
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The S. J. C.

In the faraway land, to the nearest capital from where Luccione is living. has the same government as that on the earth. to put a limit to the work of evildoers, using their newly found powers as they scavage throughout the city to city. Only a few non-government officials are tasked with this job, The Supreme Justice Corporation. a private organization is going to collaborate with Lamborn Academy, to teach future magic wielders how to fend off any possible calamity.

*Bell rings*

the students line up and form a line from the smallest to the tallest.

some students were asking one another what is happening and some asked the teachers.

Luccione on the other hand has enough intel because Roxanne is the representative of their class and is also the Vice president for the whole elementary body.

The SJC, to think that a big deal organization would choose Lamborn Academy to find a candidate is getting worrisome. it sure is a fine job, but I am not interested at all.

what I'm getting scared about is them selecting Roxanne in the process. I might lose the only friend that I have.

to furthermore know Luccione's reasoning let's go back in time.


back when both Luccione and Roxanne walked together to school.

"Did you know anything about the Supreme Justice Corporation?" Roxanne asked

"No, what about it?" said Luccione

"Well, the School director told me that the Supreme Justice Corporation is going to collaborate with the school for two months to protect the neighboring city near it."

"I don't know why, but I think it's all about the group of evil-doers scavenging city to city. the government probably sent out private organizations to protect this place," said Roxanne

"but the school doesn't want it to be for nothing. that is why during the 2 months contract, the school decided to make a collaboration with the organization to teach the students and find possible candidates for the job" Said Roxanne, she really is a school representative in a flesh.

"The school director even recommend me to SJC" Said Roxanne


"Wait are you planning to join them?" Luccione asked

by the way during the whole conversation both of them are walking to school.

"No silly, if I join them then I won't be able to walk home with you, and I think the course is going to be 10 years. 6 years for academic and 4 years for a practical approach/field test. " Roxanne said

"But what if they saw the potential within you, and they add additional benefits and assets just for you to enroll?" Luccione asked as he was gradually making an anxious face.

Roxanne knew that Luccione is worrying about her but she just laugh it off and joke about it.

"hmm? let me think, maybe if that happened I might give it a shot. Oh well" Said Roxanne as she run before him.

the morning ceremony is about to start. the whole conversation almost made them late for the ceremony.

*back to the present*

There's no way right?

they all line up at the covered court as the SJC Personnel walk up to the stage.

after a bit of clear throat, the guy adjusts the microphone height. as he starts to speak.

"Hello students from Lamborn Academy, my name is Damos. first and foremost thank you Lamborn Academy, for the 2 months contract for the Supreme Justice Corporation. it wasn't really easy to travel all the way from the capital to here. and with our separate business in mind. I am happy to inform you, students, that we will be doing two months of training for the upcoming Practical Examination." said Damos as his voice is so deep and strong, very frightening to be exact.

everyone was shocked.



"What's this about?"

"This never happened before, right?"

"God, please let me live my life as an 8-year-old just this once"

Everyone keeps complaining.

"The training will be consists of 2 subjects specifically Advanced magic, and Magic circles. before I explain the background, I will ask a question, and the person who made the right answers will be given a prize."

"What is the most common spiritual element?"

Roxane raises her right hand.

"Yes, may I know your name, girl," Damos said

"Roxanne, sir" said Roxane

Luccione was upset for some reason, he facepalms.

What are you doing, are you trying to get their attention? stop doing that.

"Roxanne, what a wonderful name. may I ask, have you received your blessing?" Damos asked

"Yes, sir" Roxanne replied

"Very well, then, what is the answer?"

"Sir, the spirit of the earth, water, air, and fire are the most common spiritual elements," said Roxanne

Most of the students applaud her and those who are near, commended her for her bravery.

"Hmm, that is correct. but not correct, entirely" Said Damos

"Sorry little girl, are you going to cry? wanna go see mama? look, life doesn't always go your way the moment you receive your blessings, which means I won't go easy on you." said Damos

"The school taught you only the 4 common spiritual energy to draw power"

"But the truth is there is one more missing, the space. the spirit of space is considered one of the most common spiritual elements. but, it is considered advanced magic. meaning if one casts a five-sentence incantation as it use to just like the other 4 elements, then it won't work."

"you have to cast six-sentence mainly, what magic are you using, ask the spirit for approval, tell the amount of magic you will need, make it change to your liking, tell what is the purpose of your magic and lastly, what is it you're trying to offer to complete the magic"

"if the spirit does not satisfy your offerings, the magic will not work"

"So I guess you already get the glimpse of what we are going to teach you. if you are having a question, don't even bother asking."

"By the way, our first discussion will start next week, on Monday. those who will not participate are not going to be tolerated," said Damos before he walks out the stage.

everyone is still complaining.

"What do we do now?"

"Is this like the equivalent to ROTC?"

"My life is over, all disappointment is breaking through!"

Roxanne sigh.

Will Lucc be ok with this?

Several hours later.

Luccione went home and skip the last class, without telling Roxanne.

the people just turning this magical world into another earth, for some reason i don't want that.

Is this really what Tallah means when she said the magical world is full of crap? religion, politics, racism, playing god, all of what happened to earth is just tossing up in here.

Luccione look up to the clouds as he say "If the afterlife is heaven, then I think this is actually hell"

all of a sudden Luccione saw a continuous air explosion to the sky, as the wind pressure around him gone haywire from all direction. luccione sigh, and said "That chicken again".

Giovanni always seems to practice these air explosive techniques to propel his way to the sky. Placing all the affected area like a trampoline to bounce back to the opposite direction, and he always seem to do it with style.

Giovanni propel himself forward by exploding the wind behind him and later on exploding the wind below of him to gain altitude, and then explode the wind above him to descent tremendously. and Giovanni always use the innocent birds in the area as practice target and keeps decapitating their head.

the neighbors even complaining about the abnormal wind movements and sightings of decapitated bird in their home area.

this chicken is a literal menace to the surrounding. How does he do magic to begin with.

Luccione waited for Giovanni in the backyard of their house.

a faint sound saying "get out of the way!". but luccione doesn't understand what it says due to the wind blocking the sound.

"what was that noice?" Luccione mumble

as he looks to the right and saw a swirling air sphere just 5 feet of him, luccione already know what is going to happened.

"Fuck" said luccione as he try to run as fast as he can to get out in that area.

just 2 second after luccione realize the wind building up, it exploded. Just enough so that Giovanni descent will not be fatal. but Luccione still flew forward because of it.

later that time.

"Will you stop doing that!" said luccione as Giovanni just keep repeating the word "Im sorry"

Giovanni received loads of scolding from Luccione that time.

Its already midnight, just before they go to sleep.

Giovanni uses a weak wind explosion inside the room to push the window to open as he enters the room with Luccione sleeping.

Giovanni then use the wind outside to push the window back. as he try to sleep to the wooden headboard.

"You can't sleep aren't you." Giovanni said

"Yeah" Luccione replied

"next week, we're going to have a special subject about advance magic." Luccione explain to Giovanni what is going to happen next week.

"Thats good, i wish i could be there" said Giovanni

To give more backstory, Luccione ban Giovanni to enter the school ground because the last time Giovanni was there, the abnormal wind pressure disrupted the other outdoor classes.

"what will you do? if someone you hold dear, is going to attend a school from a distant place" Luccione asked

"Hmm, i can't really tell because during my previous life i left a good friend behind. to go to Mexico with the former champion" said Giovanni

Ehh this chicken manage to go overseas???

"Ehh, you manage to get passed the airport security" said Luccione as he is still doubt how they outran the security.

"We used Private jet" said Giovanni

"What the, a PRIVATE JET?!!" said Luccione as he shout to the private jet part

The parent next door warned them to the otherside to quiet down.

"Is screaming really necessary mah dude" said Giovanni as he is somewhat disappointed to Luccione

"Sorry okay i can't help it, i mean public plane is okay. but a private plan is on another level" said Luccione

"i didn't even rode a single plane and you manage to flew on a private jet! as a chicken!"

"Hahaha, your previous life is so miserable bro" said Giovanni as he is looking down on Luccione's past life.

"Mejor suerte la proxima vez amigo" said Giovanni

"okay, the amigo part i understand but what the hell did you just say?" Luccione said

"Nothing..." said Giovanni as he start to go to sleep

the next Morning.

Luccione went to school alone as Roxanne slaps his bagpack from behind while she says

"Good morning, Lucc!"

"Yeah, goodmoring too" Luccione replied with a serious and a dead tone

"Whats with your tone?" Roxanne ask

"Look, i will beat you okay."said Luccione, straight up.

"Only i will stand to the top of that examination"

"Relax Lucc the exam is going to be held in a next 2 months, don't go overboard" said Roxanne.

"you said this before, you know. that you are always going to protect me no matter what."

"i am simply just done with that crap"

"I cannot stand being protected by you, even if you are the top of the class. even if you are the vice president, and you hold more power. as a man, i have a pride. you know"

"i just can't"

Luccione closed his fist with a strong grip as he declare to challenge his bestfriend.

"So, i will beat the crap out of you. only then, will you allow me to protect you as well?"

Roxanne know his best friend determination is unwavering, she can't simply reject her bestfriend's resolve.

"Fine, Lucc in the next 2 months. you and i will be rivals" Roxanne accept Luccione's challenge

As they both shake hands to seal the deal.

Who will win, Luccione or Roxanne. maybe non of them, who knows.

- End Chapter

This plot is getting feisty, am I right?

Anyways, I decided that in the next week or more I will not upload chapters on the weekends. but I will still try my best to upload as much as I can, even if I get busy over time.

To those readers who anticipated my story, thank you very much for your support. that's all

Thank you...

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts