
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 44

["Asgardian bugs!"]

["I can smell your stink right away!"]

[Surtur's eyes breathed fire, and his mouth let out a deafening roar!]

[Thor pushed Sif away, then hit her with a hammer!]

[Although Loki said it was very unbearable, he still has a lot of experience after so many battles over the years!]

[Strike first!]

[Surtur hasn't gotten up yet. Whether it's offense or defense, he is bound to be at a disadvantage!]


[Thor roared angrily, and thunder erupted in an instant. This hammer carried unparalleled power...]

[Blocked by Surtur!]


[A jet-black rib was pulled out by Surtur, blocking Thor's hammer!]

[Sol was shocked!]

[This was a scene he didn't expect at all]

[Surtur had been empty-handed before, and he thought the opponent had no weapons!]

[As a result, he took out a rib!]

[Seeing Sol's surprised expression, Surtel immediately said wildly:]

["Didn't expect it!"]

["Ever since that thief Odin stole my flame magic sword, I have learned that foreign objects are unreliable!"]

["So I completely built my whole body in the center of the earth in the Fire Kingdom. My body is a weapon!"]

["Now! Even Odin's eternal spear can't defeat me, hahahaha!!!"]

[Sol's heart sank, but he sneered:]

["Not necessarily, your brain is still being used as a lamp in Asgard's treasure house!"]

[Surtur was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood what this meant!]

[Eternal fire!]

[The core of power was originally in his head!]

[For a moment, Sword Surtur fell into rage:]

["You are asking for death!!!"]

[It roared like thunder, and the blazing flames sprayed countless dark red sparks towards Thor!]

[Sol's scalp went numb!]

[Without thinking, he knew how hot this thing was!]

[He didn't hesitate to throw Mjolnir backwards, flying backwards with him, and then hit the rock wall with a bang!]

[Although my back hurt a little, at least I escaped the blow!]

[Bang bang bang bang!]

[The ground roared, and Surtur stepped forward, holding two obsidian-like rib swords and rushed over!]

[Upon seeing this, Thor threw Mjolnir with all his strength!]


[This time when Surtur blocked, a violent ball of lightning exploded on the hammer!]

[In an instant, it was like a ball-shaped lightning explosion, but the thunder did not scatter in all directions, but turned into a lightning storm and enveloped the flame giant!]

[Then they all exploded on the opponent again, causing Surtur to retreat continuously!! ]

Outside the light curtain, Thor excitedly waved his fist when he saw this! sharp!

Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is very powerful. Sure enough, Thor must cooperate with Mjolnir!

You must learn this trick yourself!


[Thor raised his hand to recall Mjolnir, and then jumped up again, wanting to pursue the victory!]

[However, just as he jumped into the air and began to gather thunder and power to fall, Surtur, who had been knocked to

the ground by the lightning storm, suddenly laughed ferociously!]

["Stupid bug!"]

[It didn't look injured at all, and its chest was shining like a furnace!]

[Thor's expression changed, and he saw a blazing flame shock wave erupting from the other party's heart and blasting towards him!]

[There is no way to escape this moment!]

[Surtur deliberately exposed the flaw, everything changed too fast!!]

[In desperation, Thor could only cross his arms to protect his important parts!]


[The dome shattered instantly!]

[The flame impact pushed Thor through the rock more than ten meters away and blasted out of the cave! ]

Sol, who was excited just now, felt his scalp numb at this moment.

He used to think about when to kill this guy.

But now it seems that if I go there by myself, I might not be able to deliver food to my door..


Odin looked surprised.

He went to get the eternal fire himself, so he naturally knew how weak the flame giant was after losing this power.

There is simply a difference between heaven and earth!

But this one in the light curtain is much more powerful.

Suddenly he thought of something and showed a strange expression.

There is indeed a difference.

That flame magic sword Valetin!!!

That was obviously another god-like weapon prepared by him for Loki.

Therefore, this Surtur may not have gone completely crazy after the Flame Demon Sword was also taken away, and then turned himself into this ghost.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and he even felt that this was the truth.

But in this case, this Sol might not be beaten violently.

At this moment Odin kind of understood what Loki wanted to do.


[The ground shook heavily, and Surtur jumped up and jumped out!]

[At this time, I don't know whether it was because the dome was broken or the flame giant left here.]

[The cave begins to collapse]

[Sif suddenly panicked and felt that she might be buried alive.]

[At this moment, a green light suddenly appeared, and Loki appeared next to her.]

["God King!"]

[Sif was shocked at first, then immediately knelt down on one knee]

["you did a good job"]

[Loki first expressed his affirmation, and then said:]

["But there's no need to kneel now. Come out with me."]

[Sif nodded, not thinking about why the God King was here too.]

[After just two steps, she discovered that all the falling rocks that were about to hit the two of them melted into magma in an instant, and then were separated by an invisible force and fell on both sides.]

[Sif secretly smacked her tongue, she couldn't even see how the new God King did it.]

[In this way, she followed Loki and walked out of the collapsed cave easily.]


[As soon as she went out, she saw the Fire Giant beating Thor.]

[The scene was very tragic. ]