
Chapter 148.

She walked in to see Lucas already there. He was wiping his sweat with a towel and it seems like he didn't remove his clothes. Good, he was as bothered as she was. She turned to walk away.

"Wait, laurel don't go." Lucas called, walking briskly towards her before she could escape.

Laurel paused halfway. She didn't fell like having a conversation with him. Besides her sister was at the other side of the house. She could hear them if they raised their voices. Yet she stopped.

Lucas seemed to know why she didn't want to say anything. "Don't worry, this room is sound proof."

Laurel unknowingly exhaled in relief. "Why do you act so possessive of me? What is it to you if I visit any of my friends?"

Lucas scoffed. "He is no friend."

"Even if he is a dangerous man, what makes you think being with you isn't dangerous enough huh?" Laurel asked bravely.