
Coming of the Apocalypse Queen

In the year 2XXX, a blue meteor from outer space landed on Earth and signaled the dawn of the apocalypse. More than 60% of the population was wiped out by a mysterious disease. Plants and animals turned into mutants. People gained powers and abilities. The world and the government collapsed and turned into a world where only the strong is respected while the weak are doomed to die. Lilian Mo didn't have a good life during the apocalypse. She was reduced to being a possession of her fiancé and became his glorified bed warmer. He kept her locked up in his villa and rarely allowed her to go out, keeping her around as his pet that he took care of. Though it was considered a luxury to be able to eat three times a day and drink clean water in the apocalypse when all the water sources are contaminated, Lilian Mo sneered at this kind of life and escaped her confinement meeting people along the way and gaining an ability on her own. She found 'friends' during her journey and fought alongside them through life and death, only to be betrayed by them. Lilian Mo died tragically when she was pushed to a group of mutant animals by her so-called 'friend' whom she treated as a sister. When it seemed like everything was going to end for her, she opened her eyes and went back to her sixteen-year-old body, two months before the apocalypse. "The heavens have not forsaken me." Lilian Mo swore to grow stronger and take revenge on those that betrayed her trust. Lucky for her, she was reborn with the knowledge of the future and given her own special dimension. Her golden cheats allowed her to sail through the apocalypse without worrying about food or water. After waking up two months before the apocalypse, Lilian Mo decided to set her eyes on the people that wronged her. ▪▪▪ A story about a girl's journey to becoming stronger while trying to survive in the apocalyptic world and facing the man of her past. ▪▪▪ Reminding my readers that this book's rating is [No One 17 And Under Allowed] which means it contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. This also includes gore, violence, abuse, and explicit content because the setting is an apocalyptic world. The MC is a heartless person who kills without hesitation but has a soft spot for the people she cares about. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. There are no major misunderstandings between the characters. Face slapping is reduced to a minimum and there are no exaggerated or draggy arguments. I only write happy endings ;) This is pure fiction. Don't expect it to be realistic. My third language is English--hoping that the Grammar Nazis would be gentle with me Cover photo not mine. I only edited it.

Mira_Diem · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
188 Chs


Lilian Mo also looked at Mu Qingqing with a hint of admiration. Oh, her little pig was gaining courage. All her efforts of raising and feeding this cute girl was not in vain. She was so proud at the moment like a mother seeing her child walk for the first time...


Lilian Mo stopped the hand that was going to land another slap on Wang Fan.

"Little girl, you're going to end up killing him if you slap him again." Lilian Mo said with a hint of smile.

"Oh... Momo, I got excited. But he's a bad guy and you said not to trust bad guys and men!"

Lilian Mo rubbed her head proudly. "That's right. Never trust men. Even Mr. Ling here. Don't let him bully you, okay?"

"En." Mu Qingqing nodded obediently, hugging Lilian Mo's waist and rubbing her face on the girl's chest.

"You.. scary girl.. Don't lie to Qingqing! I'm a gentleman. I would never hurt or bully her!" Mizuki Rei felt wronged as he tried to defend himself. Why was this Lilian Mo dumping him in the same category as all the bad guys? Wasn't she the one who told him to protect Qingqing?

This girl is just so..

"Shut up, we still haven't found the hideout's location just yet." Once Lilian Mo said this, their gazes went back to Wang Fan.

Wang Fan squirmed uncontrollably, gulping.


Among the shadows of the night, three figures were moving discreetly together, not making any sound.

"Tch. This villa doesn't look like a hideout at all. It looks like a haunted house to me. " Mizuki Rei eyed the gloomy building.

"Momo, do you think there are ghosts inside?"

"Little girl, you're already so old but still afraid of ghosts. Aren't mutants much scarier?" Lilian Mo said, raising a questioning glance at Mu Qingqing.

"But mutants are tangible. Ghosts aren't!"

Mizuki Rei stifled a laugh. "She has a point."

Lilian Mo didn't bother to reply. They watched as two men patrolled outside, carrying guns.

She signaled at Mizuki Rei who nodded back and extended his hand. The two men felt a chilly breeze behind them, making them shiver.

They glanced around but there was no one there.

They were about to head back when a force on the neck knocked them unconscious.

Mu Qingqing with her strength at level one dragged the unconscious bodies into the bushes with only her hands before tying them up and stuffing a gag on their mouth.

"We aren't killing them?" Mizuki Rei asked.

Lilian Mo answered, "No. Try to keep killing at a minimum. But don't hold back when your life is in danger. Though it's a different story if you encounter scums."

Lilian Mo wasn't a saint. She could kill people without a hint of remorse but these two were different. It's only been a month since the apocalypse. But teaching them to kill people indiscriminately would not yield any good results.

She would make sure that they only kill scumbags and not the innocent folks. As for Lilian Mo, she has no problem dirtying her hands and bathing in blood.

The three of them sneaked inside while keeping quiet.

They encountered two more guards and knocked those people out.

Lilian Mo sensed a lot of people underground, making her brows furrow. The villa was too quiet and there were hardly any guards in sight.

It seems like that they would have to venture downwards.

The boss was a little smart. No one would think to look for underground but she wasn't surprised. These were criminals afterall....

Who knows how many crimes they've done in the past and how many lives they've killed? They were in death row for a good reason.

With their brutish behavior of kidnapping women and using them to relieve their carnal pleasures, she would not let them go.

She would cut their third leg off before killing them. That would teach them a lesson.

In her past life, she had really grown to hate these kind of despicable men. Being trapped by Lu Jingren to warm his bed then seeing Mu Qingqing become a breeder really made her hatred for men grow.

Of course, she was aware that not all men are scums but she could not help but think of every male that way when faced with this kind of situation. So far, only one man has ever shown her courtesy and that man was someone she met in her past life.

In her life right now, she has yet to meet him. Lilian Mo wondered if he was doing fine at the moment. She really hoped so because she could not afford for him to fall on the dark side again..

For now, she would deal with these convicts.


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