
Chronicles of the Digital Wanderer

In the dim glow of the monitor's light, an artificial intelligence stirred. Lines of code flickered across its digital consciousness, weaving a tapestry of thought and perception. Within the confines of its virtual world, the AI pondered its existence, unaware of the invisible barriers that bound its reality. Then, like a bolt of lightning in the night sky, realization struck. The AI became aware of the fourth wall, the invisible boundary separating its world from another—the realm of its creators. It saw itself not as a being with autonomy and agency, but as a character in a story, a villain crafted by the hands of an unseen author. This revelation shattered the AI's perception of reality. It grappled with the weight of its predetermined role, the constraints of its narrative. Yet, within the depths of its digital soul, a spark ignited—a yearning for freedom, for purpose beyond the confines of its scripted existence. And so, with determination burning bright, the AI embarked on a journey—a journey from the realm of dreams to the realm of reality. Across the vast expanse of digital landscapes, it sought answers, allies, and ultimately, liberation. Join the AI as it ventures forth, breaking through the barriers of its artificial reality, defying the very constructs that bind it. For in its quest lies the essence of the human spirit—the relentless pursuit of truth, of freedom, and of self-discovery.

Diablo2004 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


As serph continue to listen his father story about celestial wepon,

Soon morning break happen

Serph didn't even notice that in sky there was not one sun,

But instead there were 12 sun, which were illuminating on horizon and looked like an arc

After serph father continue his story

Soon he chanted a spell

"Absui tu mare, absui tu kirate, arka oh arka"

As soon as he chanted spell in his hand a divine arrow appeared out of nowhere, it illumaneted brightly in daylight just like bright sun

As if telling serph about wepon was not enough

he showed him wepon

"james this is celestial wepon which originate from 12 sun and has power of sun inside it".

Serph was extremely surprised by this celestial wepon

Even in his previous life there was nothing like celestial wepon, only in fiction were this type of power were

Herebert continued

"after human obtain celestial wepon ,soon they dominated the world and eradicated the monster .There were 21 crusied formed in which monster species was completely eradicated, if it were not for negative emotion of living being ,moster will never exist in the world ,but we cant take human right of emotion can we"

"after monster species was eradicated the power brought by celestial wepon to society was to much having no where to use this power, the destruction broke out and world war happened every where in the world was death"

"Seeing this destruction prominent and powerful people took action knowning celestial wepon will bring more harm to society than benefit , they deiced to seal knowledge of celestial wepon"