

shinuzaki2002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 09

so.... on the last chapter, wu tian was keep. wondering that does he or did he meet that girl somewhere before? so... let's move on then.



while staring at each other wu tian narrowed his eyes at the competitor while wearing on it's own mask and suddenly wu tian ask her. "um... excuse me young lady but... do I know you? or have we... meet somewhere before." while raising wu tian's hand and keep pointing same hand, while narrowing the eyes of wu tian and she said. "I think... you mistook me for someone else." the anonymous look straight ahead to him and wu tian look down. (on wu tian's thought) "did I really mistook her for someone else?" wu tian look at her and suddenly. (insert voice) "fight!" (attack) wu tian look at her and suddenly wu tian didn't expect that he on his slow motion power. (avoiding) "woah! that was really a close one." while looking at the speed of her, she was really indeed fast. (on her thought) "how did he avoid that? I really didn't expect that from young master wu tian, as expected from him." while anonymous was smirking she suddenly attacked him back. "take this!" (hit him with a punch) but unfortunately wu tian avoided that one and he said. "young lady, I really don't like to hit girls but... today it's really necessary." (casting) "%•¥•€•%`¥π}€%\€~...~_" (on anonymous thought) "what's he doing?" she ask herself while looking at what wu tian doing. "that's a magic? but it's really different from ours." she mumble to herself and suddenly wu tian attacked her. "hello, you'd better take this punch from me, if not... (on his thought) "im really not sure what's gonna happen." he look away and she dodge and suddenly. (on her thought) "what was that? it looks like a black hole magic." she widened her eyes behind those mask while staring at him. (yelling) "woah! what was that?" (gossiping) "it looks like a black hole but... is that a magic?" while people are asking themselves wu tian said. "well... that was really a magic but, I just tested it to see what's gonna happen." he said raising his face like his proud of his own powers. (on her thought) "what the hell? is young master really gonna give his all for this competition?" she ask herself and raise her hand suddenly, she said. "I lose." she said it directly without any second or third word came out from his mouth. (groaning) "woah! she's giving up." (looking at each other) wu tian suddenly widened his eyes while looking at her like really very widely eyes of him. "what? your giving up?" wu tian ask her and she said. "well... I gave up because I didn't. want to get hurt that's all." she walk out and wu tian was aggressively became the winner vs. anonymous. (on wu tian's thought) "well... that was really lucky of me that I didn't get to hurt her." (sigh) he sigh and turn around , go back to his sit.



she undo her mask and came out from the ladies room. while looking around that no one is around, she sneakly go back to his master's hotel that they were staying like nothing happen.



while looking all the people who's watching the fight suddenly (announcement) "next competitor! snake girl vs. claw girl." (on wu tian's thought) "so this fight is gonna be awesome, Huh?" he ask himself while keep staring at those girl and suddenly his master xiao tap his shoulder. (tap) "wu tian." she look at him and he look at her. "what is master?" Wu tian ask her master and suddenly. (poke his eyes) "ahhh! that hurt!" wu tian roll over the ground and keep rolling while covering his eyes. "why did you do that?" wu tian ask her master and she said. "where the hell are u looking at?" she yelled at him and wu tian said. "I was just thinking on something else, is there something wrong with that?" he said like his serious but really he is not!



"author, why did you made her do that to me." wu tian ask me and i said. "what the hell is your problem! it's my place to write this and not you understand?" I yelled at him and he said. "OK, I'm fucking out of here." wu tIan stood up and clean himself at the time he walked out. "OK, no one's gonna stop you, bye, wu tian." I said and he look at me. "oh God not that, please! oh God, please! not the puppy eyes." I look away and continue the story back.


(on wu tian's thought) "well... I was really looking at their butt's and boob's because they are freak*n awesome." wu tian look away and at the same he take a peek and again, his was poke again. "author...! I really hate you!" wu tian yelled at me and i said. "your the one who did that to yourself, a**hole!" I yelled at him and he said. "OK, I'm gonna go back to my business." wu tian talk to his master. "master, I'm just looking something over there why did you poke my eyes?" wu tian ask her master and she said. "remember what you've been fighting here." xiao wen said and wu tian look down. "yes, I know that?" he said while looking down. "(sigh) I'm glad you remember we fight here to know about your mother and my master, it's our only hope." while xiao wen's explaining to wu tian and suddenly he stood up. "I'm going back to fairy forest, just call me if you need something, okay?" wu tian open his portal door and disappear. "(sigh) maybe I said it to much." xiao wen sit up straight and keep watching the show. "where is wu tian master xiao?" old nobility man ask xiao wen and she said. (on xiao wen's thought) "this old man is really cunning, everytime wu tian will gone just in a sec he'll suddenly ask." -> "well... he's going home early today doing some of his training, of course." she said like she's telling the truth but she's not.

the next part will be publish tomorrow and this is your newly writer
