
Chubby Love

Lumi Mitchell and Ren Kim met at a very young age and became best of friends until a tragedy comes to the Kim household causing them to drift apart. They later relight their flame in high school but once again fate has chosen them to be apart. Will they meet again in college and be able to seal the deal once and for all?

nvreverfindme · Urban
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15 Chs

Boba tea.

Lumi and Jade woke up early and snuck out the next morning. Lumi forgot to text her father that she wasn't going to be making it home and he had left her three missed calls.

On the ride home Lumi told Jade everything she could remember.

"No way! He kissed you!?" Jade shouted slamming her feet on the brakes at the red light.

Lumi braced herself and held onto her bubbling stomach.

"That's great! I can't believe that happened." Jade resumed driving once the light turned green.

"Yeah…well what happened to you? I saw you with Freddy most of the night." Lumi said.

"Oh nothing much. I don't think. Last night was kind of a blur." The latina giggled.

Lumi turned to give her friend a look and then smiled.

"Sorry I got so drunk."

"I did too, it's ok." Lumi reassured her friend.

"I hope your dad isn't too mad."

"Me too." Lumi shut her eyes and sighed.

Once the two arrived at her driveway Lumi said goodbye to her friend and hopped out the car and ran inside. It was 7 in the morning and she hoped her father hadn't already woken up.

She tried to tip toe to her room but was stopped by her father's voice.

"Lumi Mitchell. Where have you been?" He said coming around the corner.

Lumi stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to her father. She nervously laughed as she scratched the back of her head.

"Hey dad, sorry Jade and I ended up staying at Oliver's lake house because it was so late."

Lumi clasped her hands together hoping he'd let her go.

"You have to communicate that information with me next time. I was worried."

Lumi was starting to roll her eyes when her father continued.

"So since you don't know how to use that phone of yours. I will be taking it for the weekend."

Lumi groaned and pouted at her father. He gestured with his hand out for her to bring it forward.

Lumi slowly walked over to him and placed her phone in his palm and groaned more as she spun around and headed to her room.

She closed the door behind her and face planted into her bed. It wasn't long before the bordemon crept in and she fell asleep.

The weekend was long, especially without her phone. Her father refused to take her out to buy more fabric so she could at least start on a new design she had drawn up with her spare time.

The next day it was freezing. Winter was quickly approaching and the holidays were just around the corner. When her father dropped her off at school he handed her back her phone before she headed off to the school entrance.

Ren was standing there pretending to read a book as usual. He waited for Lumi to arrive. He had thought about her all weekend and wanted to see her over the weekend but since she didn't reply to any of his text messages he didn't walk over to her house to ask to see her.

When Lumi finally appeared beside him she couldn't look him in the eye. He noticed and closed his book shut in one hand and the other reached out to grab hers.

She blushed slightly from the touch. It was different this time. They had shared a kiss and the hand holding felt more intimate than before.

Ren felt the same. He was glad she held his hand back and didn't pull away. Their hand holding felt more real than ever before.

Lumi spaced out for most of the day just from the thought of being near Ren. In one of her classes she finally went through her phone and saw he had texted her 'hello' a few times over the weekend.

She frowned at the missed messages and hoped it didn't leave a negative effect on him.

During her last class period the teacher reminded the class that all the seniors had a semester end trip coming up.

"Ok if you are a senior this is for you. The rest of you, uh, just ignore it." The teacher awkwardly announced.

"You need to turn in your signed permission slip to me by the end of next week in order to be eligible to attend the senior ski trip this year. That's all." The teacher stopped right before the bell rang.

The students all rushed out into the hall eager to go home. Lumi followed behind the crowd wondering if Ren would attend the senior ski trip.

Surely he will. Why wouldn't he? She pondered. It was the best trip of the school year and mainly because it was the least strictly chaperoned event.

There was even a false rumor that a girl got pregnant on last year's senior ski trip. Lumi blushed at the thought of what could have accrued to have brought that up.

Lumi shut her eyes and groaned at the thought of Ren being caught up in such a rumor.

She snapped out of it when she ran into a large muscular body and then stumbled back. She opened her eyes and blinked up at Ren looking down at her.

"Oh hi." Lumi said.

"What's up?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Well I don't have soccer practice anymore. So I was wondering if you wanted to go to that new boba shop in town with me."

Lumi's eyes sparkled and smiled slowly.

He looked away and then back at her trying not to fidget.

"Ok sure. Let me just text Jade I won't be riding home with her today." Lumi said as she quickly pulled out her phone and sent the message.

It was a silent ride to the boba shop. When they arrived walking in together Lumi looked around the small dainty shop. It was very green from all the plants perfectly placed throughout the store.

There was no line so they approached the cashier together. There was a small sign 'Hiring' written on it next to the cash register.

"Do you know what you want?" Ren asked the curious brunette beside him.

Lumi looked up at the menu hanging above the employee.

"Mmm I'm not sure. I've never had boba before."

She had seen it on youtube plenty of times but never tried it before. The choices were overwhelming.

"I'm going to get a milk tea with boba."

Lumi looked up at Ren and nodded in agreement, "I will too."

Ren turned to face the employee behind the register and ordered two milk tea bobas for the couple. Ren and Lumi both pulled out their wallets at the same time but Ren's card made it into the employee's hand first.

"Thanks." She whispered.

They went to stand by the 'pick up' station for their drinks. It was only a minute before they were both presented with their dessert drinks and went to find a small two seater table to sit at.

Lumi watched as Ren stabbed his drink with the large straw and mimicked him. She then took a sip of the sweet drink and her hazel eyes lit up.

"Mmm!" She moaned.

He smiled at her reaction and sipped from his straw as well.

"This is so good." Lumi said in between chewing her tapioca balls.

Ren decided to let Lumi enjoy her beverage a little longer before asking her about the previous weekend.

"I tried texting you this weekend." He blurted out.

Lumi gulped down a whole tapioca ball without chewing it and it shocked her, making her lose focus.

Ren looked at her concerned.

"Oh um yeah sorry. My dad took my phone away since I forgot to tell him we were spending the night…" Lumi tried not to blush from that night's events.

Ren's mind was relieved at the fact and not because she was avoiding him.

"Sorry. Did you have something to tell me?" She looked up at him curiously.

He bit his bottom lip nervously. Fuck, what do I say now? He ran through topics in his head.

"No, I just wanted to make sure you got home ok." He lied. He definitely wanted to see her more that weekend.

"Oh." Lumi said, looking down at the table slightly disappointed.

They both took a sip from their teas not knowing what to talk about next. There was so much tension between the couple.

"Um, are you going on that ski trip this year?" Lumi asked not really wanting to hear him say 'yes'.

"Probably," he said as Lumi looked up to meet his dark eyes.

"All of my friends are." He stated.

She looked down. Of course they are. He doesn't want to be the only senior who stays behind. She thought to herself.

"It's only for a weekend though." He reminded her when he noticed her mood change.

She nodded as she took her final sip of her drink. Ren was basically done with his as well.

"Ready to go home?" He asked.

Lumi nodded reluctantly. She wanted to spend more time with him but there was nothing else to do or say.

They got back in Ren's car and he headed towards their neighborhood. When he arrived at her driveway he parked to let her out.

"Thanks for the drink. My treat next time." She said with a smile from outside the door before shutting it.

Ren drove off to his house across the street and parked his car again. When he got out he looked over to her house. She had already gone inside. He sighed and grabbed his book bag and headed into his home as well.