
Co Incidence of Love

"Ting.." the guy's phone rang he opened the chat "it's too late they are inside.. all upto you.. we are waiting outside the mall for your help.. bring her out now" The message he got was so stressful as he immediately put his phone back and searched for a safe place. They both got into a corner and the man was about to said something, suddenly a bullet came from nowhere to shot Neha dead.. but he saved her and in a moment the mall is echoing from the sound of the guns and people running and saving themselves by hiding behind the walls and gates. In that moment Neha could understand what was going on she suddenly started running and hiding herself with the guy she is with.. Rajveer

theneha · Teen
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16 Chs

Our New Home

Rajveer, this man is sure not to take Neha so lightly because he was well known her now that she has done beyond then his expectations. The girl knows how to react in this kinda situation, and how to come out clean.

He was till driving and about to reach the house.

Here, Neha locked herself and started the shower so that Meera think that she is having a bath. She is actually holding a rod in her hands.

After 10 minutes Meera came inside the room with a breakfast tray and searched her. She noticed that Neha is still in the shower. But the phone she has is not there. She sweetly asked Neha to come out but she said she will take some time to come out.

After hearing those words from Neha, Meera came up in doubt. She went out from her room and called the guys to ask where are they.

The guys replied they are here but Meera have to faint her so that they can move further.

Meera decided to go back to her room and tell her to come out.

"Neha.. the breakfast is here.. please come out" Meera said

"Yeah.. wait for 5 minutes I'm coming" Neha told her

Neha quickly rang Rajveer' phone as she was scared

"Rajveer where are you"?? She asked

"Don't worry.. I'm here.. but do not open the door untill I reach you" Rajveer adviced

"Neha come out or else I'll get in" Meera told her in anger

"No.. I won't.. I know you are here to kill me" Neha replied

Hearing those words Meera was stunned. How did she knew it she thought. However she heared a sound seems someone entered in the house. These are the guy's Meera called.

"She is here and she knows everything" Meera told them

"Leave it to us now.. get out" one of the guy told her

Meera left the room quickly

"Open the door" the guy said

Neha got so scared as hell hearing that manly voice

She didn't responded anything and tears start running out from her eyes. She was afraid of them so much and shivering. But she continued to stay in her consciousness.

"Shoot the door lock" he suggested to the other one

Both the guys started to shooting the door as the door was made up from wood. It broke easily

Here, Rajveer found Meera is coming out of the house. He shot her leg and noticed the back up team. He instructed them to keep an eye on her

When Rajveer heared that firing sound, he quickly ran into the house to save Neha

They guys broke the door and tried to unlock it from inside. When Neha saw the hands, she start hitting those hands with that rod she held. There was so much blood dropped on the floor coming out from their hands. Neha sat at side of the door as she knew that there is no chance of life now. Seems like she is surrending herself. One man came into the bathroom and pointed on Neha to shoot. She closed her eyes and heared a sound


Suddenly noticed that someone fell on the ground. She opened her eyes and the scene she saw was horrible. The man was laying down dead, the mark is visible as it seems he had a bullet inside his head. The blood was coming out of his head and the whole floor became red in some seconds.

She was about to get faint to see that scene. She heared some footsteps coming towards her. Rajveer saved her life again by shooting all of them. And he saw a terrified girl sitting and shivering in the corner of the floor. Her tears were coming out but her face got pale. She was staring at the dead man without blinking. He was trying to get her up but the moment he touched her, He felt that for some moments she didn't recognised him. She was afraid so much that she has lost her mental health for some seconds. She start moving against him to save herself and Rajveer knew that she was in shock for some time. She felt that all the people is trying to kill her. Rajveer took her out of the bathroom instantly and she was hitting and moving away from him and started shouting.

"No.. Leave me.. Don't come to me.. Let me go.. Leave me please don't kill me.. Please"

Rajveer held her face and said

"Neha.. it's me.. Rajveer.. come in your senses.. its okay.. you are safe now"

The moment she recognised him. She hug him with all the energy she had. She was crying in her arms and after some moments she fainted.

"Neha.. Nehaa"?? He tried to wake her up but she was fainted because of the shock

'Uff.. so horrible'

Rajveer took her back to his office and lay her down in her room where she was yesterday. And went into the chief's cabin.

All the staff was there and finding the lost pieces of the puzzles.

"How can we make such a big mistake??

How did she hacked my phone and dropped a text on Rajveer's contact number?? You guys know how important she is for us. Each and every one of you knows clearly that loosing Neha will be hell for all of us. Do you guys have any idea how much it will worth.. our lives. If Rajveer wasn't there she could have died. Tell me what are your excuses." The chief asking and scolding at the same time.

Rajveer was also standing there without saying a word. He has tears in his eyes as if he was scared deep inside by thinking he could have lost Neha as well like he lost Rayven.

Nobody in the cabin said anything.

"Did you interrogated Meera"?? The chief asked the other guys

"Yes Sir.. completely, but she didn't tell anything" the guy said

Hearing those words, Rajveer stepped out from the cabin and ran to say Hi to Meera having all the anger in his eyes

He reached in the interrogation room and asked the lady officer to torture her even more untill she speak up but she didn't tell her anything. Rajveer was out of his mind this time he took out his gun, removed his safety lock and pointed on Meera by shouting

"Tell me everything or I'll shoot one of them.. now" he spoke by showing her family photo

Rajveer already sent someone to her family just to scare Meera thinking about to loosing her family members

Meera got scared as she told him that she was going to pick his son from the school and someone kidnapped him and whatever she has done is to save her kid. By giving them the address she saved him but deep inside she was completely regretting what she has done. But now it doesn't matter for Rajveer anymore. He left the room and went to the chief's cabin and told him the reality

Here on the other hand, doctor observed Neha and went into the chief cabin as well to tell them about her condition.

"She must be in a shock.. it's been some hours and she didn't woke up." The doctor said

"What should we do now to take care of her"?? Chief asked

"Her heart is too sensitive and she never seen this kind of horror in her life, because of that she is in a shock. And I think it's better to take her away from this situation" the doctor advised

"Will she be okay"?? Rajveer asked

"Yeah she will. But keep her away from these kinda stuff" doctor replied

"Thank you doctor please get me her reports as soon as possible" the gentleman said

The doctor stepped out of the cabin and left

Noticing Rajveer who is not saying anything much the chief said

"Don't worry.. she will be okay"

Hearing those encouraging words Rajveer nodded and left the cabin as well

Here in her room, Neha finally woke up and foumd herself in the same room she was yesterday. She suddenly clicked some memories in her mind and started panicking. She ran to open the door but it was locked. There was a huge mirror in that room and it was transparent from outside but inside the room, Neha can only see herself and some room reflections. She didn't knew that anyone can see her from outside. Also, the room was sound proof so she didn't heared anything from outside.

The moment Rajveer left the cabin he was going to see Neha but he realised that Neha is already woke up and crying in the room while seeing her own reflection in the mirror. They both came closer to the mirror to see each other but she didn't knew Rajveer was looking at her from the outside. She was touching her face reflection and her eyes were telling all her pain she is having. While here Rajveer assuming that she is telling him that please let me go home now.

Neha sat down as she disappeared from Rajveer sight. And Rajveer decided to take her home now. He quickly ran into the chief's cabin

"Sir.. I wanted to take her now" Rajveer said

"Where?? You know it is not safe out there" the gentleman says

" I know.. but I won't let her stay here.. she is already afraid of whatever she is been through.. I'm not going to take risk with her mental health, even if we know that she is not safe here either.. I'm going to take her to my home now" Rajveer insisted

"Your home?? And what are you gonna say about your family who is this girl looking like Rayven"?? The chief asked as he was concerned

"I'll manage that.. but trust me.. we can't lose her again. Instead of being cops we are human first and I can't see her like this" Rajveer requested

After taking a pause to understanding what he is saying, the chief finally agreed

"Okay.. take her.. I trust you.. but make sure she is safe there" the cold aura man said

"She will.. thank you" Rajveer replied by having a smile on his face

While coming out of the cabin he ordered someone to get the things ready for Neha

After some time, he entered in her room and saw the girl sitting beneath the mirror and crying. Neha saw Rajveer stepping inside the room. She stood up and said

"If you want to kill me, then please kill me.. I can't live like this whole time.. in terror.. every minute and every second of my life I've been thinking when will you save me without any further horrible scenes. My whole life has been came to an end. Please let me go to my home. Please"

By saying this she fell down on the floor as if she was begging him for her freedom

Rajveer have tears in his eyes too and he was tying to hold them back

He came close to her and said "I'm going to take you home"

Neha heared the words and asked "to show me some other dead people"??

"No.. I can't see you are suffering like this.. I promise from now on no one will attack you. Please trust me last time.. let's go to our home" Rajveer requested

Neha saw his eyes as she can clearly see that he is not lying, she wiped her tears and asked for his handkerchief

She blindfolded herself and said

"I trust you"..

Seeing this behaviour Rajveer felt so uneasy and by removing her blindfold

"I trust you too.. there is no need of doing this anymore" he replied and hold her hand and start walking out of the room

When they are about to leave the office, Rajveer didn't want to know her about his office location so he asked her to do a favour

"Can you keep your eyes close for 5 minutes as I cannot disclose the office location to anyone" he asked her

She nodded respectively and closes her eyes. Rajveer lift her up in his arms and makes her comfortable in his car and drove away

After 5 minutes, he says

"You can open your eyes now"

The moment she open her eyes she saw him driving and looked around and found that she is literally in the big mountains, seeing the clouds, the snow on the hills as before and the weather was so cold as it will be snowfalling soon. She realised that Rajveer can be a cold aura guy but he has a heart which truly understand everyone's feelings. While driving, Rajveer was also able to sense what Neha was thinking about him. He was happy to see Neha feeling good now.

"Rajveer.. can you tell me the place where I'm right now"?? She asked politely

"We are in the ABCD" he replied

ABCD is a state which is known religiously by the people. It is also called the land of God

Neha always wanted to come here since she was a child because she is a religious girl. She was so happy to hear that she is in her dream place. She folded her hands and pray for the safety of everyone

After some time, they both reached in the front of a house. Neha can see that the house is so big and it has a garden in front of it that is connecting the other house too.

She was gazing at the house and Rajveer came out from the car. He opened the door for Neha as she purposly putted her right foot into this land, she came out of the car and kneeled down to take a bow and touched the soil from her forehead. Seeing her respective gesture to this pure land, Rajveer was so happy. He never imagined that she should do these things. He changed his thoughts by saying yes these kind of girls still exist in this world who knows how to respect their culture

"This one" he shows her the second house in the lane

Neha took a look at it and thought.. ohh my god, this is so big.

"Is this your house"?? She asked while they both reaching it

"No.. this is our home" he replied

Neha took a pause and looked into his eyes. The way he said our home, makes Neha feel so satisfying and comfortable at the same time. She felt that she came to her own house. Rajveer didn't knew her before but he instantly made her feel like she knows him already. He was indeed a stranger to her but now, he is inviting her to become his family.

As they reached to the door , Rajveer dialed a passcode to the lock and told Neha about that. As soon as she was going to step inside, he stopped her and told her to wait at the frame

She didn't understand anything but to wait there only. In few minutes Rajveer came up to her by holding a tray and start doing some rituals.

Whenever a lady comes in someone's home for the first time we always treat her as a goddess and do some rituals to respect her. And pray that she will be as kind as mother earth to our family.

He welcome her in the house and her eyes got wide open as she saw the view. The house was so big from the inside and there was everything on the place where it has to be. It is so beautiful from inside as well as outside. Neha was so impressed and feeling blessed that this is gonna be her own house.

In the very straight corner she noticed a small worshipping place and there were some bells and flower decoration in that particular corner. The lights of that corner were twinkling like stars and the very pleasent smell made her even more happy. She went directly to that place and she bow to that statue of a God seems welcoming to her new home.

She closes her eyes and start praying by folding her hands and Rajveer was observing her very carefully. He was thinking that rather then being excited to see her new house she straightly went to the corner. She is something else and surely very different from other girls.

Heya.. hope I'm capable of explaining things to you. If you like my story please vote.

thenehacreators' thoughts