
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Giovanni De Rosario

In the backyard of Luccione home, he and Giovanni were having a practice battle.

"Giovanni use Claw attack!" Luccione shouted

Giovanni does a charging stance for 4 seconds as the wind pressure gathered behind him and explodes, knocking back him and Luccione in an opposite direction.

the knockback's push is enough for Giovanni to make a devastating claw attack and tear the head out of the scarecrow's body.

"What's with that about? you didn't have to show off" said Luccione as he was trying to get back up.

"What can I do, I was raised to show off my taunting skills when I was kidnapped," said Giovanni

"okay, i mean does it always have to be the neck," Luccione asked

"Well, the neck is the fatal part of a body, of course. If I want to finish it fast, I have to aim at the neck. in fact, all of my victories consist of me beheading my enemy." Giovanni said

"Wow, that former champion guy ready did a lot of things about you."

"Hey, you wanna know how I earned the name Giovanni?" Giovanni asked Luccione

"If it is interesting, I guess I can be all ears."

"Very well"


back to the earth, 1 day has passed since the death of Rene Jayson.

The former champion fights it off in the neighborhood, his rooster is the one he kidnapped from Rene Jayson.

before the rooster got the name, Giovanni, he was the type who never fought and just wait for the time to finish the battle.

the former champion quickly lifted Giovanni just after the referee stop the fight.

"What are you doing, dodging all his attacks? you will not accomplish anything if you continue doing that"

after all of those scolding Giovanni did the same thing over and over again.

*During the fights*

The competitor rooster let out a continuous strike as Giovanni continues to dodge all of them like it was nothing. the referee saw that this battle will not go anywhere so he just call off the fight.

Giovanni keeps doing this over and over again. he can't even count how many scolding the former champion throws at him. I have simply no reason to fight a boring match if I can dodge all the enemy's attacks.

one time Giovanni manage to fight off a strong opponent, at first he dodge the first strike but did not expect to use the opponent's wing to hit his head and tumble on the field. but the battle later on halt. because the former champion son was on his deathbed. as the father lost his income to that tournament and cannot earn more Gambling money because it never went his way.

"I'm sorry son, this is all my fault. I let my pride control me and lost all of that hospital bills."

the rooster never knows it before but apparently, most of the people who voted for the champion were furious about his loss. and waited for him one time and stole his other earnings. some even intrude into his house and stole most of his possession. he was about to sell those accessories to earn money but later disappear.

he has no other choice but to earn money by gambling and he keeps using Rene Jayson's rooster because he saw his capabilities head-on. the fact that the rooster keeps avoiding the strike means that he still has the hope to fix everything, to earn just enough for his son.

But all those hopes come to an end as the son of the former champion was on his last breath.

"I forgive you, dad. I can meet mom now" were his son's last words before he passed away

Everyone in the room mourns his death and the former champion hugs his lifeless son one last time.

it all clicks, this is all my fault because I did not give him what he expected of me. I keep ignoring him even though he was in his darkest times. the same goes for my owner, I wasn't there when he needs me the most. he died without me by his side.

it's all coming back to me.

I don't want anyone to suffer from my mistakes ever again.

while the opponent's rooster was being lifted by his owner, I strike his neck, leaving him headless while blood splattered on the owner's head

everyone who sees my attack quickly screams as the guy holding the headless rooster kneel down.

and the former champion looks at the window to see what the ruckus is about as he saw the enemy rooster beheaded the same as his rooster.

he already knows who is capable of doing this.

as he calls it "Diablo".

after that, the former champion used me again to do cockfights as I completely dominated all the roosters that comes at me. he now won more money, as he stay humble.

again and again, I keep giving that man the excitement that he lost because of me.

I keep finishing the fight in less than a minute, or more like less than 15 seconds. most of them are death-by-beheading.

after all his money return back to him. he doesn't know when to use it anymore.

some of the money he earned was given to his son in the graveyard as a gift that his dad is doing okay and that he has nothing to worry about anymore.

only this time, the rooster was there in the cemetery.

the rooster saw the former champion as he close his both hands and pray.

after all that, the former champion lift me and looked me in the eyes, at the same eye level.

and I look at his. as he told me

"From now on you will be named after what I cherish the most, and also the reason for my loss."

"though you may be stolen from your owner, I will gladly accept you as my own"

"Giovanni De Rosario"

"you will be my partner, my companion, throughout my life," said the former champion.

of course, I don't know what he said

*Back to the present*

"It all made sense when I got here as I learned what he meant," said Giovanni

"that is how I earned my name "Giovanni Demonyo Rosario"

Luccione was speechless as he holds his tears.

"I didn't know you would have a more tragic life than when I died," said luccione

"You almost made me cry, damn it"

"Don't worry that was a long time ago"

"knowing this world, I might just see that old man again," said Giovanni


"so your name basically translates to 'My Son's Demon' am I correct?" asked luccione

"Yeah, his son's name is Giovanni"

"I am his son's killer, and don't forget his family name, Rosario as well," said Giovanni


"Now you know some of my journeys without you"


"you're saying, your journey wasn't over?" Luccione was shocked, he really thought it would be over now.

"Of course not, a rooster has a life span of 15 years, don't be stupid former breeder"

"Who am I to blame, most of the native roosters never went over 5 years anyways because they always meet the same death in the cockfighting" replied Luccione

"Hey, how did you die anyways?" Luccione asked

"Natural causes" Giovanni answers quickly


"I died because I was too old" Giovanni also mention

Luccione was baffled

Giovanni, my previous rooster. might just be the "FIRST EVER" native chicken to have died because of becoming too old.

- End Chapter

Hello everyone, who manage to read this far, I want to know your opinion on my story. is it easy to read? does it catch your interest? do you want more?

Come on, I have over 4k views now and not a single comment, I feel like I'm being Tricked, or Being Backstabbed and Might Have Been, Quite Possibly, Bamboozled.

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts