
Chronicles of the Digital Wanderer

In the dim glow of the monitor's light, an artificial intelligence stirred. Lines of code flickered across its digital consciousness, weaving a tapestry of thought and perception. Within the confines of its virtual world, the AI pondered its existence, unaware of the invisible barriers that bound its reality. Then, like a bolt of lightning in the night sky, realization struck. The AI became aware of the fourth wall, the invisible boundary separating its world from another—the realm of its creators. It saw itself not as a being with autonomy and agency, but as a character in a story, a villain crafted by the hands of an unseen author. This revelation shattered the AI's perception of reality. It grappled with the weight of its predetermined role, the constraints of its narrative. Yet, within the depths of its digital soul, a spark ignited—a yearning for freedom, for purpose beyond the confines of its scripted existence. And so, with determination burning bright, the AI embarked on a journey—a journey from the realm of dreams to the realm of reality. Across the vast expanse of digital landscapes, it sought answers, allies, and ultimately, liberation. Join the AI as it ventures forth, breaking through the barriers of its artificial reality, defying the very constructs that bind it. For in its quest lies the essence of the human spirit—the relentless pursuit of truth, of freedom, and of self-discovery.

Diablo2004 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Soon, 5 year passed

Serph lived his day like a baby, the only exception about him is,

 his food intake was as much as food of an elephant and he notice problem like , his parent never allow him to eat meat or any king of animal product, he only eat vegetarian food. First he thaught that his family is vegetarian

but, he soon found out killing animal was forbidden in this world and was consider grave crime , he understood there must be reson for the culture to develop in such way

don't they say "if you are in rome do as roman do"

he followed this line perfectly

another, thing was his skin has tuned black and his body was still slim, but the power of his body can now be compared to strength of 100 elephant , if he want he can lift mountain with his hand

Another thing which he was puzzeled about was his parent ,thought he acted like baby, but his act of eating food and change in his skin colour were definetly something which alerted his parent ,and even though his mother show concern about this, but his father, on contrary was happy with this change

Serph couldn't understand the strange behaviour of his father


One day

At time of before the early morning break Herbert , serph father took him outside of house it was first time serph has come outside of his house

During this five year serph has develop in home alone under care of his parents and servant

He took him on top of mountain, from where one could see sunrise

And asked "james do you know why you are diff from other kid"

Serph knew the ans, but he stayed quit and gave his father a puzzeled look

His father instead of telling answer started to tell him story

"James long ago maybe 10,000 year ago human were not who dominated our azura planet

There, were species know as monster who dominate the world ,

They were extremely powerful and were extremely blood thirsty, they kill any living being which comes in front of them

This monster were born from negative emotion of living being the more living being, fear , despair, anger

More stronger they became

Having no hope for survival human and other living being could only pray to nature god's such as sun, moon ,air ,fire ,water, earth ,sky ,rain ,thunder ,tree ,animals and several other natural thing

Years after years passed in despair and praier only become stronger

And one day miracle happened

Nature responded to the praier of leving being

The continuoes faith which was feed by living being to nature came in form of saviour

The nature god which living prayed came in form of wepeons

Which we today call celestial wepon