

shinuzaki2002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 07

on the last chapter wu tian and big guy have a fight and in the end became friends, on this chapter a lot of thing really are going to happen.



"is wu tian doing okay on cloud kingdom?" left hand personel ask right hand and he said. "yes, he's doing alright."right hand look at left while saying those words and suddenly. "that little kid is grow up now, you two don't need to worry." master gu spoke out of knowhere both personel are staring at him. "what do you mean?" left hand personel ask while right hand personel is wondering too. "you see, that kid is genius and incredibly powerful." while master gu saying those words things at moving slowly.



(yelling) "woah....! he won!" (applaus) "not bad, that person down there is really something." old nobility man mumble to himself and master xiao look at him. "did you say something master nobi?" master xiao ask master and he said. "nothing, i was just talking to my self that's all." old nobility man look at master xiao and she ignored it. (on master xiao's thought) "i heard that correctly if im not wrong, you said that kid is powerful." after thinking the next will be fighting is wu tian and the other competitor but wu tian can't fight anymore. (announce) "wu tian the competitor has given a chance by the elders to fight and to see how he really is capable as a fighter of cloud kingdom." (startle) "i wasn't inform to this! how can i find wu tian?" master struggle herself and suddenly wu tian tap her shoulder. "no need to worry master xiao, im already here." tapping his master's shoulder and at the same time staring at the ring. (smirking) "im sure he can't defeat me that easy." wu tian suddenly jumps inside on the ring and he's opponent too. (screaming) "woah.... (whistling) fight! fight! fight!" one word but it's also symbol as a distruction. "(yawn) I'm really sleepy." while blinking the eyes of wu tian the fight ended up with only one round. (gasping) "woah! what just happened?" people are really wondering what just happened. (on master xiao's thought) "is that really the power of the blood of master hao?" master xiao suddenly stood up and help wu tian. (collapse)

well let me explain, before wu tian enter the fight he was already worn out because of big guy and also, he use magic to contact his right uncle, that's all what happen. oh... he always love to use so much magic.



(on master xiao's thought) "this kid is really something, he's just like her mother when something wrongs with their body." while helping wu tian to get on his two feet, big guy suddenly appear on her front and she said. "what do you want big guy?" xiao wen ask him and he said. "give wu tian to me, I'll help you to carry him." while staring at each other later xiao really got no idea what just happened between this two. "well... ok." master xiao pass wu tian to big guy and he carry him. "well.. are you two already best friends?" master xiao ask him and he said. "yes, just a minute ago, why do you ask?" big guy keep walking while talking to master xiao. "that's unexpected, wu tian is really a quite decent person and maybe both of us really don't know what identity he have." after saying this looking at wu tian while he's on his sleep mode.



Wu tian woke up and liu xing enter his room while wu tian's upper body is naked. (scream) "ahhh!" her scream really out from the house, out from the road, out from the sky and out from earth. (flashback) "young master why are you naked?" liu xing ask wu tian and he said. "i don't know?" he ask himself the same question and he stood up. (author) "oh yeah folks week tian didn't that also his down past is also naked." (screams again) "ahhh! go away pervert!" liu xing accidentally punch the egg of wu tian and he collapse. (open the door) "what happened?" xiao wen and xiaoxiao enter his room at the same time and both I'd then saw him nakey while xiao wen remember that she undressed wu tian for medication. (on xiao wen's thoughts) "i totally forgot to warn her." she, xiao wen smack her head and look at her. "do you know why wu tian is naked?" xiaoxiao ask xiao wen and she said. "well... i know why because im the one who undress him and it's necessary." she said while looking away. "and is it really that necessary?" xiaoxiao ask and xiao wen frown. "yes, because he's body and magic are both worn out, i don't know what happen." while fighting at each other wu tian stood up and dress up himself. "you two stop fighting." wu tian sit on his chair and grab one apple. "wu tian, how did you end up like that?" xiaoxiao ask him and he said. "it was... well...(sigh) let's just say that nothing's happen, ok?" wu tian stood up and suddenly big guy came to visit. "hello, wu tian i'm glad your okay." big guy came in and wu tian walks out. "I need to go somewhere." (teleport) "where did he go?" liu xing ask and xiaoxiao said. "maybe his going to visit his uncles." while looking outside the people inside of wu tian's room wondering when will he come back.



wu tian teleported safely from cloud kingdom to fairy forest and wu tian's saw his uncle's. (walking) "hello, uncle right and uncle left good day to the two of you." both of his uncle was really surprise to see wu tian. "what brings you here wu tian?" right hand personel ask him and he said. "well... about that." wu tian look away and sit on the chair. (on wu tian's thought) "I don't want them to know why I am here." while looking round wu tian noticed that his master gu is not around.

so on the next chapter let's see what will master gu xiao lu do if he saw his disciple, please. comment down below 👇👇👇this is your newly writer.
