
Chapter: 14 Letter(s) of Acceptance

In the early morning of the first day of July, a ray of sunlight seeped through the velvety curtains, casting its warm glow on the sleeping face of a young girl. Victoire had slept in again, for... ten years straight? Or was it forty-five years? Regardless, she would be awake soon enough.

The door of her bedroom was gently pushed open, allowing a beautiful woman with bright blue hair to slide in through the narrow opening. She stared at the girl with her bright blue eyes and smirked sinisterly.

She opened her palm, and a small sphere of bright red flames danced atop her index fingertip, flickering and flaring bright red. She guided the fiery orb to fly toward the girl and drop onto her bedpost.

Initially, Victoire, still in a deep sleep, didn't respond to the scent of burning cotton until a sense of Deja Vu struck her unconscious mind. She opened her eyes to see that her bed was on fire and saw a certain blue-haired Veela staring at her through the roaring flames. The culprit of this fire was quite clear from the mischievous smile that adorned the blueberry's face.

Victoire was still rueful of the day she wrote a letter to her grandmother, requesting assistance with acquiring a duelist as her teacher. Her grandmother had sent her most trusted, second strongest, and 'children friendly' Veela as a teacher for her. The teacher was Lyriel, or as she preferred to call her, the blueberry.

Victoire absentmindedly controlled the fire to converge into a sphere, trying to salvage what she could of the furniture that had been burnt. The bedding was gone, most of it had caught fire and was little more than a pile of ashes. She thought the bed might be lucky, but she was wrong again. The bed had been charred and she just managed to get off the bed before it collapsed into a heap of charcoal.

While these events occurred, Blueberry was silently watching Victoire's every move and when she was certain that the bed had been burnt down and that Victoire was fine, she swooped in and hugged her in a bone-crushing embrace. 

"You did it! You manage to save your clothes from catching on fire! Now all we need to do is make sure you can keep your flames under control and you will be ready for school."

Victoire's life had been a sinking hell since this blueberry arrived at the Lefevre Manor.

On the first day of 'Anti-Self Burning' training that Blueberry was putting her through, Victoire had slept through the fire burning her room into cinders and only woke up when her mother marched into her room, clutching her favorite curtains in her hands and staring at her with tear-filled eyes. 

She hadn't been punished, but her mom's teary eyes and not looking at her had made her day one hell of a drama. 

Not like days two, three, four, five, or six, had been any different. Each time either Hector or Isabelle would march into her room, either clutching their favourite pieces of furniture and designs or something precious. Today was day seven, and she finally managed to complete the first phase of Blueberry's training. God knows how many more were to come next.

Victoire yawned and stretched lazily, changed into more appropriate and less ashen clothes, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Moments later, she rushed down the stairs remembering that today was the day she would be receiving her admission letters.

"Good Morning."

Isabelle said as she noticed Victoire rush down the stairs,

"Wait for me before you open those letters dear."

She called after her but Victoire didn't answer.

"You're up early."

Hector, who was sipping his coffee and reading a newspaper, looked up at her approaching the hall and said in quite a shocked voice.

'What's with the shocked look? I'd be more amazed to know how YOU get up so early every morning.'

She retorted in her mind.

Like her, Hector was also not much of a morning person, and yet she always found him having breakfast while she had just woken up. And yes, she knew the reason why he usually woke up so early, It had to do with her mother, who was a full Veela, bursting into flames randomly while sleeping. 

Today, however, she ignored his exclamation and rushed straight to the pile of letters that were floating in through the window, courtesy of Tiffy the house-elf.

Heaving the pile in one hand, she rushed back to the dining table, now occupied by an addition of her mother, and blueberry Lyriel. All of them were waiting for her to open the school letters. 

She opened the first mail,

[From Marcus Clives, 

Dear Sir, 

It is with a deep sense of regret that I inform you of my impending absence... ]


[From Digby Daily,

Dear Customer,

This is to inform you that our latest... ]


[From Teravolt Theodor,

Dear Madam, 

Your order for a custom-made smoking pipe...]


[From Andra Mitchel,

Dear Sir...]

[From Theseus Bolt,

Dear Sir...]


[ ... 

Again, and again, and again. 

She ripped open one mail after the other, passing the useless mail to their intended recipients. 

She opened a total of twenty letters and yet there was not a trace of the ones she was looking for. None from Hogwarts or Uagadou or Koldovstoretz or even from Ilvermorny, there was no trace of any admission letter in the pile she just opened.

Stunned, she slowly slid into one of the chairs that were perched on the sides of the table. All thoughts seem to have left her mind, leaving a chasm of chaos and confusion.

Was there a mistake?

Had she been ignored? or Had they simply didn't send her one due to her heritage?

Maybe they thought she was still a Beauxbaton student?

She was lost in her thoughts, questioning all possible causes for not receiving an admission letter.

Suddenly, her eyes caught a glint of gold shimmering on top of the newly accumulated pile of letters. And not just gold, there was a shimmer of pink, black, and yellow in the letter pile. 

As if they understood her intentions, the pile of letters floated off the tea table and landed in front of her. There it was, lying at the very top of the pile.

A letter of standard, rectangular size, approximately 11 inches in length and 8.5 inches in width, with slightly rounded edges. The top of it letter bears the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's official wax seal. The seal was embossed with the emblem of Hogwarts, featuring a shield with the four house animals (lion, badger, eagle, and snake) surrounding an 'H.'

Beneath it was another letter of similar enchantment. Emblazoned at the top of the parchment was the official emblem of Uagadou, representing the majestic continent of Africa. The emblem features a silhouette of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, surrounded by intricate patterns and magical symbols.

Sliding it to the side, she saw the third letter. It was adorned with the official Ilvermorny crest, embossed into a wax seal. The emblem features a stylized pukwudgie, one of the house creatures at Ilvermorny, surrounded by a decorative border showcasing the school's colors.

Next was a letter adorned with the official emblem of Mahoutokoro, embossed into a wax seal. The emblem features a stylized symbol of a rising sun, representing new beginnings and enlightenment, surrounded by intricate flowery patterns.

She took out another letter she had stuffed into her pocket, it bore the official emblem of Koldovstoretz, embossed into a wax seal. The emblem features a mythical Slavic creature, the Zmey Gorynych (Three-headed dragon), surrounded by intricate patterns and magical runes.

The five letters, all together, painted a strange portrait on the dining table. She was almost reluctant to tear open any one of them, the keyword 'almost'. However, before she could raise her hand towards them, the usual blue screen of her system popped up in front of her.

[ Quest: Student Life I

Objective: Accept The Invitation To Any One Of The Seven(five) International Schools (0/1)

Reward: Based On The School In Question.

1) Mahoutokoro School of Magic: Perks

- Talisman Insights: The skill required to create a magical talisman.

- Sakura Bloom Infusion: Amplify the beauty of a spell (Changes the color of all spells to a pink blossom, even the unforgivable ones)

- Aura of Sakura Protection: Emit a protective aura reminiscent of cherry blossoms. This aura offers a subtle shield against negative influences and malevolent magical forces. (Minor Protection, Major Perfume)

2) Koldovstoretz School of Magic: Perks

- Spell Potency Enhancement: Enhance the potency and effectiveness of potions and spells

- Amplified Potion Brewing: Amplifies the magical properties of the ingredients, resulting in more robust and potent brews.

3) Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Perks

- Focused Learning: Helps students maintain focus and concentration.

- Memory Retention Enhancement: Aids in memory retention, allows to recall information more easily.

- Thunderbird's Insight: Gain flashes of inspiration and insights akin to the Thunderbird's intuitive nature, assisting in problem-solving and creative endeavors.

4) Uagadou School of Magic: Perks

- Multilingual Comprehension: Facilitates understanding and comprehension of various magical languages and dialects.

- Dreamscape Insights: Grant glimpses of magical insights and revelations during dreams, akin to a journey through the African dreamscape.

- Warding Aura: Emit a subtle protective aura that wards off negative energies and influences.

5) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Perks

- Knowledge Enhancement: Amplifies focus and receptiveness to learning, aiding in absorbing magical knowledge and improving academic performance.

- Spell Potency Enhancement: Enhance the potency and effectiveness of potions and spells. Amplification yields more powerful and consistent results.

- Guardian Aura: Emit a subtle protective shield that wards off negative influences and malevolent magical forces.

- Magical Concealment: Briefly conceal from magical creatures, allowing for safer travels within the magical world.]

Whelp, that does it.

She's gonna join... Koldovstoretz!

Just kidding.

Honestly, though the perks of joining the Russian School of Magic appeared too few at first sight, they were still powerful enough to cancel out Mahoutokoro and Ilvermorny. Uagadou was at the same level as Koldovstoretz.

Therefore, her choices for school were relatively straightforward. She had read books highlighting Hogwarts' pros and cons, making it the top choice with sweet perks.

Among all the wizarding schools, Koldovstoretz was the second most popular choice because of its attractive benefits. Uagadou also came close to being the second most popular due to its exceptional magical spell that permitted transformation into an animal without being limited to a specific form like an animagus.

Ilvermorny was ranked second to last as it is essentially a branch of Hogwarts and is located in America, where supernatural and alien invasions often occur first. Although she was not sure if it implied in this world since it was magically dominant, she would rather not take her chances with fate. Also, they had a rather strict magi and no-maj relationship and communication laws which was a bit of a pain. 

Mahoutokoro was the last choice, its perks were beauty parlor tricks, and although disguising a killing curse was a sweet perk, it was still not sweet enough to go halfway across the globe. 

"I am joining Hogwarts."

She declared out loud to her parents who were waiting for her to speak and Blueberry who was busy stuffing her face with meat.

A bucket full of confetti rained down from the ceiling, drowning their meal and her letters under sparkly paper waste. Courtesy of Tiffy the house elf.

"Hogwarts! Are you certain dear?"

Hector asked in a tone that seemed to hint at his reluctance to allow her to continue with her choice.

He was a Beauxbaton student all his childhood, and now he spent his days as an alumni of that very school. Even though she could no longer join the same school as him, he was still averse to allowing her to travel to a place where his influence was quite diminished.

"Yes, that is my choice."

Victoire remained firm on her choice.

Isabelle and Blueberry were looking at this interaction with the eyes of a spectator. They were Veela and had never gone to a magical school. But Victoire never underestimated them, after all was said and done, they were both capable of wiping the floor with her.

[Lyriel Bluestone: Veela Champion: Level 90: Pinnacle Stage Mana Core]

[Isabelle Lefevre née Charmebrise: Veela Princess: Level 85: Pinnacle Stage Mana Core]

Yep, she's surrounded by monsters.

Soon enough, Isabelle nodded firmly, supporting her daughter's choice in this decision.

"If that's your choice, then as your parents we will support you unconditionally."

This statement seems to end all debate regarding Victoire's decision but Hector still has something to say, he stares at Blueberry and asks,

"What do you think Lyriel?"

This was quite the shock, to not only Isabelle and Victoire but also to Lyriel herself who choked on the pheasant she had been gnawing at.

"Don't give me that look woman! You think I don't know what you are playing at, acting like a loving teacher just so you could try and seduce my little girl from a young age."

Hector bellowed as he received the questioning look from Lyriel.

Isabelle interrupted the state between the duo while Victoire gaped at the sparks flying between them.

"Now, now, let's finish the breakfast first before you start attacking each other. And Lyriel, dear, wipe the oil off your lips before you growl. It makes you look disgusting rather than menacing."

Isabelle as she handed a tissue to Lyriel whose lips were curled in a menacing growl, but with yellowish stains of oil on her mouth.

During her time at the reservoir, Victoire had noticed that this group of Veela were voracious when they wanted to be. The excuse that they wanted to watch their figure and therefore had that many sweets was pure bullshit. They were all a bunch of big eaters who liked nothing more than to eat and fight, and maybe some of them were into fashion designing, potioneering, and magical creature rearing, but other than that they were constantly fighting.

After finishing their meal, or rather feast in the case of Lyriel who ate two pheasants, an entire baked chicken, and two pies washed down with a jug of apple juice.

They gathered in the cosy parlour, Victoire and Blueberry sitting together opposite Isabelle and Hector with a mahogany tea table between them. Hector and Blueberry were still glaring at each other.


Isabelle coughed lightly to get everyone's attention before beginning the discussion.

"So Victoire, dear, I think you and your father have some differences that need to be settled. There are two ways we can do this, either you call for a family vote or you can debate on your problems, the good old Lefevre family's methods."

Yes, she knew of the family tradition. If there is a difference in opinion, two members of the family can call for a vote, and as expected, the majority wins. Or they can debate their opinion till they come to an understanding, overseen by a third, more neutral party. 

While Isabelle may have said that Victoire had two choices, she was mistaken. No vote can be held without the presence of people from at least three generations of the family, be it maternal or paternal, nor could a vote be held with less than five members. Both the factors were not fulfilled and therefore Victoire only had the choice of arguing her way out of this mess. 

"I chose to defend my point."

Isabelle nodded her head and announced,

"Very well then. In that case, my dear, I believe you have something you want to tell us."

Victoire nodded softly, indeed she had something to say.

"I will be joining Hogwarts this year and..."

However, Hector interrupted her,

"And I am saying you should reconsider."

He stood up and started pacing the fireplace,

"Britain is too dangerous, it's filled with bigots, idiots, and pureblood scumbags. Those in power there don't favour people with our heritage, and above all, that weasel Cornelius Fudge is the Minister there."

Isabelle raised an eye at his side of the argument,

"Fair enough, what do you have to that Victoire?"

He stated his point quite clearly, and now it was her turn to defend,

"I will be staying at Hogwarts all year around, holidays would be spent right here in this manor or France with you two, or you three, or with the Veelas. And the castle is the domain of Albus Dumbledore, isn't he the guy who stowed away two dark lords, you don't think he can stow away a bunch of bullies."

This was her plan, to go with the whole, 'There's Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts', scheme. In the book it worked with most of the families, maybe it would work here too.

Hector stopped pacing and looked straight into her eyes, she could see an emotion akin to bewilderment brewing in his mind.

"Two? I don't think he even took down one of them. Grindelwald went into self-exile at Nurmengard after losing a single duel with Dumbledore, and of course, as the rumours say, 'losing the command over the Elder Wand'. Anyway, Grindelwald never boasted about his batter powers, he boasted about his charisma and leadership, and his loyal subordinates made him a threat to the 'World'."

He sighed and added the last word in a high tone before stopping his pointless pacing and slumping down on the cushion.

"As for Lord Voldemort, he never once faced Dumbledore head-on, never. Throughout the Dark Lord's tyranny in Britain, he always claimed to be protecting the children in Hogwarts while the whole world came crumbling down around him. And some good he did, training fresh recruits for the Dark Lord's army."

Ok, point taken.

"But isn't that what matters in my case."

Victoire added, now certain that she had grasped onto a link that may led to her triumph.

"I am going to be a student, aren't I? Then him nesting in the castle for whatever reason he has doesn't matter, as long as HE protects the students there."

She added, in a teary, jerk sort of tone.

A fair point, and perhaps the end of the argument too since Victoire had grown tired of finding reasons to go to Hogwarts and had resorted to her ultimate weapon, 'the 'Teary Puppy Dog Eyes', a trick that she had learned before awakening her memory.

"But... uh... oh, well..."

Hector attempted to refute her point but his 'attempt' was interrupted by the constant glares that Isabelle and Lyriel sent his way,

"Very well, I take it you won't change your mind no matter what I say?"

Victoire's response was her standard stoic deadpan stare but with an additionally raised eyebrow. 

"Fine by me! But we need to establish some rules."

Hector stated, leaving no room for arguments. Victoire knew that this was already a concession on his part and if she pushed him anymore, she could kiss her ticket to Hogwarts goodbye.

"First, you are to come back here on every holiday break that you get at that wretched school."

She nodded,

"Second, we have some blood relatives in England, the Bones, and the Vances, you are to stay with them during the time you are there."

This... was news to her, she never knew that the Lefevre were related to the Bones or the Vances. But this wasn't much of a bonus since both of them got destroyed by Moldypants. 

*Sigh*, More people to rescue.

"Third, you are to not take part in any activity such as Quidditch."

"No fair!"

This was going too far! What's she gonna do at school, pitch a tent in the library? She already had plans to start training how to hit something with a bat. After all, hitting people she didn't like or may find not to her liking was quite the privilege she had been waiting for.

"We can contemplate on that point but only in your third year. Now for the fourth, you are not to kiss, snog, or shag any boy till you graduate. And if you do find a boyfriend, we demand an immediate meeting with him and his family. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

He roared out the last line and Victoire nodded her head so fast that she felt a prickling sensation on her neck.

'He said all that for a boyfriend, nothing about a girlfriend or friends with benefits.'

"Very well, now you may open your letter."

Before he had finished his sentence, Victoire had already torn open the seal that sealed the yellowish parchment within it,


Headmaster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederacy of Wizards)

Dear Miss Victoire Lefevre,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress]


[Enclosed Is The List Of Necessary Books And Equipment


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for daywear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

- The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

- A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

- Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

- A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

- One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

- Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

- The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


- 1 wand

- 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

- 1 set of glass or crystal vials

- 1 telescope set

- 1 brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.]

"Well, when are we going to Diagon Alley"

Hector looked at her with a sinister smirk on his face,

"We are not 'GOING' anywhere. You have all the items on the list, and I already asked for our private tailor to be here tomorrow, she will make all your school uniforms."

Victoire felt her eyes twitch in annoyance,

'Well played.'

Next chapter