
Co Incidence of Love

"Ting.." the guy's phone rang he opened the chat "it's too late they are inside.. all upto you.. we are waiting outside the mall for your help.. bring her out now" The message he got was so stressful as he immediately put his phone back and searched for a safe place. They both got into a corner and the man was about to said something, suddenly a bullet came from nowhere to shot Neha dead.. but he saved her and in a moment the mall is echoing from the sound of the guns and people running and saving themselves by hiding behind the walls and gates. In that moment Neha could understand what was going on she suddenly started running and hiding herself with the guy she is with.. Rajveer

theneha · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A Fluffy Panda

By entering their new home, Rajveer was looking an angel is standing in front of him was prayering. Her eyes were closed but he can feel the calming smile.

Showing and telling about everything in this place. She saw his room from outside which is in the right side of the temple.

"The whole house is yours but you are not allowed to enter in my room, because its all about my work and cannot disclose it"

He said as he was hiding something from her

She nodded and was so amazed to see that house, there is a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the hall. Also, a big TV, a big couch, many indoor plants and in the other corner there was a mattress covered with a sheet which is giving the pleasure to see the mountains outside from a floor touched glass window and some cushions and lengthy curtains having a swing aside it.

There was a kitchen also, which is giving classy feeling and an inside balcony in the house, after seeing the ground floor Rajveer took her to her room. There was stairs made up of woods without railing to reach Neha's room. By taking the first step, the stairs turn on the lights by itself and start playing music. As they were taking the steps one by one, the music was coming out seems like someone playing a piano.

"Ting, ting, ting, ting....

Wow, the feeling was so good. Neha haven't seen this type of house before. It was looking like a small mension. The time they both reached to her room. He opened the door and went inside. After seeing that room Neha felt so special, the room has a cozy bed, a big wordrobe which has so many good clothes in it, a dressing table with complete makeup kit. She noticed the interiors of the room were so girly type having a big baby pink teady bear and some other stuffed toys. A floor touched window with curtains. She saw her bathroom and was completely satisfied with the hygiene, there was a clean bathtub, and every thing that she needs were there already. Coming out of the room, she noticed a thick glass door in an outdoor balcony filled with plants on her floor but it was far from her room. She saw the view from that balcony and felt to good as the house was designed differently from others.

After having the home tour, she asked Rajveer

"Is this really your house"...??

"Do you have any doubt"?? He asked by raising his eyebrow

"No.. I was just thinking.. you have a great house.. who designed it"?? She said

"Me.. I've designed it. I always wanted home which I can design.. and here it is".. he answered

"Don't you feel unsafe here?? I mean the glass doors and windows.. what if someone breaks it"?? She asked curiously

"Don't worry.. they all are bullet proof glasses and one-way mirrors.. whole house is secured that's why I took you here" he told her to make her comfortable

"Anyways you can go and have rest.. I'm going to make something for dinner"

"Aahaan" she nodded and headed to her room

After an hour, the dinner was ready but Neha didn't come to have it. Waiting for some minutes Rajveer finally went to her room and saw a beautiful girl with wet hairs sleeping in her bed. Seems like she took a shower and then slept instantly. He sat on the bed and observed her so closely. She was in a deep sleep, he carefully flipped her wet fringe from her face and looking her. As she was in sleep she suddenly moaned and grabbed his arm. Rajveer's heartbeat started rising, it was clear that he has fear in his eyes like he was trying to diffusing a time bomb. By removing his arm, he carefully grabbed a small teddy bear from her side and placed it in her arms.

It is not good to wake her up. She was so tired that's why she slept so early but this girl is quite dangerous he thaught.

Then stood up and without making a noise he came out from her room and after having dinner he turned off all the lights and went in his room.

In the middle of the night, Neha woke up and was starving inside. She was very sleepy but wanted to have something so she stood up and started walking to the kitchen she noticed it was pitch black in the house. As she reached to the stairs to go down towards the kitchen, she remembered that the stairs will light up automatically make noise. As she was so much hungry so she started coming down and took a step and the stairs sounded "ting". She closed her eyes immediately like she is in a regression but after seeing that there is not one there she took another step and again it sounds "ting"

Here, Rajveer woke up from her first step that she took and listening her very carefully and smiling in the bed while thinking she is hungry ofcourse that's why is coming down. He didn't told her how to make the sound mute, because she already slept.

Here, Neha took a deep breath and rushed to the kitchen quickly and the sound goes "ting, ting, ting... "

After reaching the kitchen she start searching the switchboard but couldn't find. As it was pitch black here she can't see anything clearly. She was making such quite steps by thinking not to wake him up otherwise he will definitely scold her.

She suddenly noticed a person coming out of nowhere, pulled her against the wall. She started screaming for help but the person covers her mouth. He lit up his phone's flash lights and she can see the familiar eyes before she immediately recognised the man

"Don't freak out.. itz me" seeing Rajveer's face she pushed him away

"Are you serious?? You scared me.." she told him in anger

He turned on the lights and said

" I thought its a thief" but deeply he knew its her

"Thief?? You said it was all safe here.. how can a theif come inside"?? She asked

"I'm sorry.. why you are here so late"?? He asked politely

"I'm starving.. is there anything you left for me"?? She said by calming herself down

He served her the food and Neha starts eating. While having food she was looking like a child who is really fond of food. Rajveer was looking at her silently and observing her closely. After having that meal she washed her dishes and start walking to her room.

The stairs once again sounded "ting" when she took her first step. She tuned her face having a regret by seeing Rajveer's face for the sound.

"Sorry.." she said

He was laughing from inside and by clearing his throat he told her to step back. She did as he said and told her how to mute the sound.

"Clap your hands two times whenever you need to mute and unmute the sound.. okay?? He said

By clapping her hands she took the step and noticed that it is finally mute

She saw him with a happy face and he started to move her head with love

Then she noticed something against the stair wall. There are some pictures of Rajveer with his family. And some of the pictures were missing from the collage.

She suddenly remembered what he said when she asked about his family.

"You don't do back stories.. right??" She said

Rajveer nodded as he was silent

She didn't make that further long and went to her room by lefting there Rajveer alone. He stared at the collage for some time and then went to his room quietly.

Next morning, Neha woke up by the time and came down to the hall by draping a soft blanket on her body. It was chilling outside as the weather was so cold. She called Rajveer but didn't got any response. As she was not allowed to enter in his room she finally made a hot cup of coffee for herself and start watching TV.

After some time, the main door opens and she saw a manly figure coming into the house. He was wearing gym clothes and a hoodie with a mask on. He was completely sweating, breathing heavily and looking like a vampire in that outfit. It seems he was running outside. She stood up and greeted him nicely.

"Good morning Rajveer"

"Good morning Neha" Rajveer greeted her the same, he looked her and noticed what she was draping

"What is this"?? He asked

"Ohh.. just so" she answered

"Its so cold out there.. seems like it will be snowing.. keep yourselve warm" Rajveer indicated

After hearing those words, a bright smile came to her face and her eyes started twinkling.

"You mean snowfall"?? She asked excitedly

"Yes.. but you are not allowed to go out" he told her by keeping a smile on his face

Hearing those words, she felt so upset like the ocean in her heart has been dried in a few seconds. By looking down she asked him by her puppy eyes

"Am I really not allowed to see the snowfall?? I've never seen it before.. please"

"No" he told her in his cold tone and went to his room left her standing there

Uff.. there is nothing good about this morning. He is so rude sometimes. I don't like such behaviour..

She went to her room and waiting for the snow to fall

After 30 minutes, they both having their breakfast. Rajveer saw a quite face infront of him. Although he knows the reason behind it but still stay silent. Both had their breakfast and went to their rooms seperately.

Here, Rajveer was thinking about her silent side. He didn't knew this girl can be this much quite after hearing no from my side.

And on the other hand, Neha was still waiting for the snowfall and planning how to get out of the house for some time without letting him know. She don't have clothes for going outside. No jackets no boots and other things in her wardrobe, so she was busy in arranging some woollen clothes and keeping them ready for herself so that she wouldn't catch cold when she will be outside.

The day was passing by hour and hour.. lunch time came and she suddenly noticed from her window that snow starts falling. She immediately opened her window and start looking her it. She was feeling so good and trying to taste it as well. She was so happy and she instantly came up with the plan. She closed the window immediately and ran to her wordrobe.

She had an idea in her mind that she should wear so much clothes on her body quickly so that she will not be cold, the stairs are already in mute so he wouldn't know about her going outside. She will see the snow, play with it with some time and then will come soon.

Only her eyes were visible because she covered her face with the help of a shawl and packed herself with a lot of clothes on her body, she observed that she is not walking properly. She wasn't able to move her body much and completely looking like a fluffy panda but without worrying about anything she started walking. As soon as she was about to open the door she fell hard on the ground.


Rajveer was busy with some of his paperwork but as soon as he heared that sound coming from the upper floor he quickly came into her room.

Neha wasn't able to move her body as she was wrapped into a lots of clothes

She saw Rajveer is reaching her out having a smile on his face and she was completely regretting for what she was doing.

"You did all this mess to youself because I'm not letting you go out"??

She looked at him with side eyes and didn't responded

"I know you are upset with me" he said with realisation

He helped her to stand, removed her shawl from her face and saw those glittering eyes and pink lips with red cheeks so closely. He starts unwrapping her clothes one by one when a cloth came beneath his shoe and they both suddenly slipped. Rajveer immediately placed his hand underneath her head so that she won't hit her head hard on the floor when they were falling

The moment they were sharing was something different. They both were staring each other and their pupil got diluted, heart beat fastened and started synchronised.

After few seconds both of them came in their senses

"I'm so sorry" he apologized

She didn't responded much but "thank you" being in this awkward situation so she just looked away and start unwrapping herself.

It was awkward for him as well so he started walking out of the room but saw her struggling with the clothes so he turned back and started helping her again by saying

"It is not snowing outside now"

She heared what he said and looked out of the window, there wasn't anything. She felt so sad deep inside and her eyes started filling with tears. A sudden sadness came across her face and she went into her bed after removing the burdon.

Seeing this silence, Rajveer also came out of her room.

She was so upset so she locked herself in her room after he left, and reached her window. She saw nothing more but the snow started melting down so she went to her bed again and start listening some songs. She cried a little and slept once again.

After some hours, she woke up by hearing some knocks at the door. She don't want to talk to him now but got so much irritated because he was knocking the door again and again so she finally speak

"I don't want to talk right now.. just go"

Rajveer heared the response and took a pause then start knocking again

Neha stood up in anger and reached the door. By opening it she realised that Rajveer is standing in front of her and smiling, holding a jacket, a woollen cap, gloves and a pair or boots.

"What the... hell do you want...." She asked by looking all the stuff and he was wearing the same outfit.

Neha didn't understand what he was trying to do then she remembered the snowfall. She rushed to the window immediately and saw there was a thick layer of snow is covered the land. The snowfall already started when she was sleeping and Rajveer was arranging this to surprise her.

"Are we going..?? Really?? She asked him curiously

"What do you think"?? He asked her by raising his eyebrow

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have doubted on you" she apologized

Appreciated her apologies, he simply smiled and said

"Make it quick, we are loosing time" he answered

By hearing those words, Neha hug him excitedly. Seeing this gesture he fell into her for this time a little more. They doesn't have any idea that slowly they are both getting into each other.

Neha wore the outfit quickly and went out of the house with him. He took his tripot and start filming her. Neha opened the main door and was feeling so amazed as the snow was falling was too satisfying. While on the other hand, Rajveer was recording and taking pictures of her every move. They way she is telling Rajveer to come and enjoy, making a snowman and having fun, making a fairy, everything. Neha realised that he is being very busy and doing nothing but standing and recording she came to him and held his hand.

"Come" by saying this she took him with her while the camera is in the recording mode. They both had fun and everything got recorded. After an hour the snow stopped falling now, they both come inside the house.


A massage came to his phone, Rajveer stopped walking and staring at her while holding his phone

"It is one of the best days of my life, Thank you Rajveer" Neha said but she noticed that the smile on his face faded in two seconds..