights. I'll continue to be my mom's favourite son, and that's all that matters. 

After the call, I thought about the important issue my dad wanted to speak to me about but I couldn't fathom it.

 Tomorrow, I would have to face him, and I had no idea what he knew or how much trouble I was in. All I knew was that I had to be prepared for whatever was coming.

 I hope it's nothing related to that silly Alicia. I headed back to the busy club to clear my head.

I woke up the next morning with a serious hangover, as usual. It wasn't a surprise how I ended up in my room; my driver, Leo, always made sure I got home safely after a night of partying.

 I stood up, holding my pounding head, and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The hot water helped ease some of the discomfort, but my head still felt like it was splitting open.

After showering, I dressed in a nice casual outfit, looking more responsible than I usually portrayed. 

I knew I had to present myself well when facing my father, especially if he was already upset about something. 

With a deep breath, I headed to my dad's study to find out what was so important that the old man wanted to talk to me about.

As I approached the study, I braced myself for whatever awaited me behind the door.

 I knew my father wouldn't call me in unless it was something serious. Stepping inside, I found him sitting behind his desk, his expression unreadable. 

"Dad," I greeted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the pounding in my head.

"Alexander," he said, his tone serious. "Have a seat."

I sat down, waiting for him to speak. The tension in the room was palpable, and I could feel my nerves starting to fray.

"I need to talk to you about something important," he began, his gaze piercing.

I swallowed hard, steeling myself for whatever was to come. This was the moment of truth.