
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Childhood Friend

Lamborn Academy, a secondary school. the nearest school where Luccione's house is located. the idea behind the school name is to guide the kids to their blessings and help them get through the trauma of that their previous life.

Like a city school that is not expensive. so that every child will get the help they need.

Luccione also went to the said school, doing various activities just like a regular student. As he walks through the hallway he keeps looking at all the kids that are playing in the playground. like an actual kid who has nothing to do with how the world works.

he keeps reminding himself that those kids that are playing happily might not be the same when the blessings start to manifest. since it takes a meer seconds til their personality will switch to that of a full-grown man.

in fact, as a kid luccione was terrified of the idea that all of the past memories might flow through his mind and mess with his reasoning.

"I was lucky my previous life is not worse" Luccione mumbled

"I won't be able to play the same way as I did before"

Out of nowhere, this kid who I don't know who it was suddenly hugged my back and covered my eyes. of course, I recognize this type of embrace. but it hits different when you get your blessings.

"Do you miss me?" the voice of a kid girl

I know who she is, that voice is too familiar. and she has always done this to me before.

"Yeah, Yeah get off me Roxanne I am not in the mood right now"

Roxanne did a pouty face.

"How dare you, we were so lovey-Dobey last Friday ago"

I look at her behind me as I sighed.

She started to get upset.

"Why? I thought we will be friends forever, are we not friend anymore?" said Roxanne as she hold her tears.

Oh no, I am not really good at handling kids, but I have no choice because I am also a kid. if this keeps up and she found out I have received my blessings, she will hate me for sure. I have no choice but to act like a kid.

"No, no, no, why would you think of that? of course you're my friend. I never said I hate you"

"Really? then why are you avoiding me?"

"Sorry it's hard for me to explain right now, I'm very sorry"

"You got your blessings didn't you?"

how did she see right through me? I have no choice, better make a diversion.

"Oh no, I forgot there will be a recitation for elemental magic incantation today. Roxanne help me please." Luccione said

it is actually the best diversion because I don't actually know what to do. because of that blessings, I forgot that I have an assignment. I know Roxanne more than anyone, she has pride as number 1 in the class and as my childhood friend.

"Very well, I will have no choice. I don't want you to fail this recitation anyways"

Luccione thanked Roxanne repeatedly from the bottom of his heart.

"Spirits of the wind, accept my request, gather all forces around, alter thy pressure as I desire, deliver us to my destination."

Out of nowhere both of us start hovering in the air, I can feel throughout my body the wind as it tries to push us from all directions to change direction.

so this is the power of the number 1 student huh?

the wind is too loud as it travels throughout my body. one wrong move and I might fall out of the area effect.

the wind opened Roxanne's windows as we flew straight to her dorm room.

she landed beautifully but I was dragged across the room and hit my arm on the closet cabinet. thankfully I covered my head, but it still hurts.

"Hey that actually hurt you know, I might get a splinter because of you!"

"Huh? it's your fault for not knowing how to chant, in fact, you should be thanking me because I included you in my request"


"didn't you hear me say "deliver us to my destination" instead of "deliver me to my destination?" I am practically lifting you, you dead weight" Roxanne reasoning as she hurt our boy physically and mentally.

"Roxanne that hurt you know, SAY YOU'RE SORRY NOW!!!" Luccione shouted

"Never!" Roxanne replied


Both of them laugh it all afterward.

It took a whole break time to tutor Luccione, which is planned by him to disregard the conversation earlier.

"Okay, the recitation is coming all you need to know is to follow the five steps. know which magic to use, ask the spirit for approval, state the effect you will need, alter that effect to your desire, and lastly state your intention."

"if one of those is missing, the magic will not work. if one of those did not understood by the spirits, it won't also work, do you get me"

"Roxanne what if I just memorize the one you just use" Luccione assumes.

"then you will be flying around the room and hit your head in the process, you like that?" Roxanne tells him the possible outcome.

fair enough

"if you manage to pass the recitation, I will give you my homemade cookies," said Roxanne as she wink at Luccione.

I can't believe a 10-year-old girl is rewarding me with homemade cookies, of course, I have to do my best.

I am blessed to have a childhood friend that manifests with the blessings of a high school madonna. still, I must not forget that everyone in this world is only here because of their previous sins. therefore I don't know anything about her blessings, and she won't tell me in exchange for her friendliness towards me.

I sighed

this world is becoming more of a hustle.

she left first in her room waiting for me in the hallway. as I hear a familiar voice from the window.


I looked behind.

Giovanni was there.

"that spell she just did earlier is really handy. It made me fly all the way to the 6th-floor building."

"HAHAHA, if I were you, I will make use of her kindness"

Wow, a chicken manages to fly into the 6th-floor building I am not even surprised anymore, knowing my chicken does crazy things.

"Get out of here, use that magic you learn to fly elsewhere okay, shoo! shoo! shoo!" Luccione wards off Giovanni to fly elsewhere.

"Say thanks to her for me, will ya," said Giovanni as he dives off the windows with only a 2 to 3-second delay. He got repelled back up from 3 feet above the ground. and he repelled himself mid-air to mid-air to mid-air as he starts to vanish away into the sky.


how did that chicken manage to say something and recite an incantation at the same time? huh.

later on, during the recitation Luccione manage to get 51 scores out of 100.

Luccione did manage to pass nontheless.

-End Chapter

Bruh I was just curious what will happen if I support my creation, I did not think it would actually work, but now I am the first fan of my own creation lmao

Greetings my readers I want to remove my name from the supporter. please help and support my novel to remove me once and for all.

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts