
Complicated Desire

Blurb In a household of affluence and rivalry, Alexander Lucas, the heir apparent to the Lucas Empire, never gets along with his brother Richard. The tension escalates when Richard returns from law school and falls in love with Alexander's arranged bride, Alicia Reynolds, just as Alexander starts to appreciate her qualities and selflessness. Alicia, having suffered great ordeals and humiliations from Alexander, leading to a diminished career and a long-lasting humiliation, finds solace in Richard's affection. Their love blossoms, resulting in a pregnancy that shifts the balance of power, causing Alexander to lose half of his inheritance to his brother, who now stands with child. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Alexander opts for a tit-for-tat controversy to reclaim Alicia, sparking a series of violent confrontations. As blood is shed and alliances are tested, the question remains. Who will ultimately win Alicia? Read on to find out!

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Chapter 2

**Geralt Lucas's POV**

 I was in my office that morning when I got a series of notifications popping up on my phone, disturbing the serene and peaceful mood of my working environment.

Upon checking the messages buzzing on my phone, I noticed it was a video. Tapping on it, I was surprised to see it was Alicia Reynolds.

Alicia, my first son Richard's wife-to-be and the daughter of Martin Reynolds was in a compromising tape I couldn't stand to watch.

 The face of the man was concealed, making it obvious that it was a set-up.

Alicia has been a decent, well-mannered girl ever since I knew her.

 On that account, I single-handedly chose her for my son Alex. I wouldn't take having a gold digger as a daughter-in-law who will squander the company's wealth when I'm gone. 

Having a woman of virtue in the family would curb Alexander's excessive and frivolous spending habits, making him a better man for the company, his family, and his empire as a whole.

But his hatred for the poor girl has been a bone of contention.

 I still find it very difficult to believe Alicia is the type to be sleeping around. What if Alexander had masterminded the act?

 What if he had done it to blackmail her and end the marriage between them?

Before I arrive at any conclusion, I will have to investigate the matter my way and get better clarity before I take any steps other than just reacting to one of Alexander's gratuitous pranks.

While still in my deep thoughts, I was interrupted when Alexander barged into my office without even knocking. He barged in, fuming.

"Dad, can you see what's going on around the news?" he said, raising his voice in my office.

"Don't yell and disturb the peace of my working environment, Alex. If you want to talk to me, talk to me like a child speaking to his father. Don't yell at me, boy!" I fired back.

"She's not who you think she is, Dad. She sleeps around. This time, she has been exposed and it must not be taken for granted.

I can't marry such a loose woman. Not just me, but Lucas's name will be in the mud," he said a little more calmly.

"Alexander, I have my findings to do. Alicia isn't what is portrayed in that video. 

From what I observed, she was forcefully taken and wasn't experiencing any sort of pleasure whatsoever.

 I sense it was a rape or set-up. I promise to get to the root of this matter, find whosoever is behind this, and take drastic action."

"What if she willingly did it, Dad?" he asked.

"Then, make them suffer for this unspeakable action," I replied.


**Alicia's POV**

Alicia was discharged from the hospital a few days after intensive care and constant check-ups. On arriving home, Cecilia helped her to her room.

"Alicia, you don't need to overthink anything. I know that beast in human form, Alexander, is behind this ordeal," 

she said as they sat on her medium-sized bed. "How heartless can he be? Someone you gave your virginity to? 

You've been faithful to him despite all his ill-treatment, and he chose to put you through this pain, just to get rid of you? 

He sure wouldn't get away with this. I'm going to confront him and give him a piece of my mind."

She stood up from the bed sharply, heading for the door when they both heard a knock.

Cecilia has been my only closest friend. She's more like the sister I never had.

 In as much as I'm a cool-headed kind of person, Cecilia wouldn't take any form of insult whatsoever. 

She always defends me and fights for me whenever the need arises.

After she had stood up from my bed to head to the kitchen to prepare me something to eat, we both heard a knock. It was my step-sister Regina.

"Hi Alicia, welcome back home. I hope you feel better now," she said with a sarcastic smirk on her face. 

"I hope you've been able to digest the trend of your viral video." She shot Cecilia a deadly stare. 

She hates and detests Cecilia with so much passion because she always stands up to her, anytime, anywhere.

"I couldn't believe the holiest and righteous Alicia would trend in such a video," she said, trying to hold her laughter.

"How dare you talk about the video to her face in such a manner? 

Can you see she's just returned from the hospital and is still recovering from the shock of the whole incident?

You are here to mock her. Take your leave now before I uproot some teeth from your stinking mouth," 

Cecilia said sternly, ready to swing into action and I trust she wouldn't show any mercy.

"No, Cecilia," I said, "just let her be. I can't stand the sight of a fight now."

I said almost inaudibly, about to burst into tears. Regina left almost immediately and we could hear her loud laughter throughout the corridor.

"You don't need to shed any more tears, Alicia," Cecilia said to me, squatting to clean the tears that were already rolling down my cheeks. 

"You should lay down and get some rest, while I prepare something for you to eat."

She helped me to a sleeping position, covering me with a duvet. She stepped out and headed to the kitchen.

After about 30 minutes in that same lying position, I couldn't sleep but kept tossing around the bed.

 So I stood up and went to the kitchen to meet Cecilia so I could stop reminiscing about events and at least have a companion I could talk things with to ease my lonely mind.

In the hallway, heading to the kitchen, I heard my dad's phone ring. I went to his room; the phone was right on his bed.

"Dad, your phone is ringing, where are you?" I asked, reaching for the phone.

"I'm in the restroom, honey," he replied. Upon seeing the caller, I froze. It was Geralt Lucas.