
Cocktails and Cauldrons: A Magical Mayhem

The novel commences with the tragic demise of Adèle Rousseau, a 35-year-old bartender whose life takes a shocking turn on one fateful night. Adèle, burdened by unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, finds solace in her nightly routines at Le Nuit Mystique, a dimly lit bar where she works tirelessly. The story unfolds in a bustling city filled with dreams, regrets, and the elusive promise of redemption. Adèle's life takes an unexpected twist after the unforeseen accident, propelling her into a mystical world of enchanting wonders. In a moment of fate-altering events, Adèle awakens as the 10-year-old daughter of a wealthy French pure-blood family, now known as Victoire Lefèvre. She must navigate the intricate and enchanting world of magic, while simultaneously weaving together the memories and experiences of Adèle and Victoire. This unique perspective offers insights into destiny, rebirth, and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit. As Victoire, she grapples with her newfound magical abilities and adjusts to the opulent yet demanding life of a pure-blood family. The tale unfolds as she embraces this unexpected second chance and strives to shape her destiny, determined to make the most of the magical world she now inhabits. ****************************************

EchoingDusk · Movies
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Chapter:13 Home Sweet Home

Hector borrowed a Ministry car and showcasing a considerable amount of pride drove it back to the Lefevre Manor, Along with Victoire and Moody, who were quite reluctant to agree with him denying the chauffeur offered by the parking lot. 

After checking if their luggage was safely packed in the trunk, they secured themselves to the seats. The belt and buckles were all strapped on. Moody even went so far as to enchant the belt to tie tighter around him. 

All the way through Paris to the manor, Madeye wouldn't stop complaining about Hector's reckless driving while Victoire wondered what she had just experienced.

The car was a slick black limo the inside of which was nothing like Victoire had ever seen in her life, she finally understood why the ministry only had seven cars. They were all enchanted with spells that expanded the inside of these vehicles to match the same capacity as that of a truck. 

And that was not all, this vehicle somehow drove through narrow alleys by utilizing a clever enchantment that stretched and bent its enchanted object, which in their case was the trio themselves. 

Hector drove in a straight line, through hedges that jumped out of the way, to buildings that parted in front of them, and of course through solid walls by phasing through them. 

By the time they finally exited Paris, Victoire was quite sure that nothing in the world could startle her anymore but she was proven wrong shortly after.


Madeye shouted more to himself than the others and tightened the buckles holding him to the seat. Victoire leaned forward, wondering what could have been the reason for THE infamous 'Madeye' to be so scared. 

And she spotted it just as Hector pressed it.

There on the dashboard, was an inconspicuous switch that read 'Danger', and beneath the warning was another small sentence, 'High-Speed Magic Boosters'.

"THE FU..."

Her cursing was cut short as the car shot forward with such speed that she slammed back into her seat and they hurtled across the road.

They maintained the same speed for nearly half an hour during which Victoire was quite certain that Madeye passed out twice and woke up again from the shock. She was not one to talk since she also passed out once or twice only to wake up again from the sudden jolt that the car experienced going at super speed. Hector appeared to be the only one who enjoyed the experience.

Half an hour of agony later, the vehicle finally came to a halt in front of the manor. 

Madeye kicked down the door before bustling out of the car, he was followed shortly after by a very messy-haired Victoire who was clutching onto the car door for support. Hector, however, was sad that he couldn't drive more, and ruefully patted the car before letting it return to the ministry.

The luggage automatically floated out of the car's trunk and flew into the manor, courtesy of Tiffy the house elf. 

Victoire looked through the manor door and saw Isabelle walking down the stairs towards them,

"Victoire, Dear, you are back!"

And Victoire had to brace herself as her mother slammed into her, embracing her in a bear hug.

"How are you, my dear?"

She asked in a tender voice,


Victoire replied in the whispery tone she had adopted when dealing with the maternal side of her family. 

She and the two men behind her followed Isabelle as she guided them to the parlor. The parlor, a cozy room with a set of fluffy 'Diwans', had a small fire burning in the fireplace and a teapot ready at the table. Victoire didn't stop to accompany Madeye and Hector, instead, she went to her room two stories above. 

Her room was the same as she had left it, the bed made, curtains drawn, and a lavender scent wafting off of the dispenser she had got for her seventh birthday. The shelves were mostly untouched and so was the luggage she had packed for the trip. She had expected to be busy for several days but it appears that she wasn't so lucky after all. 

She looked around for her enchanted briefcase and found it lying safely above her study table. Assured that no one had been ruffling through her stuff, she crashed face-first into her soft, silky bed.

Her thoughts drifted off to the letters that were supposed to arrive in a week or so. It would be her decision which school would it be. 

There was, of course, the Japanese school of witchcraft and wizardry, called "Mahoutokoro School of Magic." Situated on the volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima in the archipelago of Japan. 

The Russian wizarding school is called "Koldovstoretz." Located somewhere in Russia, although its exact geographical location is not exactly widespread she had a sneaking suspicion that it was somewhere in Siberia.

The American school of witchcraft and wizardry is called the "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Located atop Mount Greylock in Massachusetts, United States. 

The African school of witchcraft and wizardry is called "The Uagadou School of Magic. Situated on the Mountains of the Moon in Uganda, Africa. 

These were the ones she knew about, other than Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbaton. Each influences a large area in the continent they were situated in. These were the 'Internationally' popular ones, there were still a whole of medium and small sized all over the world that filled in the gap between the larger schools. 

But, she was sure to receive letters of admission from all the international ones, except, of course, Beauxbaton where she had already been kicked out from. 

And this was actually due to a reason and not just because she was proud. The schools sent letters to all the magical families that had property or lived under the area covered by them.

Malfoy's father, Lucius, had several properties in Germany and England and therefore he received letters from Hogwarts and Durmstrang.

The Lefevre family had property in almost all magical communities in the world, therefore, she predicted that coming Monday, she would be receiving another four letters and then choose which one to attend. 

Now that she thinks about it, she has been using the observation function of the system quite frequently and yet she hasn't seen her stat screen since she left for the trip.

[Name: Victoire Lefevre

Race: Half-human & Half-Veela

Blood Status: Pure-blood/Aristocrat Veela

Class: Witch

Level: 014/100 (Apprentice Witch)

Experience: 540/1700

Health: (100%)

Mana: (100%) (Veiled Stage)


- Lumos (Level 4) (595/800)

- Periculum (Level 5) (340/1600)

- Verdimillious (Level 5) (520/1600)

- Alohamora (Level 3) (110/400)

- Luminescence charm (Level 4) (340/800)

- Aquaflare Charm (Level 4) (520/800)

- Serenade Charm (Level 3) (110/400)

- Anchoring Charm (Level 4) (190/800)

- Incendio (Level 6) (0/10 S.P.)

- Scourgify (Level 2) (110/200) 

Sub-Classes: Potioneer

Level: 02/50 (Apprentice Potion-Brewer)

Experience: 0/200

Skills: (Skill Points: 2)

- Potion Brewing Techniques (Level 2) (0/100)

- Ingredient Identification (Level 3) (0/1000)

- Potion Ingredients Knowledge (Level 3) (0/1000)

- Potion Testing and Analysis (Level 1) (0/10)

- Potion Storage and Preservation (Level 2) (0/100)

Sub-Class: Herbologist

Level: 09/50 (Novice Herbologist)

Experience: 0/300

Skills: (Skill Points: 8)

- Herb Identification (Level 3) (67/1000)

- Botanical Knowledge (Level 3) (671/1000)

- Cultivation Mastery (Level 3) (245/1000)

- Harvesting Efficiency (Level 3) (185/1000)

Sub-Class: Magizoologist

Level: 07/50 (Novice Magizoologist)

Experience: 0/200

Skills: (Skill Points: 6)

- Creature Identification (Level 3) (407/1000)

- Creature Care and Husbandry (Level 3) (230/1000)

- Beast Taming (Level 3) (400/1000)

- Creature Tracking (Level 3) (370/1000)


- Healing Potion x3 (Grade 3)

- Pepperup Potion x2 (Grade 3)

- Dittany x2 (Grade 3)

- Vial Of Healing Cordial x1 (Grade 5) {Gift for Witch Rank-Up}

- Luminary Shield Charm x1 (Grade 4) {Level Up}

- Potion Recipes x5 (Grade 1-5) {Level Up}

- Suitcase x1 (Grade 3) (Undetectable Extension Charm) {Level Up}

- Invisibility Cloak x1 (Grade 2 Artifact)

- Practice Wand x1 (Grade 2 Artifact) (Beech Wood)

- World Watch x1 (Grade 1 Artifact)

- Enchanted Jewelry x3 Sets (Grade 1 Artifacts)

- Magic Tomes x11


- Wizard World x675(G), 14(S), & 1(K)

- Muggle World x500(Euro)

Affiliation: NONE


- Budding Witch III: Learn Five Spell (2/5)

- Budding Potioneer I: Learn How To Brew A Potion (0/1)

- Student Life I: Accept The Invitation To Any One Of The Seven International Schools (0/1) {NEW}

- Duelist I: Accept Lessons From A Master Duelist (0/1) {NEW}

- Wand: Receive Your Official Wand (0/1) {NEW}

- Scooby-Doo I: Join The Scooby Gang On A Month Long Road Trip (0/31) {Failed}

- Make Acquaintance I: Get One Fellow Wizard Friend (1/1) {Finished}


She needs to keep up with the changing features of the system, she didn't even notice and she failed one Quest and managed to complete another. 

[Quest: Scooby-Doo I:

Objective: Join the Scooby Gang On A Month Long Road Trip (0/31)

Reward: 10 Exp Per Day and 100 Exp Per Mystery Solved]


It was quite a lucrative offer and she had unintentionally missed it. 3100 Exp for a month of simply hanging around a group of goofballs and an additional 100 Exp per mystery which was almost 200 or 300 Exp per week. 

"Fuckin' Hell"

She cursed out loud. 

It was three or maybe four entire levels that she had just missed out on.

Well, there's no point in crying over spilled milk, she might as well forget she ever saw this Quest.

And with a resolute expression she clicked the 'Delete' tab, erasing the quest from her stat screen. 

[Quest: Make Acquaintance I:

Objective: Get One Fellow Wizard Friend (1/1) {Finished}

Reward: 100 Exp, Ally.]

Now she was feeling quite sorry for herself.

This was a piece of crap, a piece of crap and she had unintentionally jumped from an Exp mine to an Exp puddle.

Quite a steep plunge.


[ Level Up Rewards:

From Level 12 to Level 13:

- Reward: 2 spell points, 80 galleons, and 'Metamorphosis Mastery: A Primer on Transfiguration for Beginners'

From Level 13 to Level 14:

- Reward: 2 spell points, 90 galleons, and 'Ward Against the Shadows: A Beginner's Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts']


Hey, she finally got something on DADA and Transfiguration.

At this rate, she was feeling as if the books were coming faster than she read them through.

By now, she had only finished learning the 'The Enigmatic Tome: Secrets of the Eldritch Charms', and yet there were still ten books ahead of her.