
Last lesson

Alright,let's continue.The last lesson is about magic.There is a lot you can do with your magical energy.You can make yourself stronger,faster,and tougher,you can heal others and yourself.You can use it to make yourself invisible and make it so others cannot hear or see you.You can even create illusions that people will see when they look at you.All of these things are possible with your magical energy.Now,how will you use your magical energy?"

A goblin with short black hair and a large shield stepped forward.

"Master,my name is Biz,and I was blessed with the ability to wield magic and learn about our world.I was also told that I have the ability to learn about anything I want to know about.I believe this power will be very useful when I am fighting in a battle,because it will help me survive,and win"

I smiled and praised the goblin.

"Very good Biz,you have been given an extremely important gift.This is why it is so important for you to use this power wisely and carefully.If you are not careful,it will lead to your destruction.Remember that you must not kill anyone,unless they try to kill you.Also,remember that you must not hurt anyone.You must protect yourself,and protect others,but you must not hurt anyone.This is important because if you hurt someone,they may come back and attack you.It is important that you don't kill anyone,for then they will come back and haunt you for all eternity.Know this,you must protect yourself at all times,but never hurt anyone.You must also know that magic can be used to heal others.You must not only use it for fighting and hurting,but for helping and protecting.Healers are very important creatures,because they can help others.They are capable of healing others,but they also give them hope.They give others strength to survive and keep living.Without them,there will be no future,so you must use your magic wisely.It is an important part of your job,so don't forget that.You must also learn how to become strong and powerful,so you can fight and protect others.Use your strength and abilities to make others happy and safe.Also remember that there are many things to learn in this world.It is a big place,filled with mysteries and wonder.It is important that you learn as much as you can,so you can better yourself and those around you.Remember that,others will come to you for help,and you must be able to give it to them.These are all things I have learned,now I will teach you"

All the creatures nodded their heads in agreement and understanding.

"Okay,let's continue.As you all know,you were created by me to help me.I have told you all of this because you must help me,because I will help you.I want to make this world the best it can be,so I have given you magical abilities so you can make it happen.These powers will help you make others happy and safe.You will also be able to do more than just protect them,you will be able to heal them,help them with their tasks,and provide them with everything they need.You can also make yourself invisible,make your weapons sharper,and give yourself more strength and speed.These things will help you in times of battle,so remember that they are important.Remember that you must never kill anyone,because then they will come back and haunt you.They will try to hurt you and your friends,so you must not let anyone hurt you or your friends.Use your magic wisely and use it well.If you have been blessed with healing magic .It is important that you know this,so don't hesitate to use it"

All the creatures bowed their heads low and nodded at my words.

"Alright,that's enough for now.Go rest and and live your life in my first world, Xallem.Spread my name to your children and they will share with their children,so that all generations will worship me.I have given you the tools to survive,the weapons you need to fight.You have the knowledge of the world,you know what you have to do.Now,do it and become the most powerful race in the Void"

My creations smiled at my words,thanking me for everything.

"Yes master"

"Thank you god"

"Thank you Kylian"

"Thank you for everything you've done for us"

"Thank you for teaching us"

My creations then left the room immediately teleporting to their various continents on Xallem,leaving me all alone.