
Creature’s Thought

Show me what you are capable of"

The dragon began to glow and I felt the energy flow into her.She grew larger and stronger,as well as more beautiful and graceful.Her scales became hard and strong and her wings grew larger and more elegant.Her tail lengthened and her talons became sharper and longer,and her neck lengthened as well.Her eyes gleamed in the dimly lit room and she stared at me proudly.

"You have done well Telx,you will be an excellent guardian of this world"

The dragon bowed her head low.

"Thank you master,I will do my best to serve you and the world"

"As will I"

All my creations said at once.

"Good,now take a seat and we will begin your training.You have abilities to learn and weapons to wield.There is much to do"

All my creations took their seats and listened closely as I began the first lesson.

"Now,let's begin.The first lesson is how to use magic.In your magical energy,you hold a little bit of everything.It is an unlimited source,for the Void is infinite,and contains everything in it.Your magical energy is very powerful,but it can also be very dangerous.You must be careful not to overuse it,or else you will harm yourself.Now,how would you use this magic to heal yourself"

The next Orc stood and approached me.

"Master,my name is Jizen,I have been blessed with healing magic,I can heal the sick and wounded"

I smiled at the Orc.

"Very good Jizen,this is excellent.Now how would you heal an enemy"

The Orc stared at the ground for a moment before looking up.

"I would use my magic to strike them down,to make them weaker"

"Wrong,healing is not about hurting someone,it's about helping them,making them better,helping them.Healing magic wasnot created to create an army of killers,but an army of helpers,people who will serve others,and protect them.This is why healing is more important than hurting,if you want to be a healer,then you must be a helper,and a protector,not a fighter.Healers are the most important creatures in the world,for without them,there is no hope for others to survive.And you have that ability to heal,but only if you learn how to use it.It is not just about hurting someone,it is also about helping them,so do not worry about killing or injuring anyone.Healing is not about death,but life.Remember this and use it as your power source"

The Orc looked shocked at my words,but he understood them,and bowed his head.

"Thank you master,I will try"

"Good,that's all I can ask for.You are dismissed"

The Orc nodded and sat back down.

"Okay,let's continue.The next lesson is about our world,Xallem.It is a magical world,a world filled with many different kinds of creatures and places.It is a world filled with mystery,magic and beauty.This is why it is important to learn how to use magic,and to discover the world you inhabit.It is also important to learn about our world,so you may know where your strengths are and where your weaknesses lie.Now,come up here and tell me,what is our world made of"

A small group of fauns,with long green hair and soft green skin approached me.

"Master,my name is Rew,I am a faun and we know about our world,the land of Freesia.We know how to survive in this world,how to hunt,and how to gather resources.We know the land,how to travel,and how to protect ourselves.We also know how to fight,to defend ourselves when needed"

"Very good Rew,these are very important things to know.You must be knowledgeable about our world,for if you do not know something,you must learn it,and you will be more than capable to survive.If you don't know how to survive,how to hunt,or what to eat,you will be hungry,thirsty and weak,which will make it harder to protect yourself and the people you care about.Knowledge is power,and knowing your surroundings gives you power over it.You will never be helpless again,for I will teach you how to protect yourselves and the world you inhabit"

Rew bowed his head and smiled,glad to know he was useful to his master.

"Thank you master"

The faun then sat back down.