
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Spirits of Space

A week has passed since the rivalry between the two is declared, All of the students have been fully immersed in the teachings of the full-time teachers knowing it won't be the same after.

The last subject before the Supreme Justice Corp. lectures start.

"Now our next lesson will be about Abridge Incantation, unlike what you already know. You can actually lessen your chant if you are doing the same magic repeatedly" said the teacher

all the student is paying 100 percent of their attention to the teacher's lesson. as they watch silently.

the teacher wrote on the board, the example chant.

"Spirits of wind, accept my request, gather your power around this room, by moving the object to the palm of my hand, to show everyone what lies to the truth."

the teacher then points his index finger to the blank paper on top of the desk, as it starts to fly away by the wind. the teacher did not signal the sign for it to go to his palm yet. that is why the paper just keeps hovering on top of the classroom, circling on the ceiling.

the teacher then shows his hand to the class, and he starts to open it wide. the wind knows where to go next, as it goes straight to the teacher's hand. slow its descent and went straight to the open palm and lands perfectly.

Some of the students were amazed, but neither Luccione nor Roxanne is one of them.

both of them have already advanced studied this subject. in theory, they might be on par with the teacher's knowledge or more about this topic already.

"See how it landed to my palm as I say it should. now I will only use 2 chants to do the same magic"

the teacher wrote to the board what the 2 chants he was going to use.

"move the object back to where it belongs, to show everyone what lies to the truth"

the wind then takes the blank paper off the teacher's hand and hovers it back to the table to where it was originally placed.

"There are only 2 chants that were used, the magic still works. the idea behind this is as long as you are going to do the same magic but with different instructions but the same purpose it would work the same. Always remember to add the purpose of your magic because it is the only indication that your magic is the same as you did last time." said the teacher

the class applauds the teacher's demonstration.

Meanwhile, Luccione in the back, near the window is writing a message on the paper

"Sike, I hid your favorite birdseed. go eat dad's bird food with your other birdfriends lol" is written on the paper.

"Spirits of wind, grant my wishes, gather all forces acted upon this object, make it fly straight to my stupid bird's face, let me see how he will react," Luccione whispered as he make a paper plane out of it.

and threw it to the window as the wind moves it outside.

it is estimated that it will go to its destination in about half an hour, meaning Giovanni will have no idea where his favorite food is, for 30 minutes.

"That is all for today's class, tomorrow we will be doing a practical quiz regarding Abridge Incantation"

"Bye class, have fun with your upcoming teacher," said the teacher as he go out of the room.

the atmosphere gradually began decreasing exponentially after he said that.

the students start complaining again.

"Now I see the light flashing through my eyes"

"If our positions were switched, will I have your life, and you mine?"

"Every day, we stray further from god's grace"

"If dying is important, will today be a perfect time"

Roxanne is just smiling at how stressed her classmate becomes.

"It's ok guys, don't lose your hopes up" Roxanne cheers everyone.

Out of nowhere, a megaphone is heard.


"the hell has been unleashed!" shouted some stressed classmate.

they lifelessly form a line, walk from the room hallway into the nearest stairway, and go outside like a zombie.

the other officers made them form into two lines before they go outside. girls and boys are in a separate rooms.

while they are standing under the scorching sun, like an ordinary ROTC student. we must not forget they are still grade-schoolers.

Luccione and the other students saw what looks like a big cloth with strange circle symbols in it being placed on the ground from both the boy's line and girls' line.

As Officer Damos go outside the room and greets the student.

"Good afternoon, Lamborn students sorry for the harsh treatment. but it is essential to adapt to this temperature at all times when tragedy comes. you will never know what lurks in the light of the dark." said Damos

"To those who are wondering what this rag that has a circle engraved in. this is an example of a Magic Circle, which I will teach you later on."

Officer Damos points at the rag.

"That magic circle specifically will tell, if you are lying or not. One person at a time is allowed to be under the magic circle. as you stand above it answer my one important question"

"Have you received your blessings?" said Officer Damos

One by one each student is asked the same question, those who have received a blessing are going to separate from those who have not. And those who have friends that have different answers won't be able to lie their way to be with their friends. they are forced to line with someone they hardly know.

"Those who have not received a blessing will be supervised by Ms. Andrea, she will be your teacher. and those who received a blessing will be supervised by me."

most of the students in Damos's class were more than just worried, they think the world has shattered to them.

Deep down behind the strong persona, both Luccione and Roxanne are actually a bit scared.

A few minutes have passed since the distribution of the classes and Damos is ready to start his first discussion. the male and female are in the same room but the students who receive their blessing have a different room from the ones who don't receive any yet. As the class is now starting to obey the etiquettes, like posture, attention, and silence.

"Okay, good afternoon class, I will mention it again. My name is Sir. Damos and I will be your advanced magic instructor. today I will tell you about space, specifically the spirits of space."

"Now, I am not talking about the space outside of the earth's atmosphere. in this world, no one else can't find the materials to acquire space transportation. our ancestor has been living in this place for Millenium. we are still unable to explore the entirety of this world, due to monsters guarding other lands."

"the law of this world doesn't bid well with the ones on earth, basically the physics of this world is still hypothetical, anything is possible, like falling from the tall building can still be non-lethal with magic involved"

"Flight magic is more convenient, making planes pointless to develop, the thunderstorm is way too unstable, it is said that the first scientist who went here have died after studying the weather of this place, almost like a god is stopping us from knowing everything."

"So we are studying the very law that governs this place instead of comparing it to the ones on earth. we found out that there is a place hidden in this world, that no one can't fully explain what it is"

"We call the place, space. and it has no vacuum. that mirror you see there" said Damos as he points to the mirror in the classroom.

"It's possible that there is a place hidden inside it," Damos said

Everyone in the class is intrigued at how well Sir. Damos actually explains. the lesson is easy to grasp. and he is telling a story to be more interesting.

The lesson ended in about 1 hour and 30 minutes, now comes the practice quiz.

"Okay, for the first quiz find a partner." Said Damos

Everyone then asks someone out to be his/her partner. Luccione and Roxanne became partner.

"Do you really have to show me your mean face?" said Roxanne as Luccione keeps looking at her with a searing look.

"I can't help it, I am serious" Luccione replied

She smiles and said, "Okay, not being honest to yourself huh?"

"Shut up" Luccione mumbles.

"I want you to use the spirits of space to create two portals to you and your partner, all you have to do is bring an item and put it into your dimension. the important part is that the item should go out to your partner's dimension"

"Do not use my encantation to the blackboard, create your own incantation" said Damos

"You go first, Ms. Roxanne"

"Yes sir," said Roxanne while in the back of Luccione's head say "That's what you get for getting their attention, stupid"

both Luccione and Roxanne stand up.

"Oh, is that your partner, Miss Roxanne?"

"Yes sir, my partner's name is Luccione" said Roxanne while in the back of Luccione's head say "Oh, oh, now you involving me as well"

"Luccione, Hmm, what an interesting name. so by the way for the offer part, I suggest you sacrifice your tooth to open a portal, that is the only offer we concluded to be less alarming."

Luccione was afraid and worried because he doesn't want to sacrifice his baby tooth. nor he also doesn't want Roxanne to sacrifice her tooth.

but mostly everyone else is complaining so loud that Damos hears them complain.

"I'm sorry kid, that is actually the only known offer that works. though, since you are a kid a new tooth will just grow back someday" said Damos

Luccione had no choice but to act like a man. he suggested that Roxanne can just sacrifice his tooth to do magic. Roxanne reject the offer and said keeps saying she can handle having 1 tooth missing but Luccione insist, otherwise.

in the end, they both agree to use Luccione teeth as a sacrifice.

"Rember you have to connect both portals so your encantation should rely on each other," said Damos

both of them chanting at the same time.

"Spirits of space, lend your blessings, warp the space for me and Roxanne as I command, let the item pass through my portal, to show everyone the truth behind, use one of my teeth as an offering same goes to Roxanne"

"Spirits of space, lend your blessings, warp the space for me and Luccione in the palm of my hand, let the item pass through my portal, to show everyone what lies to the truth, use one of Luccion's teeth as an offering"

As an initiator, Luccione points to the corner as he said "Worm gate open" and a black-colored portal appears in the air. Guccione then holds his notebook and throws it into the portal.

"Close the portal," said luccione, as his portal gradually decreases its size until it disappears.

the moment it disappears, searing pain is felt by him in his mouth. but the magic is not yet finished.

Roxanne opens her hands, and the portal then suddenly opens on top. and the notebook drops to her hand as she shows it to the class.

Everyone was impressed while Luccione is in the back seat leaning on his desk and groaning silently as he cries quietly.

Roxanne then take the notebook using her other hand and closed her magic-imbued hand to deactivate the portal.

Everyone was clapping with amazement while Luccione at the back is gradually screaming as he closed his fist and hit his desk violently.

Everyone was laughing but deep down they all feel miserable and was praying for a sudden class suspension alarm.

Everyone went home with a tooth missing, except Roxanne.

"I'm home," said Luccione but his mom and dad were not in the house

Giovanni is watching to the old-style television as he lay down just like a chicken on the couch.

"Hey, why are you watching? Where are the others?" Luccione asks with a whistling sound as he speaks. Subconsciously, he covered his mouth with his hands.

"Oh, they are having a date night. they will come back here late, so no worry I am on the lookout"

Luccione looks at Giovanni again and thinks "which part of that is considered a lookout activity"

As Luccione was about to walk to his room.

"Hey, I heard a whistling noise the moment you talk. I might have heard that, at some point in my previous life"

Luccione stops walking, and he starts sweating.

"And if that's the case, I think you have a missing tooth or more. didn't you?" said Giovanni as he slowly rotates his head 180 degrees.

"No, ne-" said luccione but he did not continue because of the whistling noise.

Giovanni laughs at him.

"That's what you get for hiding my bird seeds dickhead"

Giovanni can't stop laughing.

Shut up.

Luccione goes to his room upstairs.

"Karma does exist in here," said Giovanni

- End Chapter

Yeah, yeah, I made Luccione's character to be a simp, don't hate him for it. he just values his best friend. There is a reason why the series is called "Companionship in Another World". No worry, character development is on the way. you might want to see GIGACHAD Luccione.

Romance? idk when yet lol.

the whole lesson arc is just a preparation for the practical examination after two months so be sure to wait for more updates.

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts