

shinuzaki2002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 08

on our last chapter, wu tian made a friend and got hurt himself, well... not exactly, it was just being to much. well... let's start the story then



master gu appear and he take action on the back of wu tian. "wu... tian...! when did you came back?" master gu ask him while choking him. (choking) "ugh! let go of me!" wu tian grab the hand of his master and wu tian stood up. "well... I'm here just to tell you that, I was got lucky to enter the competition because of the elders." wu tian tell everything what happened that day and his uncles are really happy. "I'm glad that you got enter back, young master." master gu mess the hair of wu tian and he laugh. "yeah, I didn't expect to be in the competition again." wu tian laugh his uncles and right hand personel ask. "oh yeah, where are the girls? why are they not with you today?" right hand uncle look at him and wu tian said. "well... about that, It's kinda complicated to say it but... they been quarreling at each other since I arrive at cloud kingdom." wu tian scratch his head while looking away. "that's why I don't hang around with girls." right uncle hand said and left uncle and master gu nod on agreement. (nodding) "yeah... your right about that." both uncles said the same thing and suddenly master gu a little bit change his mind and. "what? girls are my family you idiot!" master gu look at them while frowning like he don't know anymore what's going on. (burst into laughter) "hahahhaha!" "hahahah" both uncle and wu tian laugh at master gu while slapping the table over and over again. "well... If you wanna see them not a problem at all." wu tian cast his teleportation door and open it. "yeah, why not?" master nod on agreement and right hand uncle ask wu tian. "what's that door for?" while pointing on that door and wu tian forgot to tell them that he already know things before they know it. "well... this is my new magic the teleportation door magic, I'll open the door then." (opening the door) after opening the door all the guys saw a thing that they don't wanna see. (screams) "ahhh! perverts! go away!" the girls throw a thing and grab a thing as fast as they could and unexpectedly the face of wu tian got hit by a stone. (hurts) "ugh! that hurts..." wu tian suddenly fall from his standing position to his squat position. (surprised) "ah! young master wu tian? what are you doing? are you okay?" liu xing grab the shoulder of wu tian and help him to get up and right hand uncle who's this lady. (naked) "well... she's a slave that I brought from cloud kingdom." wu tian said while cleaning himself and liu xing didn't noticed that she came out naked. "may I know your name young lady but first.. you need to get dress up because your naked and I really don't wanna ruined yourself." after hearing those words liu xing cover herself while the guys are looking away. (scream again) "ahhhh??? ahhh!" liu xing enter the door behind and get herself dressed up. "how many slave do you have?" right hand personel ask wu tian and he said. "their are three of them, you want me to call them, uncle?" wu tian ask his uncle and he said." yes, I want to see the others." (yelling) "liu xing! bring qiu xing with you and baby liu tian." wu tian ordered liu xing and the two slave and the baby came out. "so what's your names young ladies?" right hand personel ask them and wu tian said. "they don't have names so... I have their names for myself." his three uncle's was really surprise of what wu tian just said and left hand personel speak. "so what are their names?" left uncle ask while staring. "well... she's the elder and her name is wang liu xing, this is wang qui xing and this little baby is wang liu tian." while telling their names for his uncles without hesitation is kinda bit embarrassing for him. "that's a pretty nice name, it's nice to meet you two, can I hold the baby?" left uncle ask the elder and she said. "yes, help yourself." she smiled at him and uncle's face is a bit pinkish. (on wu tian's thought) "well, well, left uncle is blushing, I didn't saw that one coming." while wu tian is thinking about his uncle's reaction he can't help it but think. "liu xing, you can go back and bring them with you." wu tian order the liu xing and she nod. "yes, young master." liu xing and the others go back and suddenly.



wu tian, your next on fight.

OK, on our way now.



I need to go now uncle right, uncle left and master gu, I'll visit again later." wu tian enter the door and he look back while saying those words. (entering)



wu tian use his teleportation to get faster in the arena. (teleport) "√`¥¥`_}%<π`%•¥_" wu tian enter the arena and try to look for his master. (screaming) "woah! woah!" (applauding) "that fight was really awesome." while complimenting the guy from the arena wu tian walks closer to his master and he said. "when will I fight, xia... I mean, master xiao?" wu tian suddenly forgot how to act but he got himself back to his ownself. (glaring), (on wu tian's thought) "why do I feel that her look is really kinda a weird today." wu tian look away while asking himself. (announcing) "next participant! wu tian vs. anonymous." wu tian hear his neck and he came down. (gossiping) "oh, it's him! the disciple of master xiao." while talking to each other wu tian really doesn't care of what their talking. (appear) "so that's anonymous? why do i fell like i've seen her before?" wu tian mumble to himself and keeps staring at her.

so... it's me again I hope you'll like this novel and it's kinda for newbie writer, so... it's really kinda messy. if some wants to know what happen next. comment down below 👇👇👇this is ur newly writer...
