
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 43

[late at night]

[In the Temple of Thunder, Thor sits among a pile of wine bottles and falls into a trance, like a puppet.]

[He was now in so much pain that he couldn't even drink. All he could think about was the Three Warriors asking why he deceived them and why he had to implicate them!]

[I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.]

[who! ?…Sol was shocked, and the next second he heard the person coming say in a low voice:]

["Thor, it's me!"]

[Listening to this familiar voice, Sol's eyes regained focus, and then he saw who it was.]

["How did you come!"]

[His tone became stiff]

[After that night, he thought something had happened to Sif, but he later found out the truth]

[A trace of guilt flashed in Xif's eyes, she bit her lip and said:]

["Sorry, Thor, I dare not resist God…Loki"]

[Thor knows how powerful his brother is, and no one can resist under pressure.]

[But he still felt a little irritated and waved his hand:]

["Go away, I don't want to see you"]

["If you want to apologize, just talk to Hogan and the others tomorrow morning. I'm tired."]

[Sif said sorry in her heart, and then said:]

["Thor, I'm here to help you!"]

["I have a way to save Hogan and the others!"]

[When Thor heard this, it was as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, but immediately he shook his head in despair:]

["Impossible Sif, no one can save three people from the deepest depths of the Asgard dungeon."]

["Not even if I still have Mjolnir."]

["In addition to guards, there are various powerful weapons and rune locks in the dungeon."]

[Sif said seriously:]

["We don't need to rescue them in the dungeon. We can wait until they are dispatched to the mine. That will be much easier."]

[Sol suddenly showed a look of joy:]

["Will Heimdall let us leave Asgard?"]

[He knew that the gatekeeper was Sif's brother, and thought he was begging for mercy.]

[Sif didn't show off and said directly:]

["No, but I know a secret passage that can leave Asgard and reach the mine after a few stops!"]

["So why are you hesitating? Let's go now!"Saul said impatiently!]

["There is another prerequisite."Sif said]

["What conditions?"]

["Can you still use your phantom magic? It's the simplest kind!"]


[half an hour later]

[The door to the treasure house of the Immortal Palace opened, and the God King Loki, who was wearing golden armor, walked in with his head held high, followed by a guard wearing full body armor.]

[When there were no guards in the depths, Loki's expression could no longer hold on and collapsed, becoming a mess.]


[He patted his head hard, and suddenly a green light appeared on his body and turned into Thor.]

[Seeing that he had really succeeded in getting here, a complex look appeared on his face.]

[He didn't expect that the most critical ability was actually something Loki forced himself to learn when he was young. What a twist of fate.]

[At this time, Sif also took off her armor, and the two of them walked deeper.]

[But before he had taken a few steps, Sol showed a look of surprise.]

[He saw Thor's hammer]

[After a few seconds, Sol breathed a heavy sigh of relief.]

[Okay, okay, I can still pick it up myself.]

[With it, the success rate of this operation will be higher]

[The two of them didn't stop much, and soon came to a corner of the treasure house.]

[As Sif threw a ball of energy into the wall in front of her, the space suddenly seemed to be disturbed, and a gap appeared after a few seconds!]

[Seeing this scene, Sol's eyes turned red:]

["I knew that Heimdall really recognized me."]

[How could this gap created by the World Tree be discovered by Sif, let alone in the treasure house?]

[Only Heimdall's eyes can see it]

[It is the bounden duty of the gatekeeper to be unable to let the

m leave from the Rainbow Bridge in person, and this passage is the feeling of love.]

["I remember this love!"Saul said solemnly]

[this….Sif blinked, not knowing what to say at this moment.]

[She still remembered that when she got the details of the mission, she asked what if Thor was suspicious.]

[As a result, the God King just smiled at that time]

[Said that Yisol's brain will find the reason on its own]

[She didn't quite believe it at the time. After all, she hadn't noticed that Thor was stupid after being together for hundreds of years.]

[But now I am completely convinced. ]

Seeing this scene, Tony had an idea in his heart.

This Loki might have seen through Thor's pants.

He could almost foresee that Sol's actions would definitely be a big trap.

[Sol nodded gratefully and then got in first.]

[Sif followed closely behind]

[At this moment, a green light emerged, and Loki's figure appeared]

[The next second, he also followed.]

[The gaps in the World Tree can shorten the distance in space]

[It only took Thor and Sif more than an hour to get out of it.]

[As soon as the two of them walked out of the gap, they immediately felt a wave of heat coming over them.]

[Thor looked around and found that he was in a huge cave, with hot lava flowing in some cracks.]

["Where is this?"]

[Thor looked nervous, and for some reason, he felt a creepy aura!]

[Did you just remember to ask now?….Xif suppressed the twitching of the corners of her mouth and whispered:]

["It's the Fire Nation"]

["But don't be nervous, we're not too far from the next gap."]

["As long as you are not unlucky, you will definitely not encounter fire elemental creatures"]

[Thor shook Mjolnir, and felt a sense of security in his heart.]

[He nodded slightly and said with great momentum:]

["Don't worry, even if you meet Surtur, there will be no problem!"]

["I just happened to deal with this prophesied enemy and let Loki see who is the guardian of Asgard!"]

[then….in ten minutes]

[On the only way to pass through the gap in the world tree]

[Thor looked at the sleeping figure on the throne in the distance and fell into silence.]

[By the way, what did you just say?]

[Kill Surtur…..How strange!]

[Sol was a little broken inside!]

[The Fire Kingdom is so big, this fire giant has to sleep here!]

[Why don't you be so deceptive!]

[But the words have been spoken, what should I do?]

["What are you thinking about Sol? Why did it stop!"]

[At this time, Sif lowered her voice and whispered:]

["The most important thing now is to save Hogan and the others. Don't even think about fighting the Fire Giant!"]

[Sol's eyes suddenly lit up, he nodded heavily and said:]

["You're right, Fandral and the others are still waiting for me, so let's let them go this time!"]

["Let's pass quietly without waking it up!"]

["I observe good things, you follow my footsteps, this is safer!"]

["OK"Sif nodded.]

[Thor looked at the surrounding environment, and after planning a route, he quietly moved towards the right rear of Surtur.]

[One meter, two meters…Ten meters, twenty meters]

[At this time, the two of them had arrived directly in front of Surtur, with a distance of less than three meters.]

[Thor could even feel how hot the flame giant's breath was.]

[So Sol became more nervous]

[While staring at the flame giant, he took the next step]

[It was at this moment that a withered bone appeared at his feet in the faint green light.]


[The crisp sound echoed in the cave, and Surtur suddenly opened his eyes.]

[At this moment, our eyes are facing each other]

[An awkward smile appeared on Sol's face:]

["This is a dream, be good, close your eyes"]

[next second]
