
Chubby Love

Lumi Mitchell and Ren Kim met at a very young age and became best of friends until a tragedy comes to the Kim household causing them to drift apart. They later relight their flame in high school but once again fate has chosen them to be apart. Will they meet again in college and be able to seal the deal once and for all?

nvreverfindme · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Unexpected Kiss.

Ren helped Lumi to the sitting area where there was no one around. He found it was not as easy as he thought since he too was now starting to feel the effects of the alcohol he had already taken earlier.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." Ren said as he left her side.

"Where are you going?" She asked with her eyes closed. The room was starting to spin.

She was put in a large arm chair where she could rest the side of her head on.

A few moments later Ren returned with a water bottle. He twisted the cap and handed her the bottle.

"Here's some water. Drink it."

Lumi looked up at him and inspected his face. Her cheeks blushed but the alcohol gave her a new confidence she hadn't had before.

She took the bottle from his hand a little too roughly squeezing it. The water came gushing out over her silk blouse which made it cling to her breast

"Ah," She gasped.

He sighed as he took the bottle back from her. He looked at the wet areas on her blouse and then looked away when he noticed her shirt cupping her breast perfectly.

She really shouldn't be drinking. He thought to himself.

"I'm sorry." She whispered looking down at her shirt and then laying back against the large chair again unbothered.

"It's ok, it's just water. It will dry in a bit." He tried to reassure her.

He walked over to the chair next to hers and sat down. He felt the alcohol trying to take his control from him so he sipped from the water bottle.

Lumi sat up and turned to face him. He nearly choked on his water when he noticed her stare.

"What were you and Chloe talking about?" She asked.

He recomposed himself and then cleared his throat. "Nothing."

"Seemed like something." She tried her best to not come off jealous.

He was confused why she wanted to know so badly. Surely she did not think he would betray her by telling Chloe their scheme.

"I wasn't even listening to be honest."

Lumi smiled at him and then began to giggle. She didn't know why it was so amusing but nonetheless she laughed at the thought of Chloe talking to herself while Ren was thinking of other things.

Ren liked her laugh. It made him smile in return.

Lumi's eyes widened. "I like your smile." She blurted out.

Ren looked away and his smile faded. His cheeks slowly heated up.

"You know, everyone thinks you're really hot." She said eyes closed and put her head back onto the chair again.

"What do you think?" He asked boldly.

Lumi giggled again trying to contain herself and her thoughts. She had admired him for so long she had plenty to say.

Instead she replied, "You're ok Ren."

He was slightly disappointed in her response but it was very Lumi of her to say that. When they were younger he and Lumi were aware a lot of girls in their middle school had a crush on him.

Lumi used to tease him about his looks and the way he would flick his hair and the girls would swoon. She would flick her hair at him at times which made him laugh or roll his eyes.

"There you are!" Jade said running up to Lumi. "I've been looking for you."

Lumi sat up and smiled at her friend. "I've been looking for you."

"Let's go back outside. It's so nice out." Jade said.

Lumi stood up and grabbed onto her tipsy friend's arm and they both stumbled back outside. Ren followed behind them.

The trio made it back outside to rejoin the crowd but didn't stay for long.

"Freddy, let's show Lumi that spot." Jade said at the blondie sitting next to Oliver.

"Heck yeah let's go! Come on Ren." Freddy said as he got up and slapped Ren on the back.

They followed the two females through a small trail in the woods to the lakeshore.

Lumi's eye's lit up when she saw the moon's reflection in the lake. It was beautiful. The water was still and the stars were twinkling.

"I know right." Jade said with a smile.

Ren walked up to stand next to Lumi and looked at the view. He had seen it many times before but it was still a beautiful sight.

Jade slowly let go of Lumi and told her she'd be right back. She ran to grab Freddy's arm and pulled him back through the woods to rejoin the group back at the fire pit.

Ren watched their failed attempt to sneak off and then turned back to Lumi who was still too engrossed with the view to care.

The cool air nipping at Lumi slowly helped to sober her up. Ren could tell she was cold so he took off his zip up and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Oh no it's ok you keep it." She tried.

He did not remove the jacket.

"Thanks." She said looking down at her shoes holding his jacket tight around her elbows.

Ren shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to look out at the lake.

They just stood there for the next couple of minutes enjoying the peace and quiet.



They both said at the same time. Lumi giggled a little and Ren stiffened.

"You go first." Lumi said.

Ren took a breath and dug his foot into the dirt.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry."

Lumi looked up at him and blinked.

Ren tried to avoid her gaze and proceeded to say "I'm sorry things ended the way…"

Lumi didn't let him finish.


Ren turned to look at her, shocked at her response.

Lumi looked down again and continued, "You don't have to say sorry."

A couple of seconds passed.

"I didn't understand at first but as the years went on I understood why you would need space."

Lumi began to swell up with emotions and tried her best not to tear up. But the combination of the pain she remembered and alcohol running through her veins was making it hard

"I was clingy and I'm sure that didn't help with everything you had going on…I'm sor-"

Ren stopped her before she could apologize for something that was not her fault.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. When he saw the sparkling liquid in her eyes he lost it and leaned down to press his lips on top of hers.

Lumi's eyes widened and then slowly closed savoring the moment. Ren's hands tightened on her shoulders as he felt the plush softness of her lips against his. He was tempted to flick them open with his tongue but instead pulled back.

Lumi opened her glazed hazel eyes to look up at him. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it would burst in her chest.

Ren's chest was beating just as fast as he looked down at the stunned female, his hands still on her shoulders.

He slowly leaned down to rest his forehead on one of his hands on her shoulder. Lumi stood very still, almost rigid.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I-I should have talked to you after..." He couldn't build up the courage to say mourning.

"I promise I'll never leave again." He whispered.

Lumi smiled and reached a hand up to touch his other hand on her shoulder. When he stood back up straight to release her shoulders he accidently pulled off his jacket from her shoulders. It fell onto the dirt and they both reached down to grab it.

"Let's go back." Lumi said as she stood up with him letting him take the jacket.

Ren nodded and then reached for her hand to interlace their fingers. Lumi looked down at their hands as they walked back to the group. She was the happiest she had ever been at that moment.

When the two returned Ren let go of her hand. She placed her palms together to share the warmth he had given her.

Lumi saw Jade lumped over in an iron chair and she rushed to her friend's side.

"Are you ok Jade?" She asked, concerned.

Jade shot her head back to look up at Lumi. She smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"You guys should sleep here tonight. Most of us are." Freddy said. He was seated beside Jade.

"Yeah don't drive." Oliver said drunkenly from the other side of Freddy.

Lumi looked around and saw all the girls had left and it was just a few guys left. She was a little concerned but figured they should be fine. They were all friends after all.

"Ren, you're the least drunk. Can you show them the 2nd guest room?" Oliver asked, trying to kill the fire now.

"Yeah. You got her?" Ren asked as Lumi was attempting to pick up Jade.

Jade hung from Lumi's shoulder and Lumi gave Ren an assuring smile.

Once they were shown to their room Lumi dropped Jade onto the bed and straightened her out on one side.

She wiped her hands off on her pants and turned around to say goodnight to Ren.

"We should be good." Lumi said with a slight smile.

"Ok if you need anything you can text me." Ren replied.

"Thanks, goodnight."


He shut the door behind him. Lumi walked to the other side of the bed and plopped down onto it facing the window. She reviewed the night in her head and silently squealed when she got to the part where Ren kissed her. She could still recall his manly shampoo scent when he placed his head down on her shoulder.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face.