

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Violetwall Forest

They couldn't keep track of the victim before them but they could hardly see her, she appears to be like an apparition dispersing and appearing like a smog.

The forest was thick and dey with tall heavenly trees that stood separate to each other placing the land in a plane legume plain field, they have their senses locked onto her especially Rapidfire. He could see as she moved, it was impressive and unpredictable. She was like a moving smoke, uncatchable and unreachable.

"We split Clancy!" Amelia tooted and Rapidfire shook his head. They spread out into two separate ways covering the land in few seconds, their senses covered distance in few miles and they drove in for the kill.

She jumped off a tree like a monkey, her dark eyes looked over the land but couldn't find her chaser. She felt like darkness with no personality of herself experienced by the light of the day, she looked forward and with another jump, she hurled herself upward landing on another tree but BONK! Landing on the tree, it branch snapped and she pummeled onto the ground like rock.

Rapidfire retreated his weapons and launched forward, he jumped over a sprung out tree root and instantly landed before the intruder but she was nowhere to be found.


He turned almost effectively in the right time to avoid a large claw ripping off his face, he took a rapid vertical turn poising himself against his unknown but fast backbiter.

She was petrified and Rapidfire could perceive that, she was scared not dangerous. This made him lower his guard and stood right before her like a man, she's just a teenager.

"We aren't going to hurt you, we were never here to hurt you in the first place." Rapidfire said opening his hands before her.

She was as white as snow with very dark shining hair, dark eyes unlike her normal eyes he picked in the picture given to him by the councils. Growling, he noticed her sharp fangs dripping with saliva and her clawed hands slowly retracted out of tenderness.

Rapidfire noticed these and sighed willingly "We aren't here to hurt you, we just wanna talk. A normal conversation." He said and she finally breathed.

Rapidfire was relieved, he looked deep into her eyes and they turned bright yellow. One of the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, he looked down at her and smiled taking off his glasses.

From the bushes Amelia arrived but Rapidfire halted her not to attack, she was dumbfounded not realizing how and why Clancy choose not to attack. She's dangerous and was obviously the cause of all lives lost. She shrugged to attack doubtfully but Rapidfire halted her more and she froze without a choice.

"What are you doing Clancy?" She whispered at him.

Rapid fire looked at Amelia with a certain head "Don't just do anything stupid!" He said to her and looked back at the girl, she was scared and he could feel it including Amelia "It's okay, we aren't going to hurt you." He assured.

The girl looked around and at them both, she was doubtful and uncertain of their assurances. She knows an attack when she sees one but looking at Rapidfire, he seems harmless against her but Amelia was different and she could tell.

"Just give us a chance of explanation and questioning." Rapidfire said again and the girl heaved "What's your name?" He asked.

Reluctantly, she looked at Amelia again. She was a hundred percent awaiting her attacks for she knew Amelia was going to surely attack but couldn't decide when and how, she could sense her cells and muscles boiling. She looked back at Rapidfire and gave a slight nod.

"What's your name?" Rapidfire asked again.

"I'm Bella." She finally answered and Rapidfire smiled softly.

"Bella, Bella?" He asked again and the girl nodded effectively.

"Bella Kudlak!" She answered and Amelia was shocked, it was certain on her face and she instantly was perplexed by Bella's address.

"What did you mean by Bella Kudlak? Are you the daughter of Kudlak Dracula?" Amelia asked her truthfully.

Bella looked at her and nodded affirmatively "My father is Kudlak Dracula," she paused "Wait, the councils sent you here!" She realized and her eyes turned dark.

Rapidfire nodded rapidly trying to confuse her enlightenment but he was too late. A scream from Bella struck him and crashed him against a tree aggressively, he grunted and went on a knee breathing heavily.

Amelia watched the attack happen slowly and immediately lashed out her arm forcing a natural energy that squirmed from beneath Bella and formed into a transparent force field. Bella tried attacking her but couldn't, instead her attacks bounced back at her and she staggered within in pain.

Rapidfire immediately rose on his feet halting Amelia but she didn't stop "Enough Amelia!" He shouted.

Amelia looked at him angrily and straight "Are you kidding me? She's the Nelapsi in all stories! A forbidden and dangerous creature, an abomination in lord Dracula's lineage." She explained.

Rapidfire couldn't still realize what she meant but he was dumbfound "What are talking about? She's a harmless..." his voice trailed off unable to qualify her into any race then a voice echoed into his ears.

"She's just like you, an end generational specie. An abomination..." he remembered and looked up at them "You're the last generational specie, just like me!" He smiled.

Amelia was angry "You don't know what a Nelapsi is?" She asked but Rapidfire answered not.

Indeed, during his time of reading about creatures of the hidden world, he never saw anything related to a Kudlak or a Nelapsi, it's like they don't even exist. He looked more awed than he has ever been in his life, he looked more stupid than ever.

"What's a Nelapsi?" He finally asked.

Amelia groaned angrily and augmented her field around Bella, the field expanded and compressed angrily. She knows a lot about Nelapsi and she knows how they attack. In basic myth, Nelapsi is just like a vampire but worst, a Nelapsi is a walking corpse while vampires in the hidden world aren't. Nelapsi are feral, has insatiable hunger and won't stop hunting until it's dawn but in the hidden world, Bella as a Nelapsi is different.

Amelia knowing all about Nelapsi even though the councils never mentioned Bella been a Nelapsi to them before the mission. She was so angry at them, so angry if she had powers to match them, she would attack. She shoot natural waves from within the field at Bella trying to put her to sleep for she knew a Nelapsi doesn't attack during the day but Bella just previously did and now, that confuses her.

Bella was impervious to the continuous assault but it got to a certain stage, she was dreary. She couldn't breathe and her white skin turned natural, her fangs retracted and her eyes turned natural yellow. She coughed and coughed but couldn't stand back on her feet and slowly, she fell into oblivion.

Amelia heaved and looked at Rapidfire "You believe me now?" She asked Rapidfire who just raised an eyebrow in confusion.

He walked towards Bella and carried her like a bride.

"We have to take her back to the councils." Amelia requested.

Rapidfire turned at her and smiled "First, I've to know somethings. She's coming with me for the day." He said.

Amelia ran at him "You can't tame a Nelapsi, we don't even know if she's the only of her kind. A Nelapsi is not as easy as you imagined." She explained.

Rapidfire smiled at her "Then you'll be my eyes out, I can't do this without you. I will need you." He said.

Amelia was buttered by that, it was what Rapidfire surely aimed for but she noticed effectively "Nice try but it's not working!" She replied.

Rapidfire sighed "C'mon, this is my opportunity of knowing who to trust. You saw how she reacted after realizing the councils sent for her, i need to know why she reacted like that."

Amelia heaved thoughtfully "Fine, just for the day!" She nodded and Rapidfire smiled in return before heading out of the forest towards the horizon.


Violetwall Town

Town Missionary Baptist Church


She heard the relapsing sound of bells and the shelling of metallic beads, couldn't tell what she heard but knew it wasn't part of her imaginations. Thus, she opened her eyes. What came in sight was the tall concrete ceiling which had an image of Jesus Christ on it. Her breath relaxed on sighting that for she knew initially she was in a church but which church?

She rapidly rose in her buttock as she realized she had been laid on a wooden chair, a bench to be affirmed. She looked around but couldn't sight a living personality within. She was in a church, wooden benches were arranged in rows towards the large alter, there was an aisle in between and at the end of the room was a tall gigantic door. She struggled on her feet staggering heavily but she held some benches to keep her on her feet, she was starving and her heart beats heavily in her chest like it was going to startle her to death. Her breath became shaky and imbalance, just furious and crumbling.

Getting to the door, she tried pushing open but it didn't budge, she tried more but it still never budged. She looked around at the surface of the door noticing some images. Latin images, unexplainable and indescribable.

"Hello!" An elderly voice echoed behind and she turned rapidly in fear.

Standing on the alter was a man she couldn't convince herself she had seen earlier. The man has grey black short hair, beard around his upper and lower lips. He was black in complexion, has red eyes and dressed in what seems like white apostle robe, a red belt tied around his waist holding a bible pocketed in between, silvery angles around his wrists and black leather boots. His hands were behind his back as he walked towards her slowly, it was a long journey from the alter to the door giving Catherine enough time to process her flight.

She punched the door but it still didn't budge, her weakness grew more unbearable and she slowly lumbered on her knees. She couldn't breath anymore and her hands trembled like she was in cold. She couldn't help but request for help.

"Please, help me!" She pleased.

The man stood before her, he had a surprised facial feature but wouldn't let that cloud his judgment over her. He carried her like a bride and walked back at the alter. To Catherine, the journey was lengthy, she felt like she could suffocate and die any second but before she could finalize her thought, she was laid on the alter floor like a baby staring at the ceiling.

She heard as the man's footsteps vanished and returned almost definitely but his return was with a sachet of blood. She perceived it in the right time and tried standing on her buttock but couldn't, instead she was fed by the man himself. She gulped and gulped until there was nothing left in the sachet, her paled skin became vivacious once again and her breath postured. She gasped heavily for air and finally rose on her buttock.

The man crouched beside her, she was amazed on how the man understood what she needed. It was unlike for anyone in the known world to understand creatures of the hidden world but she was different and the man knew that, in fact his eyes were question her physique.

"Thank you for saving me!" She complimented and he rose without attempting a respond.

He walked at a corner in the alter and brought out a plastic chair, he sat watching Catherine woefully and patiently. Catherine on the other hand was lost mentally, she couldn't suggest what to do.

"Emmm..." She uttered thoughtfully but instead the man burst in.

"Give me just one reason i shouldn't disintegrate you this very instant." He said.

Catherine was scared "Wait, what?"

"Survived walking in the sun without an enchanted ring, not a werewolf or any werebeast but strives on blood." He illustrated and asked "So, what are you?"

Catherine mouthed to reply but she shouldn't be the one in question, it should be the man "Me? I should be asking you that, who are you?" She replied and the man sighed.

"Don't make me hurt you daughter, who are you?" He asked again but not curiously putting Catherine in a shrouded state of confusion.