
Chapter 147.

"The next time you will go after her, call her or even stay a metre close to her, you will regret it."

Dela Cruz scoffed in amusement. "And what if she is the one who seeks my presence?"

Lucas didn't reply as that was what he feared the most. Maybe it was time to tell her who Dela Cruz really is. He wanted her to have her fun after Cecil informed him of her whereabouts but he couldn't take it any longer as something told him Dela Cruz was up to something.

He was keeping her away from him for her own safety.

When he got to the car, he gently placed Laurel down. She turned around to land a slap to his face but as usual he caught it, leaving her angrier and speechless. Couldn't he have taken the slap like a pro? Laurel slid into the car with a scowl on her face.

As Cecil drives home with Sebastian by his side, Lucas and Laurel at the back seat and Antonia at the further seat. Her hands were tied and her lips were shut with a tape.