
Co Incidence of Love

"Ting.." the guy's phone rang he opened the chat "it's too late they are inside.. all upto you.. we are waiting outside the mall for your help.. bring her out now" The message he got was so stressful as he immediately put his phone back and searched for a safe place. They both got into a corner and the man was about to said something, suddenly a bullet came from nowhere to shot Neha dead.. but he saved her and in a moment the mall is echoing from the sound of the guns and people running and saving themselves by hiding behind the walls and gates. In that moment Neha could understand what was going on she suddenly started running and hiding herself with the guy she is with.. Rajveer

theneha · Teen
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16 Chs

Angel Or A Devil

Next morning,

She woke up relaxed as she already knew what she will do, she was getting herself ready for the breakfast and headed towards the kitchen. When she was coming down from the stairs she suddenly noticed that the collage of his family picture has some new photos hanging in their places but still 3 photos are missing. She was watching them carefully and saw his grandmother with him, his aunt, his sister and his brother as well. But in the middle of them there is a new picture hanging having a lady and a gentleman standing with Rajveer

"They are my parents"

a manly voice she heard and saw Rajveer standing behind her

"I can see their love for you" she said

Then, they both were headed to the kitchen and the good thing between them was cooking together. They both were about to start but his phone rang and he went to his room to attend the call, after some time he showed himself and the only thing she heared was

"Yeah.. thanks for the tickets"

"Is everything ok"?? She asked while serving the breakfast

"Yeah.. I think so"

"My family wants to be with my relatives for some more days, so I booked their tickets for the next month. Till then we can arrange something else and surely find another way for you"

She got a chance to tell him about her decision so she came up with telling him calmly

"Rajveer.. I thought a lot of the task you were giving me. But I'm scared what if they find out who am I"?? She asked

"We have ended the conversation yesterday, you don't have to do anything without your consent" he responded

"I know I'm not telling you this without thinking about it. I thought a lot and now came up with the decision. I'm ready for it " she told him

"What?? No you are not doing it. That a stupid idea, I won't let you do this" He declined her decision

"Rajveer.. I know it's hard but think about your grandma. What if she find out about Rayven's death. Will she survive another stroke after your parents?? No she won't.." she explained him

"If you were not there to save me, I could have die.. you helped me.. you were there everytime I needed you, and I can't let go your hand when you need mine. And if you let me do this for you I'll be honoured"

"Its my duty to save you. You needed me" Rajveer told her

"And now you need me, please let me help you" she insisted

"Why are you doing this"?? He asked having sadness in his eyes

"I think it's pay back time" she answered by giving him a wink

He was staring at her by thinking she is doing this just to save his grandma without knowing what are the challenges she will going to face.

And she was looking direct into his eyes confidently like she is saying I'll do that.

After having the breakfast, Rajveer rang Sid's phone and told him

"She is ready "

He came to their house having excitement on his face and saw Rajveer and Neha sitting on the couch planning about how to start. They all started it by writing all the steps she should do. And they were so into the process as next some days flew like a balloon in air.

#Step no. 1 : To know about Rayven

Neha started knowing her every single detail. She was living in an apartment with her brother. She was fond of exercise, and everything she loves. Rajveer and Sid told her everything about her work experience and other things, and 5 more days passed like a cotton ball rolling on the ground.

#Step no. 2 : Observing Rayven

Rajveer and Sid gave her some of the photographs and videos in which it is clearly showing that how she walks, she talks, she dress up, everything that can completely help her. Neha started acting like her, talking and walking like her. Its like Neha was about to give her an exam so they treated her like that only.

Whenever Neha wants to watch T.V or reading a book, Rajveer come up and changed the chanel to Rayven's videos and pictures, and give her Rayven's note book to read.

Uff her struggle,

It's been 20 days now and today Rajveer taking her to a saloon to have a hair cut and make over as Rayven. She was all set to fire up now. She was looking like her in some couple of days. But still something was missing according to him

Now whenever Neha comes in front of him, for some moments Rajveer though it was Rayven who came back by beating her own death.

Rajveer called some of their colleagues as well to teach Neha about Rayven. Neha became so comfortable with them as they forgot about the time limit of 1 week. After that, his family will be coming. But Neha and other ones were started having fun and chilling while working, as they were not taking the things serious anymore

One day, they were all in the hall, and Neha was practicing to walk on high heels. Suddenly she lost her balance and fell on the ground. They all started laughing so hard as Neha was also one of them. This is the first time Rajveer showed up in so much anger towards her and asked everyone

"What's so funny about that"??

Everyone got scared as the cold man is getting colder now. The smile on their faces faded right away

Neha have never seen Rajveer's this side. She was on the ground and everyone stopped laughing instantly. She untied her heels and got up to apologise

"Rajveer.. I'm so..."

"Shutup... What do you think we are doing here?? Is this a joke to you"?? He asked

Neha was scared and speechless after seeing his reaction. He held Neha's arm and shook her by asking

"You wanted to do this right?? Don't you have any idea we are running out of time. Neha why don't you understand?? It's not about me okay its all about you. What do you think you can present yourself in front of my family by doing this?? They will find out about you in seconds then what will you do??"

Neha looked around as everyone was silent and she started crying seeing his behaviour and still remained silent.

"Rajveer she is trying don't be too harsh" Sid told him

"Trying?? Is this what you called trying?? If they will knew about our plan then it's gone, everything just gone okay"?? Rajveer responded in anger

"And you... will you stop crying like a child now"??

Rajveer asked Neha and left her arms by pushing her away but suddenly she fell back and the vase got broke. As some of the pieces of glass injured her elbow, and the blood start coming out and dripping


"Rajveer control yourself" one the colleague said as everyone was headed to Neha to pick her up she showed them her hand and stopped them.

Sid told them to leave them alone and the colleagues went out of the house immediately

"Just get up and get out from my view.. out" Rajveer screamed at her

She was crying inside out after hearing these words from his only angel who is looking like a devil now, she stood up and told Rajveer

"I'm sorry for what I told you and what I did. I don't want to be with you.. let me go home now. I'm done" by wiping her tears she ran to her room

"You were wrong Rajveer.. she is not doing it for herself. She is doing this just because of you, so that you won't let your grandma die, because you didn't tell them anything about Rayven. That's not the way plan works" Sid told him

"What plan?? This plan can be successful only if she make them understand that she is Rayven" Rajveer told him in anger

"If you really think this then go and tell her who actually Rayven was. What was your relation with her?? How do you know her?? Why the task force chose you to be a part of this mission? If you want her to be Rayven you better tell her about the actual reason that you were hiding from her till now. Only then she can help us" Sid told him and went to Neha's room

The words came from Sid, actually made Rajveer think about it. Yes he was right. Rajveer was still hiding something from her and that's why there was something missing creating Neha into Rayven. He was staring at the blood on the floor and felt that he was trying to save her in every moment but now he hurt her more then anyone else.

Here, Sid knocked at her door and came inside, Neha was still bleeding and crying in her room. When he saw him coming but didn't responded

"Hey.. it's bleeding heavily, where is the first aid"?? He asked

"Over there" she pointed

Sid went to the table and took the first aid and started curing her. Neha was crying as she was regretting coming here with Rajveer.

"Neha.. stop crying. It happens when someone is in anger. Maybe he is upset with something " he said

"He is upset with me. I shouldn't have come here. If I don't, there will be no problems at all. My family, Rajveer, his family, everyone would be fine" she said by holding her tears

"And Nation?? You are here because of the Nation Neha.." he reminded her

She was in a deep cry and finally requested him

"Can you please take me home?? I don't want to be here anymore"

"I can't" he told her by bandaging her hand

She felt like she is alone and no one will understand her here ever. He handed some medicines to her

"Okay.. I'll ask him to take you home.. but before that you must rest.. okay??"

She simply nodded without giving any reaction

"I'm going now.. take care of yourself and don't think about him much.. bye" he walked out and closed the door.

Rajveer saw him coming down to the hall and noticed his shirt have some blood stains.

"Is she okay now"?? He asked

"What's the reason behind your asking?? Aren't you happy now"?? He asked him too

"I'm sorry Sid.. I was so tensed. I didn't even realised that she is just a girl with a clean heart and I hurt her so bad." Rajveer apologized to him about her

"She wants to go home now" Sid said

"What?? Why?? I can't let her go" Rajveer told him

"Then go and tell her the truth behind everything and apologize. She is in pain, be her pain killer. Don't forget you both need each other" he advised and went out of the house immediately in anger

After 2 hours, Rajveer was sitting on the same couch still thinking about what happened and how to solve it.

Then he stood up and headed to Neha's room to apologise. He knocked at the door but heared no response, then finally he came inside and saw the girl sleeping peacefully. May be it's because of the medicines Sid gave her but she was looking so relaxed and calm, he can clearly see the marks of tears on her face as she cried so much.

He noticed the bandage wrapped on her elbow, he came closer and sat down on the floor and watching her carefully. She was looking like a doll covered with blanket, he want to hold her hand and apologize but she was in a deep sleep and he don't want to wake her up. He was sure that she will definitely get upset after seeing him in her room.

A small drop of tear rolled down from his face as he was regretting what he has done to her. He slowly whispered "I'm sorry" in her ear and came out from the room.

When Neha came in her senses she realised that Rajveer was here for sometime because of his perfume. She was so upset with him so she locked herself in her room. He was preparing dinner for both of them but Neha didn't came to have it. She was in her room still thinking about the devil she saw today.

He realised that Neha won't come so he decided to take dinner to her room. He tried to open it but it was locked. He starts knocking on the door but Neha didn't responded at all, she was so upset and broken. So he came back and didn't ate too.

Both were crying in their rooms and thinking about each other, where Neha is crying about how rude he is, and Rajveer was crying about the secrets that he is been hiding and hurt Neha for that.

Next day,

Rajveer decided to open up completely in front of her and tell her everything and apologize but Neha is not opening the door lock

He went to her room and knocked again. Neha was actually not answering him so he got so much worried about her. He was thinking whether she is ok or not

"Neha.. it's been so much time. Are you okay"?? He asked as raising concern

Still no response

"Neha?? You listening to me"?? He asked again

But after realising that she is not answering he decided to break the door but he made his last attempt by asking her one last time

"Neha.. if you didn't answer this time I'll break the door" he warned her

But Neha didn't said anything. He figured out there is something wrong with her. She is not like that. So, he banged to the door 2-3 times a d finally broke it, he found that Neha was lying on the ground unconsciously and blood was coming out from her elbow.

"Ohh no.. Neha ?? Wake up. Can you hear me"??

He said but she was not opening her eyes after noticing her heart beat is normal, he rushed to his car by lifting Neha in his arms

He called Sid and he reached the hospital too. Doctors were treating Neha for some time and they both were waiting outside, he informed his chief about her as well.

After some time, doctor came out of the room

"Doctor.. how is she now"?? Rajveer asked curiously raising concern

"She is okay.. she has minimum amount of blood in her body so she got unconscious after some blood loss.. don't worry she will be okay after some time.. and you can take her home"

After listening those words Rajveer and Sid took a breath of relief

After some time, she came in her senses and saw them standing in front of her. She tried to sit and when they both rushed to help her she stopped Rajveer by showing him hand gesture. Rajveer was stunned and speachless for a moment as she is not letting her touch and also she don't want to talk to him now

"Are you feeling okay now"?? Sid asked

She simply nodded and her elbow was still hurting

"Do you want something"?? He asked again

"Home... I want to go my home" she answered

After listening her they both remained silent.

"Okay.. but we can't let you go home in this condition.. heal up first then we will take you" Sid replied

They both came out of the room to have a discussion

"Take her home now.. I'll see you there" Sid told Rajveer

"But she won't come with me"

"Let me try"

They both came inside the room and Sid told her that he is going for some urgent work at office so Rajveer will take you to his home

She nodded as she understand their duties

She got discharged from the hospital and came back to Rajveer's house with him.

When she was stepping out from the car a sudden blur came in front of her eyes. She was about to fall but Rajveer held her quickly. He again carried her in his arms and took her to her bedroom.

She was still feeling low as her body wasn't in the mood to help her. She couldn't do anything but to staring Rajveer lifting her and walking towards her bed and lied her down, flipped her hairs from the face and covered her with a blanket, she instantly fell asleep..

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