
Coming of the Apocalypse Queen

In the year 2XXX, a blue meteor from outer space landed on Earth and signaled the dawn of the apocalypse. More than 60% of the population was wiped out by a mysterious disease. Plants and animals turned into mutants. People gained powers and abilities. The world and the government collapsed and turned into a world where only the strong is respected while the weak are doomed to die. Lilian Mo didn't have a good life during the apocalypse. She was reduced to being a possession of her fiancé and became his glorified bed warmer. He kept her locked up in his villa and rarely allowed her to go out, keeping her around as his pet that he took care of. Though it was considered a luxury to be able to eat three times a day and drink clean water in the apocalypse when all the water sources are contaminated, Lilian Mo sneered at this kind of life and escaped her confinement meeting people along the way and gaining an ability on her own. She found 'friends' during her journey and fought alongside them through life and death, only to be betrayed by them. Lilian Mo died tragically when she was pushed to a group of mutant animals by her so-called 'friend' whom she treated as a sister. When it seemed like everything was going to end for her, she opened her eyes and went back to her sixteen-year-old body, two months before the apocalypse. "The heavens have not forsaken me." Lilian Mo swore to grow stronger and take revenge on those that betrayed her trust. Lucky for her, she was reborn with the knowledge of the future and given her own special dimension. Her golden cheats allowed her to sail through the apocalypse without worrying about food or water. After waking up two months before the apocalypse, Lilian Mo decided to set her eyes on the people that wronged her. ▪▪▪ A story about a girl's journey to becoming stronger while trying to survive in the apocalyptic world and facing the man of her past. ▪▪▪ Reminding my readers that this book's rating is [No One 17 And Under Allowed] which means it contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. This also includes gore, violence, abuse, and explicit content because the setting is an apocalyptic world. The MC is a heartless person who kills without hesitation but has a soft spot for the people she cares about. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. There are no major misunderstandings between the characters. Face slapping is reduced to a minimum and there are no exaggerated or draggy arguments. I only write happy endings ;) This is pure fiction. Don't expect it to be realistic. My third language is English--hoping that the Grammar Nazis would be gentle with me Cover photo not mine. I only edited it.

Mira_Diem · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
188 Chs


Lilian Mo and her group continued. The further they proceed, the more she felt suffocated. She could sense a lot of people coming in from the east. They ventured over there and found a wooden cellar door.

Mizuki Rei grinned. "Didn't think they would hide underground like rats."

"Momo, it's dark below. What are we going to do?"

Lilian Mo opened her bag and handed them a flashlight each. She took them from her space but she made it look like she took them from her backpack. The two did not question her any further.

As soon as they got down, the group was surprised. It was because the further they went in, the broader the space became and the more complicated the route and paths became. There were many intercrossing pathways and every single path split into more paths at the end like a never ending maze.

Fortunately, Lilian Mo has heightened senses as a Level three ability user. Due to the effects of the spring water on her space and the marrow cleansing, it boosted her physical abilites so she was comparable to a level two strength ability user.

Alas, her golden cheat was really something.

In no time, they managed to come close to a room where people were being imprisoned. Most of them looked a bit malnourished and starved. There were even corpses and dying people on the muddy floors.

Either the boss was confident or stupid but there was no guards guarding the cell room.

Mizuki Rei and Mu Qingqing had slowly gotten used to killing mutants but they've never seen people in such conditions before.

They looked like they were living the lives of an animal. The two shivered as they realized once again just how evil fellow humans could be. They were even worse than mutants who only know how to follow their instincts.

Lilian Mo's eyes flashed coldly. She suddenly remembered a familiar sight like this back in her past life.

At that time, she found an underground laboratory where people are being imprisoned and experimented on. They weren't treated like humans. They were like lab rats and guinea pigs whose only purpose was to advance scientific knowledge.

Her expression became vindictive. When she saw a pair of patrol rounding the corner, she lunged towards them and sliced their necks clean. The two choked on blood, unable to match her speed.

The people imprisoned were surprised when they saw the arrival of a woman in black, wielding a metal sword. Her hair was short and her lips were a pretty pink like flower petals.

She looked like a goddess that descended from above with her fair and jade-like skin, and a mystical aura surrounding her ethereal form. Yet there was also a certain danger that exuded from her.

The imprisoned folks couldn't help but feel a faint of hope as they saw her. Did she come to rescue them?

"Mr. Ling, take care of them." Lilian Mo then looked at Mu Qingqing.

"Little girl, keep close to him. I'll be back to deal with the boss."

"But, but.. Momo, what if you get hurt? I'm coming with you." Mu Qingqing firmly remained stubborn as she hugged Lilian Mo's right arm.

Lilian Mo removed her hands away.

"It's not that I don't want you to come but the boss isn't your match. I'm at level three so I can take him on with ease. However, an earth ability user in this kind of confined space is dangerous. You have to go and evacuate with everyone. Can I trust you to deal with this?"

After hearing that, Mu Qingqing nodded. "Momo, you can trust me. I'll definitely make sure they're safe. But you have to come back safely, too!"

Lilian Mo smiled and rubbed the girl's head. She turned around and left, heading deeper into the cave.

Lilian Mo encountered more guards. With her irritable mood, she ended them without asking any questions.

She found another room to the right, inching closer and hearing the grunts and moans of people.

You could tell from the mixed sounds that someone was enjoying the deed while the other party was groaning in pain.

Only one thing entered Lilian Mo's mind.


She gripped the blade in her hands and kicked the door open with her boot.

The two people in the room froze like a deer caught in headlights.

There was a young girl lying on her back, naked and crying. A man in her mid thirties was just as naked and was lying on top of the girl.

Lilian Mo felt sick. This girl did not look no older than Mu Qingqing.

"Who the hell are you?!" The middle aged man, Liu Shi, barked with anger. He hated being interrupted the most and he was just in the middle of enjoying the fresh girl beneath him. He was almost at his limit but his little buddy turned flaccid the moment the door banged open.

He was about to curse the intruder when he noticed their appearance.

His eyes widened in surprise as a lecherous grin occupied his lips.

The young woman infront of him was beautiful like a fair jade that remained untainted by this world. She looked fresh and clean despite the harsh conditions of the apocalypse.

However, he did not bother with this and was deeply attracted to the outline of her body and the cold yet flawless face of the beauty.

Liu Shi sat up.

"Beauty, why are you here? Did you come to join me and my little sister?"
