

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Mysterious Revelations

Violetwall Cemetery


He snapped a biscuit in between his teeth staring at the corpse before the entrance of the cemetery, it was unlike death to be outside the cemetery, death always appears to be inside but these baffles them. Behind Scott Evans stood Dutch also known as D and Matthew along some other members of the pack. Due to the Violetwall cemetery further to other towns and cities, it's nearer to Twilight Fall which serves as the home of Scott's pack.

The forest was as it was, tall trees and legumes ground but darkness was unhurriedly driving in. Although, it was always dark and out of Sun's reach but recently, it's becoming dark and the sun is slowly diving down the horizon. Scott was dressed in black short sleeve jacket, brown short and leather boots.

As the leader of the pack and the sheriff of the town, it's his duty to watch and observe the upheavals happening and recently, a member of his pack just reported a death case in the said forest. Scott looked around observing curiously until he found foot prints, boot prints to be precise. They were sixteen foot prints in total and hard to decide which it was and belongs to, he looked around again tracing the boots towards the entrance of the cemetery but instead of walking inside, he halted thoughtfully. He knows about the past history of the cemetery, as a matter of fact, everyone in the hidden world knows about it hidden mysteries.

"This is an attack, but not a werewolf bite." Matthew said behind Scott.

Scott brought from his pocket another biscuit then tossed it into his mouth, the flavour lubricated his mouth before oozing down his throat and he turned casually. He looked at the decayed corpse and back at his acolyte.

"Indeed, not a werewolf bite nor is it a werebeast attack." He said licking his lips as he muttered, he crouched before the corpse and took a deep look at the neck. The head has totally been decapitated from the neck and from the shards of fleshes and bones, worms squirmed and insects buzzed out. It was disgusting but he has seen worst. He swallowed and stood back on his feet.

"Could be a wild animal's attack." Matthew suggested again but Scott nodded negatively.

Mathew was wrong, he looked down at the corpse and back at them "The victim is a vampire, this isn't just an attack from a wild animal, it's an assault from another vampire." He explained finally.

"But vampires don't bite that deep." D interrupted.

"Effectively yes and that's where I'm confused, what could bite so hard that severs the head from the body could be vampire imitating or something worst." Scott thought.

"Perhaps we could find something reasonable in the forest." Just as Matthew said that, a figure amongst the pack walked down from the forest. He was holding in between his thumb and his index finger a bullet wrapped in green leaf.

He moved closer and stopped before Scott, he opened the leaf and it reflects to be a silver bullet "Found this in the forest!" He said handing the leaf wrapped bullet to Scott.

He took, look at it and his mind laughed, although it showed on his lips and he finally smiled widely. He already know who the bullet belongs to, he really wasn't expecting him to be tracked into the forest but truth be told, Rapidfire just made his day much better. He caressed the silver bullet in his hands after decomposing the leaf, it sure made an impact on his hand. Only the slow burning of skins were noticed but it wasn't too overwhelming.

"I think I know who these belongs to and i believe we all do." Scott said at the pack.

They exchanged gazes and back at Scott.

"So, he's the attacker?" A member of the pack asked.

Scott looked at him but Mathew responded instead "Whatever these Rapidfire is, we are certain he's not human but a bite so deep as this isn't his doing."

Scott looked back at Matthew "What makes you think so?" He asked.

Matthew looked back at him in return "Because if he's a werebeast or something more, why need a silver bullet? Besides, silver bullet hurts everything in the hidden world and whatever these guy is, he's nothing compared to beings residing within." He explained.

"What a thoughtful explanation?" Scott thought while looking down, he looked upward and around again "He should be residing somewhere close."

"Isn't it obvious?" D asked looking at everyone's face including Scott. They were confused by his response, so he had to exemplify more "This forest is a portion of Violetwall town, his last attack was in Twilight fall which is our territory and the nearest to the Violetwall cemetery and now, he just attack Violetwall cemetery." He preambled.

Scott sighed to his drowsy explanations but he understood what the latter was clarifying "So you think Rapidfire inhabits Violetwall?" He inquired and D nodded effectively. He looked at the pack and stuffed another biscuit into his mouth "Well then mate, search everywhere in Violetwall for these dude and be careful!" He announced.

"Be careful? We've taken down werebeasts bigger than him, what could he do?" Matthew snorted which attracted Scott handsomely.

"Remember these guy has murdered vampires than you'll ever have and it's just hitting night. So, be careful! I don't want counselling of the councils about any of my pack running wild" He lectured.

Affirmed, they nodded effectively and scattered throughout the forest leaving Scott in his thoughtful state. He stuffed his last biscuit into his mouth and heaved silently now staring at the cemetery with a pun smile on his face.


Violetwall Town

Town Missionary Baptist Church

"Don't make me hurt you daughter, who are you?" He asked again but not curiously putting Catherine in a shrouded state of confusion.

She couldn't think rapidly, she just looked at the pastor-like man scared and dumb. He saved him from death and still threatening her with death, could it not get a lot worst for her. She just jumped from one death to another.

"Emmm..." She thoughtfully muttered not knowing where to begin "I once suffered from a rare blood disease that threatened to take my life, it did actually but before i could pass out into the realm of the spirits, my father saved me." She began.

The man cut in swathing his buttock uncomfortably on the plastic chair he sat "Your father was a wizard?" He asked.

Catherine frowned to his question "No, he's not!"

"A vampiric wizard?" He asked again curiously and Catherine responded politely.

"He's nothing but a human, a mortal human if you're doubting. He just got killed by that false facetious monster!" She tried not to sob but tears came rolling down her cheek like pearls. She couldn't help herself but cleaned it off immediately.

The man felt sorry for her but her explanation hasn't given him what he sought yet "So, how did he save you?" He asked.

"Through science, he saved me using a boy's blood he has been fostering under his watch for years!" She answered back.

"So this boy's blood saved you?" The man inquired and she nodded effectively. He was more lost then decided to ask more "What exactly is this boy?"

Catherine smiled "He's gentle and cute, sometimes hard headed. I do hear him argue with my father sometimes but they're quiet beautiful together." She reminiscence that almost locked up her tears as smiles flourished on her lips but the man halted her happy moment.

"What I meant was, what EXACTLY is these boy you speak of, not your strange romance with him?" He asked emphasizing a word in his sentence.

Catherine raised an eyebrow "Wow, I'm not in love with him."

The man sank into his chair nodding negatively "Just tell me what he is!" He ordered.

"Simple, my dad said he's a half human and a half vampire!" She replied casually.

The man was amazed, he almost jolted off his chair but he stood like a gentleman. His mind raced into a thoughtful marathon, he helped Catherine on her feet and turned at the alter. Catherine noticed the changes on his face and she asked.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

The man paid no attention to her, he just kept his thoughts to himself and sighed endlessly "So, there has been a Dhampir right here under my nostrils all these years and i couldn't sense him?" He asked himself.

"That's because he doesn't stay at home a lot and you wouldn't even had noticed him if you'd met him." She replied.

The man looked at him "The name is Bishop Daimon Earl, founder of these church." He addressed himself.

Catherine scoffed "Wait, what? You're the founder of these church? I thought the Earl family built these church?" She said and thought after a few second "Wait a minute, you're Daimon Earl, son of Earl?" She asked again with enthusiast in her voice.

The man nodded positively and she almost fainted. The Earl as a family is one of the oldest in the city, they are so old people considered them to be immortal but they aren't. Years ago before the enlightenment of men, during the medieval period after Jesus birth, the Earl also known as the godfather of the Earls was a bishop. A believer who witnessed yet believed in the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ, Earl was believed to be amongst the oldest vampires in existence. The Earls as vampires aren't just average vampires but extremely powerful vampires unhindered by the limitations of vampires, no one knows how but perhaps it was because of their family lineage as vampires of glorious sight and deeds. It was even heard in biblical history that Earl, the godfather of the Earls once survived holy water and holy afflictions that could destroy a vampire with ease during his reign of been known as a vampire living amongst men.

Daimon Earl as the last but not the least generational son of the Earl family is a vampire, it's permanent in their blood. He was born as a vampire but not just a vampire but one with great powers, with what Catherine saw him did to the werebat that almost killed her, she claimed him to be an ascended vampire.

"Wow, you are a legend here bishop!" Catherine screamed.

Bishop Daimon scoffed and turned his back at her "Indeed but what's a great life with no one to care for. I've been here lonely my entire life for decades." He said but Catherine interrupted.

"Wait, what about the other Earls?" She asked.

Bishop Daimon looked at her and urged her to follow him. She did and they walked behind the alter into a narrow path that looks at first endless until they got to a door which indicates prehistoric designs. Bishop Daimon pushed the door open revealing a very wide room within, it was so wide it simulated a colosseum with several sarcophagus arranged generationally from the first Godfather Earl to the last. The ceiling of the room was prehistoric and so old it's the oldest material in the church.

Catherine just opened her mouth in awe, she couldn't believed her eyes. She just stared with contentment and enthusiasm, the room contained all buried bodies of all Earls but why preserve their bodies when after death, they decay?

She couldn't answer herself, so she asked "Why preserve their bodies when after death, their bodies would decay?"

The bishop chuckled to her understanding of natural phenomenon and looked at her a little "For major vampires, their bodies would decompose immediately after death but as for my vampiric race, we don't!" He responded "Instead, after death, our bodies as we believe stays intact until it's high time to resurrect."

Catherine scoffed to his madness "Resurrect!" She repeated but judging by the seriousness on the bishop's face she asked "Resurrect?"

"Yeah, resurrection is real!" He finalized before walking out and reluctantly, their followed while the door closed by itself "Now, tell me, where can i find this dhampir?" He asked.

Catherine thought "he could be anywhere but I heard lately he has started working for the councils of the hidden world!" She answered.

Bishop Daimon stopped in motion and looked at her curiously "The councils? Why?" He asked.

"I don't know." She responded.

Daimon sighed "I can't believe I'm eventually going to do these but for the sake of the hidden world and the known world, I'm going to help you." He said.

Catherine chuckled lightly "help me? I never requested for your help." She lamented.

Daimon nodded "good, we are going back to your house!" He finalized moving forward.

Confused and perplexed at the same time, Catherine froze for a moment before tagging along like a child.