

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Violetwall Cemetery


Their boots crushed dry leaves beneath as they walked and stopped at the entrance of the cemetery. It was literally as imagined, a large spacious area besieged by wrought irons as fence and a short entrance gate in between.

Rapidfire adorned in his costume stood before the team; a long sleeve black leather jacket that stopped at his ankles, black turned in shirt underneath, black trouser, an utility belt strapped around his waist, black leather boots and black goggles shading his eyes. He was holding in his hands his black OTS-02 Kiparises ready for unwanted litigations.

Aaron, Amelia, Chiang, Douglas and Logan stood behind him with various weapons readied except Amelia. She's a witch and doesn't need weapons to articulate her abilities. They looked more depressed than ever, starting with Aaron as they stared at the entrance gate.

The cemetery was surrounded by a large forest far from city zones but known to be nearer to Twilight Fall Town, home to the werewolves and everyone knows that. Rapidfire also known as Clancy took his last heave and walked presumptuously forward, he extended his senses radiating through the area like a radar sense. He wants to be aware of what roams above and underneath him. The Violetwall Cemetery is one of the creepiest area on the planet.

"We need to plan this again dhampir!" Aaron spurt behind Rapidfire which made him stop a moment and turned at him.

"Find the lady, that's the plan." Rapidfire replied and turned to continue his journey into the cemetery.

"C'mon, there are like hundreds of graves down there, which would we know to check." Aaron argued and Rapidfire stopped again infuriated.

He turned at him cordially and ingeniously "Lloyd said she died thirty years ago then we looked for a thirty year old coffin. Simple!" He clarified.

Aaron was mute, he couldn't think of another way of persuading Rapidfire from entering the cemetery. He just grunted angrily and froze at the entrance "I think I'll keep an eye out here." He suggested.

"Gotten pussycat!" Rapidfire answered without looking back.

Laughing silently, Chiang, Amelia, Douglas and Logan tagged behind Rapidfire as they walked in.



It was foggy within but they could still see what lies buried within the cemetery, they walked stealthily like ghosts trying effectively not to attract unwanted attentions.

The Zompires are dead creatures considered to be undead, their existence is a curse and an abomination of the hidden world itself. They are ludicrous and predictable unlike other creatures on the planet, they're visibly blind but attracted to noises and lights. They could transform others at will with just a bite but that differs between species. It hasn't been really tested on a dhampir but Rapidfire was not ready to try that out yet.

He just walked with so much quietness he has ever in his entire pursuit, his guns were aimed forward and his eyes counting through graves in search of lesser date numbers that reversed back to the past thirty years. He looked curiously and with much affirmation but couldn't find anything, the highest dates he could sight were twenty years and fifteen below.

Amelia, Douglas, Chiang and Logan walked curiously behind Rapidfire, their attentions were through mausoleums but their senses were inspecting. They looked around like agents, watching the ground to avoid waking the undeads. They kept walking and walking until SNAP! Chiang's boot snapped a small tree branch beneath.

They immediately stopped and the ground crippled like something was about digging it way from underneath, they couldn't see what it was but they noticed as the ground whirled and softened like it was muddy.

Rapidfire urged them to keep shut and they adhered, silence prevailed and nothing was heard. They looked scared and disturbed but it wasn't for long as the ground halted and the motion ceased. They heaved in relief and continued their movement more systematically and inspecting. As they drew closer, Rapidfire noticed a swift movement. It was so fast sound couldn't pick it crusade. They also felt it and they stopped examining the area desperately, their sensed went wild and expanding like the wind but couldn't sense a motion.

Rapidfire was more effective, it was sure quiet and that alone augmented his senses. He felt as the ground squirmed silently beneath his booth, the reaction was undetectable but few of them could feel it especially Amelia. She looked at Rapidfire's face in assurance and he nodded back in responses.


A familiar voice howled outside the cemetery. They weren't disturbed by the scream but what it attracted. Immediately the scream shook the forest, the ground wailed and bubbled like hot lava. Rapidfire was the first to react, he jumped into the air instantly as a decayed hand jolted out. Amelia jumped off track along side Chiang and Logan but Douglas was helpless, he was caught by more than four hands and dragged into the ground like a pole. He screamed but it never prevailed.

Landing back on the ground, they halted not but took to their heels. The ground mushed and sprouted up like explosives were inserted beneath, they never looked back except Rapidfire. He saw flying out of the ground like flies Zompires, they are the ugliest creatures in the hidden world. So ugly Rapidfire couldn't illustrate what they were.

They vary in sizes and appearances, some had their legs entirely devalued and decomposed, some had their face peeled off revealing nothing but skulls underneath while some had no limbs, crawling on the ground like babies but with half bodies.

Rapidfire performed a 360 turned as he lept into the air avoiding a zompire from dragging him down but Logan turned out to be the victim of the assault and he was immediately decapitated limb by limb while still alive. He experienced as his organs and flesh were ripped apart, he screamed in loud pain but no one heard him except himself. The team couldn't save him, they just kept running and finally at the entrance of the cemetery just an inch to the entrance gate, they froze in anguish.

"What in the world?" Rapidfire mouthed.

Aaron was lying helpless but dead on the dry ground flooded in his own blood. Above him, Rapidfire could see a figure as white as snow with dark woolen hair devouring him by the neck. Exactly how a vampire would attack but the figure wasn't thirsty, it was feeding on his body entirely like a zompire.


They heard as Chiang head was decapitated off his body, the spurt of crimson fluid streaked into the air and down like waterfall. Reacting based on reflexes, Amelia lashed out her right arm blasting a zompire with an energy course from nature that blew the creature into smithereens but with the creature death came more. She couldn't take them all and pushing Rapidfire forward, they rushed out of the cemetery.

At first Rapidfire and Amelia thought they would storm out of the cemetery but they couldn't, they tried but a fierce force struck them back leaving them no other choice than to retrieve back into their graves.

Noticing these, the figure above dead Aaron rose and immediately lashed out into the air like a cartoon jumping over trees like a monkey until it was out of sight and perception.

Rapidfire couldn't believe what he just saw, he saw one of the worst vampire in existence or was it a zompire? But zompires can't leave the cemetery. He doesn't know what he saw either but he was certain it was a lot like vampire, even superior. Amelia saw it either but had no idea what it was.

"What the hell was that thing?" She couldn't help but asked Rapidfire "That's not a vampire!" She added after walking towards Aaron to examine his corpse. She realized his neck was almost bit off his body, the only flesh effective around his neck was imitating a strand of vein. A little strain and he would be finally headless.

"That's not a vampire, not at all." Rapidfire responded "But that's our target." He led the way walking towards the forest "We have to find it." He shouted at Amelia and reluctantly, she followed.


Violetwall Town

Town Missionary Baptist Church

The town was empty, majority of the civilians has moved out of the town and would probably be back during the weekends. She kept running in her white patient garment, she was barefooted and that really helped her to run more faster. She couldn't even believe she could run so fast, so fast she at first couldn't stop herself.

Finally, she stopped in the middle of the street. The street was so empty except some parked cars at each sides of the road, she ran towards a car trying to unlock it but immediately she attempted her plan, she heard a loud flapping above her and suddenly, a large shadow drove in. It wasn't a bird nor was it an aeroplane, it was huge and elongating probably it was the support of the morning sun that illuminated out her false imagination.

She looked above and the appearance of a human-bat emerged, his appearance almost froze her breath in fear and she wobbled on her buttock heavily.


Silently like a bird, he landed. He goes by one known name, Tjandamurra, the werebat. His long jacket danced to the sharp wind of his emergence and slowly, his wings retracted.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I've had enough murder for the day." He spoke lackadaisically with his arms behind his back majestically.

Catherine wept slowly standing back on her feet "You murderer, you killed my father!" She grieved. She could easily attack the latter but she stands not a single chance against him.

Tjandamurra cut in instantly "But you stood there watching, I saw you. I heard your heart beats but decided not to do a thing, I was actually expecting a more impacting entrance from you but you just proved yourself worthless." He explained and Catherine couldn't stop weeping "Just fell me where the dhampir is and i will be gone." He requested.

Catherine looked around thinking she could find anything to defend or attack the latter but couldn't find anything, the street was solemnly occupied by mansions, closed abandoned restaurants and gardens at her right while at her left was a sole building, a wide enormous church to be precise. It has windows at each sides of it walls, at the zenith of the building was a cross insignia that caught her attention. Instantly, she remembered vampires are susceptible to holy water and crosses, perhaps the church could be of help.

She tried dashing towards the church but a wave of wind caught onto her and crashed her skimming over the ground like a stone on water. She groaned in pain, bruises all over her hands and faces but healed effectively even before she could noticed.

Tjandamurra was amazed by these, he couldn't sense any deformity from her neither could be describe which race she belongs to. The only sensations he got were her fears, weak human emotion. His wings flapped and more wind waves were released.

"I don't really know what you are, really impressive." He said walking towards her "Another mixed race, another abomination?" He asked after stopping few feets before her "Now, tell me where he is!" He requested with his right wing extracting dark claw from its edge.

Catherine sluggishly staggered back on her feet "I don't know what you are talking about." She replied.

"Wrong answer!" Tjandamurra cut in and his wing raced out but before it could get to her, the wing fell completely segregated from his back and he yelled in pain. Crimson fluids oozed down his back and he immediately went on one knee crying ceaselessly.

Catherine was more perplexed, she couldn't describe what just happened but what she noticed was an arrival of yellowish energized papers floating above the victim. She couldn't tell what the papers were but as soon as Tjandamurra tried attacking her with his left wing, the papers sliced through his flesh and finally rendered him wingless and flightless. He cried more in frantic pain, it would grow back but would take days.

"You came at the wrong time werebat!" A cold muscular voice hollowed behind Catherine and she was startled.

She looked behind to see an aged man, not too aged but old enough to have grey black short hair, beard around his upper and lower lips. He was black in complexion, has red eyes and dressed in what seems like white apostle robe, a red belt tied around his waist, silvery angles around his wrists and black leather boots. She also noticed something odd about the man, floating before him was an opened bible with each pages energized with yellowish auras floating scattered in the air, not unaffected by the wind or repulsion of nature.

Tjandamurra clenched his teeth in rage but he couldn't do anything, wouldn't be able to do anything. The least he could do was run but the stranger was ready for him. Before he could interact, he was surrounded by biblical pages glowing over him like the sun. The reaction of the biblical pages was intimidating, he screamed. The intensity of the the yellowish auras were hotter than the sun, at least to him. So hot his protective ring couldn't withstand the attack. He screamed incessantly until he couldn't anymore, his gullet elapsed into goo and eventually, his body deteriorated into nothing but burnt ashes.

"Evil exterminated!" The man addressed and Catherine was profounded, couldn't utter a word. She just looked at the man awed and weak then all of a sudden, she felt an envious gush within her. Unable to control herself, she blacked out into oblivion.