
Co Incidence of Love

"Ting.." the guy's phone rang he opened the chat "it's too late they are inside.. all upto you.. we are waiting outside the mall for your help.. bring her out now" The message he got was so stressful as he immediately put his phone back and searched for a safe place. They both got into a corner and the man was about to said something, suddenly a bullet came from nowhere to shot Neha dead.. but he saved her and in a moment the mall is echoing from the sound of the guns and people running and saving themselves by hiding behind the walls and gates. In that moment Neha could understand what was going on she suddenly started running and hiding herself with the guy she is with.. Rajveer

theneha · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Deep Ocean Heart

Being in the snow.. they both had fun and he captured some pictures and videos of both of them

When Neha heared the sound of massage appearing in his phone. She was looking at Rajveer, he seems very tensed and disturbed. She asked him what happened but he didn't answer her and went straight to his room. Neha was observing him closely. He is not the type of guy easily get worried about anything but this time the matter was something else.

Rajveer came to his room and locked himself and immediately made a call to his close friend. He fixed a meeting with him urgently by tomorrow.

Here, Neha was lying in her bed and thinking what can it be?? He is behaving like he stucked in a maze. After some time she went to the kitchen because its dinner time already, but Rajveer wasn't there. There was nothing prepared for the dinner. She got worried and thinking what's so urgent Rajveer didn't come out after that. So she started finding things and start cooking.

After 30 minutes, the meal was ready but he didn't seems coming out. She went to his room and started knocking

"Rajveer.. the dinner is ready"

When she heard no response from his side. She knocked and asked again

"Rajveer?? Is everything ok in there"??

No response from his side again, she got a bit confused and worried at the same time, is he ok or not?? She remembered that he told her strictly to stay away to his room but she has no other options but open that door. She bite her lower lip as in she is in a do or die situation. So she finally hold the knob and opened the door slightly, the door was opened in a half inches and Rajveer scared her suddenly by blocking the view. She fell back on the floor as she was afraid of him the way he showed himself.

"Whoa.. easy.. easy.. I'm not coming inside" she said by lagging behind on the ground

She saw that Rajveer was in a single towel tied on his lower abdomen to his knees and water is continuously dripping out from his body. His hairs were messy and yeah that wet fringe too coming out and kissing his forehead. Looks like he was having a shower. His body telling all the hardwork he is been doing for years for a perfect physic. His muscles and packs are looking great. He initially came to pick her up from the floor and said

"I'm sorry I didn't heared anything"

Neha saw him without shirt before but now he is wearing only a towel. So she put her hands on her eyes and said

"It's ok wear something first"

He went to his room again and came to the kitchen by wearing clothes after 5 minutes. He saw that the dinner is already prepared by her, and only he can do it to eat it. After taking the first bite he apologized

"I'm so sorry if I scared you.. I didn't want to"

"Haha, It's ok.. even I don't wanna see you the way you came out in towel" she said

"Did you saw something in the room"?? He questioned

"Naah, only you" as she was pulling his leg

After few seconds she asked

"Is everything ok"??

"Yeah but not really" he answered

"It's okay if you want to tell me.. I won't tell anyone" she offered

"I'm going to meet my friend tomorrow.. it's kinda urgent.. will you please take care of yourself or should I call someone to"?? He asked politely

"No.. I'll manage.. please don't call anyone.. I love being alone sometimes" she smiled and answered

"Okay then, I'll leave at 10 am and within 3-4 hours I'll be home" he said

"It's okay"

"You told me earlier that you don't know how to cook but now you made dinner... How"?? He asked

"Magic " she answered in a funny way by showing her hands

"I want you to do this magic again" Rajveer said because he liked the dinner

Neha was blushing inside but don't want to show him at that time so she just nodded by looking down

They had dinner and went to their rooms seperately.

Next morning,

Neha woke up early and watching Rajveer running and doing some exercises outside. He always looks like a silent vampire in that outfit along with the hoodie. By coming at the outdoor balcony she closed her eyes and feeling relaxed because of the wind. The snow starts meltinh down during sunrise. Rajveer was looking at her for some time as she was looking so relaxed and beautiful, her hairs were open and flying like the ocean waves.

In a short period of time they both had their breakfast and he left the house by the time.

She explored the house once again, she went to the kitchen and go through it for some time. Then she moved to the temple corner and starts cleaning and decorate it with some flowers she picked from the balcony.

She smirked by seeing his room and thought she got a chance to check it out but the door was locked, then she went to the terrace. She opened her mouth as she noticed that the terrace was so big and has a small sloping roof of glass aside and underneath it, its a dining table.

She was so happy to see that, as the house looked just as she imagined. But feeling that chilling wind, she came down and start playing tune with the stairs. She enjoys her own company so much so there is no need of her to get bored.

Here, Rajveer came to have a meeting and having some serious chat with his friend names Sid for a while and he was so curious to see Neha when Rajveer told him about her. After spending some time they both went to Rajveer's home.

Neha was swinging and reading a book when she heared about a car reached her home. She went to the big glass window and saw a guy coming to the house with Rajveer.

Rajveer opened the gate and and called her


As he moved his sight he found the girl with open hairs, wearing baggy clothes standing in the corner holding a book in her hands. She waved at them with a cute smile and said

"I'm here"

"Come here.. I want to introduce you with someone" Rajveer said

Sid.. was watching her carefully, it seems like he is not believing on his eyes, the girl looking like Rayven. He got a confused reaction on his face as he was trying to figuring out how it can be possible to be like her exactly. Her eyes, her smile were perfectly matched. For one moment he thought it was still her.

Neha coming towards them as she observed the confusion on his face but it is not new for her anymore.

"Neha.. meet Siddhant but we call him Sid. He is Rayven's brother and also my close friend. We were on the same batch and joined the task forces together" he introduced

"Hi Sid.. nice to meet you" she replied by offering him a handshake

Sid took a look of her for some moments and then replied having tears in his eyes

"Hi.. Neha.."

"Please make yourself comfortable.. I'll get you guys something" she replied and moved to the kitchen

"Are you believing me now" Rajveer asked

Sid was so emotional remembering her sister for a moment and after collecting his courage he said

"God is with us.. we will surely make it happen"

Neha came up holding a tray and handed the glasses of juice to them. She sat down with them and conversation started.

"For a moment I thought you are Rayven" Sid said

"It's okay.. I'm used to it now" she replied

"I heared about you, don't you feel afraid of me"?? He asked

"No.. I know Rajveer won't take anyone here. There must be a reason of your sweet coming" she answered

While Rajveer was sitting quietly and when he heared her response he looked at her. This much believe on me he asked himself.

"Okay so here we gonna tell you something" Sid said and told Rajveer to tell her everything by side eyes.

"Neha.. you remember the massage I got yesterday evening when we came inside after playing with snow"..?? Rajveer asked her calmly


"It was from my family.. they have gone to one of my cousin's marriage but they are coming now" He told her

"Ohh.. that a good news.. isn't it??" She asked happily

"Neha.. the matter is something else" Sid said making her more curious

"Is everything ok"?? She asked

"Actually.. the thing is.. they don't know about Rayven's death.. I didn't tell them as per the orders to keep this news confidential " Rajveer told her patiently

"Ohh.. so what now"?? She asked

"Only you can help us to make them trust that You are Rayven and you have never died" Sid told her

"Huhh?? I didn't got it" she told them with confusion on her face

"See.. we have a plan. The day they come we will make sure that you will present yourself as Rayven.. and we will help you with this" Sid told her to do a task

"What?? Are you guys telling me to adapt someone's personality that I've never met?? Are you guys serious?? It cannot be possible for me, I'm a normal girl not an actress".. she questioned them as she was so upset by their ridiculous decision

"That's the only way Neha.. his grandmaa has a heart patient. If she knew about Rayven she will surely not in a good condition" Sid requested her by pointing on Rajveer

"But.. I can't do this.. what if they knows about me somehow"?? She asked both of them

"They will not.. we will prepare you for that.. you can observe her by watching her videos and photos" Sid suggested

"But what if they found the truth?? One day they all knew about me for sure, and its a horrible decision really" she told them directly

"Neha.. see.. they don't live in this house.. so they cannot keep their eyes on you every time. And you will be prepared if there will be a meeting with them" Sid was trying his best to convincing her anyhow

Neha stays silent this time. After ending this convincing conversation with Neha, Sid stood up and start walking out the house by saying her last thing

"Please think about it" and left

Rajveer was silent for a moment and then told her

"Take your time and think accordingly.. I'm not forcing you to do anything that you don't want"

Hearing those words both went to their rooms.

Neha was still thinking about it having two sides. Adapting a different personality is not easy, family knows their members more then anyone. If there will be anything happens so they will surely catch me and will find out who am I. His grandmaa also not well, what if anything happens who will be responsible for it??

But thinking about Rajveer, he did a great favour to me by saving my life. I can't let go his hand when he needs mine. He is definitely worried about my decision wheather I'll say yes or a no. Ohh God, please help me what should I do??

At the dinner tables,

Both are having their meals when Rajveer noticed her anxiety as she want to ask something. He looked in her eyes by putting his spoon down and told her

"I know you are going to ask about my family"

"But you don't do back stories" she told him as she is sad

"But now you can ask me about it.. I trust you.. you are going to meet my family even if you say no.. don't worry I'll manage.. I don't want you to do anything without your consent.." he spoke softly with a calming smile on his face

Neha can feel the pain and sadness behind his voice as she can sense the vibes as he was trying to hide his feelings. So she finally gathered up her courage and asked

"How many family members do you have"??

"4.. My Grandmother, My Aunt, A sister and a younger brother, they both are my cousins" he replied

"And..?? I mean your parents what about them"?? She questioned curiously

"They both died in an air crash.. I was saved by the people" he replied

"Ohh.. I'm sorry for the same" she apologized

"It's fine"

Neha was speechless after that, all is she can imagined that this guy has a deep ocean heart with a lot of buried secrets in it. And she can't do anything about it. After finishing the dinner they both headed to their rooms.

Late night,

Rajveer was busy in a meeting on a video call and here Neha was still trying to sleep but her eyes were not helping her. She was still in the deep thoughts of how he became so cold because he has lost almost everything in his life. His parents, his colleagues and if I'll not stand by his side, he will might loose his.. No. I can't let it happen. His grandmaa is having a heart problem also.. what if I save her?? If he wasn't there then I could have died. He was saving my life the entire time, but now when he needs me, I can't let his hand. I'm so selfish to thinking about only myself. It's my turn now. I'll definitely help him. She made a decision and all set to tell him it tomorrow morning..