

Okay,let's continue.The next lesson is about the Void,our universe.It is a vast,spreading world filled with energy,and creatures.We are surrounded by the Void and it is part of our world.Our world is connected to the Void,and is just as powerful as it is.This is why our world can be affected by the Void,for it is a part of our world.Now,tell me,how does one protect their world from the Void"

A tall human,with long black hair and eyes the color of steel stood up.

"Master,I am Nel,and I have been gifted with the power to wield magic,as well as knowledge of our World,Xallem.I was also blessed with a knowledge of our world,the planet we inhabit.I believe that the best way to protect our world,is to defend it,and make sure it is protected at all times.I was told that if we don't defend it,it will fall into the Void,and no longer exist."

I smiled at the human.

"That's right Nel,you have been given a very important duty.As you know,the Void is dangerous,for it is filled with dark energy.This is why we have to protect ourselves from it,so we don't become lost and unable to return home.You must learn how to defend our world,so others don't fall into the Void.It is also important for you to learn about the Void and the creatures inhabiting it,so you may be prepared for anything.I have told you this so you may know what your duties are.Your job is to protect the world and help others,but your job is also to learn about the world you live in,to be prepared for the future,and to help your fellow creations.There is nothing more powerful than knowledge,so I am giving it to you.Use it well"

Nel nodded,grateful for his task,and happy to know he will be able to help.

"Thank you master"

I dismissed him and he sat back down.

"Okay,let's continue.The next lesson is about the council.The council is an organization that governs our world.It was created by me and I have appointed several creatures to lead it.They are very important,for they keep our world in check.They keep all of us in check.You must follow their orders and listen to them,for they are here to help you.They will listen to your requests and will help you in any way possible.Remember that they are here to protect you,as well as serve you,so do not be afraid to ask for their help"

I paused for a moment.

"Now,how do we know if the council is lying to us,or if they are doing something bad"

All creatures stood.

"Master,I am Jek,and I have been blessed with the power to see the truth.I can see past lies and I can see when someone is hiding something.I can also see if someone is hurting someone else,or doing something wrong.I was given the ability to help others by telling them the truth,to keep them from harming others"

"That's correct Jek.This is why the council is a very important thing,for they can keep our world safe.It is also important that you tell others the truth,because it will help them.They will know if something is wrong,or if someone is being lied to.You will be able to help others by telling them the truth,so do not hesitate to do so.There is nothing worse than living a lie,so tell the truth and make others' lives better.You will be able to help many people with this power,so do not hesitate to use it.Now,tell me,what is the worst thing that can happen when you lie?"

Jek thought for a moment before answering.

"Master,I believe the worst thing that can happen is when you lie about a person's past,or when you lie about something bad happening in their future.If they hear these things,they might lose hope in their life,which could lead to their death."

"Good,that's exactly right.You must not lie about their past or their future,for this will destroy them.Their hope will be lost and they will be filled with despair,which will only lead to their death.They must live their life without being afraid of anything,so you must tell them the truth.Remember that there are people out there who will want to harm you,so if they try to lie,or if they try to manipulate you,tell them you don't believe them,then you can leave,but only if you believe them to be telling the truth.Never let yourself get lied to,for it will destroy you from the inside out.Now,do you know what to do if you see someone trying to hurt others"

Jek once again thought for a moment before answering.

"Master,if I see someone hurting others,I will tell them to stop,then I will use my power to help the person in trouble.I will also inform the council if the person is harming others"

"Good,that's exactly right.This is why the council is so important,because it can protect everyone from bad people who will try to harm others.You must be able to tell the difference between the good people and the bad people,so when you see someone doing something wrong,you must stop them.If they do something bad,then you must tell them not to do it,and if they try to manipulate you,you must get away from them as soon as you can.These are your responsibilities,so do not neglect them"

Jek smiled proudly,knowing he was capable of being a protector of others,and was happy to know the importance of the council.

"Thank you master"

I dismissed him and he went back to his seat.

"Alright,let's continue.