
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Childhood Friend Part 2

Back at Luccione's home, he was listening to relaxing music to recover from Giovanni's backstory. as Geovanni is eating bird food in the cage (for more information Giovanni's cage is never closed as he goes back whenever he wants). when suddenly. Roxanne went and visits his place holding a basket with a handkerchief covered to the top.

"Good morning, Lucc" said Roxanne as she greeted Luccione

Razor fast, Luccione manages to hide his earphone and the cellphone in his pocket the moment he hears her voice. as he was exhausted from what he did.

My god, that caught me off guard. if I have the same body as in my previous life I would have been dead right now.

"Roxanne what brings you here," Luccione asked

"Well, I did tell you that if you passed, I will make you hand-made cookies," said Roxanne as she remove the cover and show me her cookies.

"Tada, it is still hot by the way" she mentions

Luccione takes the handkerchief and uses it to hold the hot cookies. he blew it gently and slowly eat it.

Luccione really enjoys it, as he said "Good it's actually good! did you make this? that's cool!"

Roxanne hummed "mmh, the spirits of fire helped me bake it, amazing right?"

"Yes it is, thank you Roxanne" Luccione thanked

"You're welcome"


"by the way Roxanne, I know you don't want to tell me more about your blessing. I was wondering if at least you could tell what you requested from the goddess." Luccione asked

"Did your mom tell you about the goddess?" Roxanne asked

"Yes, but it's okay if you don't want to tell me about it, I'm sorry that I asked," said Luccione

Luccione then laugh it off as he was looking down like he was upset.



"Knowing my requests to the goddess isn't that bad, well then, I'll show you"

she then stands up and gave me a sign to hold her hand. as I hold it to stand up.

as soon as I stand I was about to release my hand but she insist on me holding it.

she closes her eyes, and after 5 seconds my vision of the surrounding starts to distort, starts to wiggle rapidly and morph into a room. the whole duration of the transition only takes 3 seconds.

"Woah, what is this place?" I asked her as I was actually surprised to see a modern house

Luccione previously Rene Jayson never get to experience the privilege of living in a modern style house. that is why even now he is impressed.

"This place is amazing, Roxanne"

"it sure is, this is where I baked my cookies. this is previously my house and acts as my comfort zone. when I want to, read books, if I want to use the air-con, if I want to refrigerate my food. this place is where I store them."

Wow, I am actually impressed about this, never thought this can be possible in just one request to the goddess. if I knew I could do this, then I would do the same. there is even a flat-screen TV. Of course, I can't really raise more red flags, I will ask her about the TV.

"Hey, Roxanne, what is that" as I point to the TV

"Owh that is a smart TV, but it has no use since the network doesn't work around here, not even signal, though you won't get that, do you?" she asked, she doesn't know at all that I receive my blessing.

probably just brush it off "I have no idea," said Luccione

I explore the house and found something strange with the windows, it's like we are seeing from where we stand, outside the windows. wherever I go the windows view is just the same as we are standing earlier but different point of view.

"Wow, this is freaky, Roxanne"

I was just minding on my own then suddenly Roxanne started to tell me the reason behind this request.

"I always have good memories of this house. and I thought about it, in every possibility."

"Sure being powerful is nice, but for me, it just doesn't work like that. I decided to at least take the ability to remind myself of my previous life. and how good it was." said Roxanne as she starts getting emotional.

she brushes her eyes off. she doesn't want her hidden emotions to show. that is why she changes the topic

she faced behind, and said "Do you wanna leave this place, there is nothing I can show you anymore.

"Here hold my hand, I will get you out"

Luccione may be inexperienced in understanding girls in the previous life but he can tell she is getting emotional when she was talking about the house.

Luccione holds her hands and pulls her to him and hugs her.

she was surprised, as she was about to close her eyes and put them back to the other side. what Luccione did catch her off guard.

"what's this about, trying to comfort me? you still haven't changed one-bit Lucc. I remember back then I used to call you Luck for being optimistic, and supportive when I'm scared, I'm the luckiest to have met you."

"It is good to see you still yourself, after receiving a blessing"


Roxanne looks at Luccione funny.

"What are you talking about?" Luccione replied

"Do you really think I wouldn't notice, that you hiding your smartphone earlier?"

"We have been friends for a long time, I know it when you're hiding something from me"

"Don't worry I won't ask anymore, but congratulations anyway. you finally remember your previous life." Roxanne congratulates Luccione for having his memory back.

By the way, Luccione and Roxanne were still hugging. after all, that. she suddenly holds with a tight grip and warps them back to Luccione's house.

Giovanni was just standing there waiting for their return.

"Wow, that took long enough," said Giovanni as the two were still hugging.

"Now tell me, should I anticipate something out of this?"

"Dude, we're just hugging. there is nothing to see here, okay." Said luccione

"is that the talking bird you keep talking about," said Roxanne

"Yeah, his name is Giovanni, and he is my, partner, I guess?" Luccione is sounding more like it was forced to be in.

she laughs.

It's good to see her doing okay, it might sound cringy for a 50-year-old guy to say this to a former high schooler, but I will do everything to protect that smile.

the dad came out of the house to call everyone for breakfast.

"Hey, breakfast ready guys, you can eat inside now."

Luccione invited Roxanne to join them inside.

"Sure, I would love to," said Roxanne

"Oh is that what I think it is?" said Giovanni as he took the basket full of cookies.

"No! this is mine" Luccione shouted as he take the basket with him

"You just eat, your precious bird food a while ago"

"That's so harsh, my chicken heart can't possibly recover to that," said Giovanni

"Lucc, you're still as famish as always," Roxanne said


The two childhood friend is having the blast in their life. Even if they are hiding a dark past, it doesn't mean they can't enjoy their new life.

- The End

Hello fellow readers, to those who were wondering about Lucc, Roxanne only uses that nickname when they are alone. or in the common place where it is less likely that someone will see them.

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