
Chapter 146.

"Yes, since you have decided not to keep yourself before marriage..."

"Hold on." Laurel scoffed. "Is that what you can say to me after many years of running away from me?"

Antonia swung her legs over. "You see that's where you are wrong. I didn't run away. I went to pursue something better for the both of us."

"You haven't changed." Laurel replied in bewilderment. "Here you are seated like you own the beach and you cannot even reconcile with your sister. Whatever happened to the person I talked to over the phone?"

"So many questions Laurel and yet you cannot allow me to answer one. The question I asked you is where is your second husband?"

Laurel shook her head. "You are sick in the head of you think I am going to answer such a silly question." She began to walk away. "Let's go." She snapped at Dela Cruz who was wondering what was going on.